Super Dimension: My Hotel Comes To Myriad Worlds!

Chapter Five Hundred And Eightieth: Do You Think I Might Give Up? (1/5)

"Didn't I tell you to leave here quickly?" The girl riding a lion poked her head out from the flower field. Su Mo was surprised by the girl and was taken aback for a moment. After telling the girl the purpose of their trip, the girl didn't tell them the way.

A sentence that you shouldn't appear here made the three of them puzzled. Did not tell why, pointed to the north direction of the guide. After eating something and saying goodbye to the girl, we set out on the road.

The man-eating flowers are not easy to find, and the masked men who fought yesterday chased after them because they were unwilling. Blocking the way of the three of them, Su Mo was puzzled why he repeatedly blocked them from entering the forest.

The two sides fought without saying a word, and Su Mo successfully took off his mask during the fighting. Unexpectedly, it was a woman who looked similar to Yao'er. After being informed by the woman, she learned that going into the man-eating flower bushes was a narrow escape.

But this didn't make Su Mo withdraw from the group, on the contrary, he was more convinced that there must be a recovery grass in the past few years. Regardless of the woman's persuasion, she insisted on going to see it.

The woman did not continue to stop, and proposed to go with the three of them. Fang Yan disagreed. I feel that this weak woman is not only useless, but also a burden.

The woman scolded angrily that I have a name, and my name is Xi'an. The girl on the island can also get such a poetic name, which is also amazing to the three of them. Without further arguing, Xi'an led the way and soon came to a swamp.

If you want to find herbs, you must pass three levels. This was the first difficulty Su Mo and the others encountered. Hua Yi couldn't help but tremble when she thought that she had almost ended up here before.

Glancing at Su Mo, he didn't tell the truth. This swamp is called hell on earth, like soil but not soil, like water but not water.

Xi'an pulled Su Mo and pointed to the front, expressing that he had a way to get past. He brought Su Mo and his group to a tree vine, and when they pulled apart the tree vine, it turned out to be a direct passage to the opposite side.

Xi'an glanced at Fang Yan disdainfully, explaining to Fang Yan that without me you are all finished!

When Su Mo heard the restlessness, he became tense. He realized that something bad was about to happen, so he slowed down his steps, looking like he was afraid of attracting others' attention.

Liu Niang also realized at this time, he looked at Su Mo a little worried, and said a few words if there was nothing.

"What happened to Su Mo? Did something happen~"?"

Su Mo's brows were furrowed, and he looked very angry. To be honest, he didn't know what was going on, so he could only take one step at a time.

"I don't know exactly what happened, you stay here, I'll go and have a look."

As soon as he stepped out, he was stopped by someone. Fang Yan was a little worried about her, so he blocked her way.

`々Are you sure? Then you look very dangerous, can you be alone?」

"Don't worry, nothing will happen, you help me take care of them, thank you."

It may be out of politeness, or some kind of psychology. Su Mo reached out and patted his shoulder to signal her not to worry.

Now that Su Mo has expressed his attitude, he can't force it, so he nodded his head and stood still, watching Su Yu walk towards the winner Zhao).

Fang Yan could clearly feel that there was a very powerful spiritual power in that place. Although it was said to be spiritual power, it didn't seem to be very evil, and he didn't know what it was.

Su Mo was very nervous in his heart, but he could only walk there bravely, because he knew it in his heart, if he didn't be someone else, let alone talk about it.

He can't pass today, things will be very bad, this is the only way they have to go, Su Mo will not give up. .

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