Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter 579: Watching The Excitement Is Not A Big Deal (5/5)

After a simple dinner, everyone fell asleep. In the middle of the night, Su Mo was awakened by a sound of chasing. He got up and looked along the door. It turned out that Fang Yan was fighting with the shop waiter. Seeing this, Su Mo didn't help immediately, but swaggered and looked lively.

Hua Yi also stood up to find out the truth. It turned out that the waiter in the shop became greedy when he saw that Su Mo and his group were well-dressed. A few people didn't notice that there was something wrong with the dishes. Fortunately, the waiter in this shop was timid and afraid of getting into trouble, so he didn't put too much sweat medicine in it.

After being taught a lesson by Fang Yan, the waiter in the shop recruited them all. After knowing the purpose of the three people's trip, he offered to help them find a boat to cross the sea. Penglai Xiandao deserves its name, and even before it lands, there is an inexplicable aura on the island 03.

Su Mo could also clearly feel the aura on his body, and it was the first time he had such a violent reaction. The three of them walked deeper, and the deeper they went, the greater the aura's response. Thanks to the waiter in the shop, the three of them bypassed the man-eating flowers and came directly to the center of the island.

The aura here is stronger than anywhere else on the island, and the aura around Su Mo is gradually changing. The original white aura became active with the enhancement of the spiritual power in the center of the island. At this time, Su Mo's face began to turn pale.

Careful Hua Yi immediately noticed Su Mo's discomfort, so he pulled Fang Yan and said, "Bad up the water for Su Mo from the pool."

Seeing this, Hua Yi knew that it was time for Su Mo's aura to advance, so the two worked together to cast spells to help him. With the help of Huayi Fangyan, he was promoted successfully. However, due to the lack of physical strength, Su Mo fell into a coma.

Hua Yi smiled and said, "This kid has gained a lot of cultivation from both of us, so he can sleep soundly." So Fang Yan fell asleep with his back on his back.

Su Mo moved on.

After some twists and turns, I finally reached the ice pool. It is said that the ice pool is not cold but like a hot spring, Su Mo also woke up. Unexpectedly, someone on the island took advantage of the danger to plot against the three of them.

Facing Su Mo who had just woken up, the two people just now were able to transport Su Mo, but now they are basically no match for the masked man. At the moment of crisis, "Ten howls and roars wounded the masked man.

The man was rescued by a girl riding a lion.

The masked man ran away, without thinking, he knew who was behind the scenes even with his eyes closed. After the three desperate people were rescued, the girl saw the three big men being beaten down by a masked man of unknown gender, so she took Su Mo and his party to a cave.

Before the girl left, she said, "Don't come here casually if you have nothing to do in the future."

Disappeared in a burst of animal calls. Fang Yan looked at Dongwai, which was the way back to the mainland, and knew what the girl meant, so he glanced at Su Mo.

Su Mo has no intention of leaving, and 290 will never leave here until he finds the Vein Restoring Grass. Knowing that Su Mo is a human being, Hua Yi doesn't talk too much.

I can't figure it out. I walked half a circle around Penglai Island, but I didn't see the rejuvenation grass. Thinking that just now when he came in, it was the shop's little second finger who bypassed the man-eating flowers. Thinking of this, Su Yu was convinced that there must be something there.

The two have always supported Su Mo's proposal, but Hua Yi suggested that they must rest for one night before going on the road. Always get a good night's sleep first, Hua Yi, Fang Yan, who took care of Su Mo during the day, fell asleep quickly

Early the next morning, the three of them went to the cannibal flower road. After passing a field of rapeseed flowers, this flower field is matched with the rising sun, which is a rare beauty. .

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