Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 14 Naruto: What Is A Transformation Technique Expert (Tactical Back!)

"Forget it, let's think about those things later. Now, let's talk about learning ninjutsu from us."

In the end, Jiraiya did not make a decision immediately, after all, there are still six hours, so there is no hurry.

Putting those things aside for a while, Jiraiya looked at Conan who was asking Uzumaki Naruto about Transformation Technique.

The recommended ninjutsu list of the navigation assistant, as well as the recommended learning object Jiraiya have been seen.

Jiraiya was surprised that his and Tsunade's names were on the list, but after learning about the situation, the surprise turned into pride.

"I didn't expect my Jiraiya's reputation to spread beyond the world, ahahaha, this feels really good."

Jiraiya thought triumphantly.

However, while being proud, Jiraiya also has doubts in his heart, because this doubt is naturally the recommended study object of Transformation Technique in the list, and it turns out to be Uzumaki Naruto, a child who has just been accepted as a disciple.

Logically speaking, for a basic ninjutsu like Transformation Technique, any decent Jōnin, or even Chūnin, can perform decently, not to mention Kage-level powerhouses like him and Tsunade.

But the recommended object of the navigation assistant is Uzumaki Naruto, the weakest among the four present. Could it be that the two of them Kage-level and one Jōnin are not as good as a Genin in this ninjutsu accomplishment?

"Interesting, then let me see what your understanding of Transformation Technique, Naruto, is."

Jiraiya thought to himself.

On the other hand, facing Conan who asked him about Transformation Technique, Uzumaki Naruto subconsciously thought of his little brother, Sarutobi Konohamaru.

Then Uzumaki Naruto started his own teaching.

"Listen to the kid, the so-called Transformation Technique, it's not difficult to learn, the difficulty lies in the Grandmaster!"

Uzumaki Naruto's teaching, from the very beginning, made Conan's teeth itch with anger.

What kid, I'm definitely older than you, damn gin, damn black organization, wait, I must make you look good!

While thinking about gin and vodka again in his heart, Conan also took Naruto's words into his heart.

"Appearance, height, fat and thinness, clothing, these are all things that must be considered when learning Transformation Technique, but if you want to become animals, stones and other things, you need more experience."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Uzumaki Naruto said with a slightly smug expression.

"I know this very well"

Conan stretched his chin and said calmly.

"It goes without saying that characters are transformed. Details are very important. For people with keen observation, often a small detail will reveal their identity."

"And when you turn into animals, stones and other things, in addition to considering the issue of similarity, you also need to consider a series of factors such as the current weather, environment, season, location, etc., and you can't turn into animals like penguins in tropical areas. , so that a person can see through it at a glance"

Conan's words made everyone on the train nod in unison.

On the other hand, Jiraiya, looking at Conan who was chatting, couldn't help but light up, and sighed in his heart, what a smart child.

The last time I saw such a child, it was probably the boy from the Sakumo family. The last time, it was my disciple Namikaze Minato, and my former companion Orochimaru was in a similar situation.

"Orochimaru, and Minato..."

Jiraiya sighed in his heart, and then he looked at the son of his disciple Namikaze Minato, only to see that guy was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say because of Conan's words.

For a time, Jiraiya couldn't help shaking his head and laughing. It was really hard to imagine that his genius disciple and the son of Scarlet Pepper would be such an idiot. I don't know how the couple would feel when they found out.

Seeing that Uzumaki Naruto didn't know what to say, Jiraiya smiled and reminded Uzumaki Naruto what to do.

"Hahaha, Naruto, I don't think you should fix things like theoretical knowledge. After getting along for so many days, I know very well that you are not that kind of material."

Jiraiya's intentions were good, and he knew that it was a bit embarrassing to let Uzumaki Naruto's actual combat faction be a theoretical faction.

It's just that when Jiraiya reminded Uzumaki Naruto, he didn't hold back the smile because he imagined that his disciple was having a headache when he saw his son.

This situation fell into Uzumaki Naruto's eyes, and Jiraiya, with a bashful smile, taunted him, taunting him for not being the one to teach people.

For a time, Uzumaki Naruto was very angry.

"Shut up, you old pervert, eat my seduction Technique!"


White smoke filled Naruto's body.

Everyone on the train heard the seductive technique from Naruto's mouth. Although they could guess from the name that this ninjutsu should not be a good thing, everyone still subconsciously wanted to know what kind of ninjutsu it was. After all, they were newcomers. To the world of Hokage, for this world, curiosity is greater than everything.

So, under everyone's attention, the smoke dissipated, and a hot girl with blond hair and double ponytails without strands appeared in front of everyone in an extremely tempting pose.

This sudden scene made the brains of everyone present go down.

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