Super Dimensional Express Train, Take You All Over The Sky

Chapter 15 Tsunade's Magic Fist, The Worship Of High School Girls

A dead silence.

Everyone stared blankly at Uzumaki Naruto, who was using the color // seduction technique, and his mind went blank.




"Oh oh oh!!!"

Three exclamations echoed in everyone's ears.

Female high school students from different worlds let out harsh exclamations one after another. For girls of their age, they are in an age where they know but don’t know all about it. The sudden seduction of Technique makes them fundamentally Powerless to parry.

Even a person with a carefree personality like Suzuki Sonoko covered his eyes with red cheeks at this time.

The men were also red-faced, but compared to the girls, at least they didn't scream, and it was foreseeable that this scene would be engraved in their hearts for a long time.

Of course, not everyone is full of shame, such as Qimu Nanxiong, who has no feeling in his heart, it is even more strange to say that he has a feeling.

And the most experienced Maori Kogoro is also not ashamed. Even after seeing Uzumaki Naruto's transformation, he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"You little brat, don't embarrass me!"

When everyone was stunned and at a loss, an angry shout sounded, and in an instant, a dark green figure rushed towards Uzumaki Naruto like lightning, and in the process, the figure exuded a horror The popularity directly pulled everyone present back from their previous emotions.


Feeling Tsunade's tyrannosaurus-like power, Jiraiya immediately roared.

However, Tsunade continued forward as if he hadn't heard.


The roar sounded in everyone's ears, and then everyone saw a large pit sunk under the ground bombarded by Tsunade, and the soil and stones shattered into slag like glass.

Fortunately, although Tsunade was angry, he didn't think about hitting hard, so Tsunade's attack target was only the ground beside Uzumaki Naruto.

But this is so, Tsunade's attack also scared Uzumaki Naruto into a disorder, and he couldn't maintain the Transformation Technique for a while, and changed back to his original appearance, and after changing back, Uzumaki Naruto directly softened his legs and sat on his knees. on the ground.

"Little devil, if you do this now, you will lose the face of our world. I don't want to be labeled with such an ugly label on my body."

Tsunade folded his fists, brushed his messy hair, and spoke to Uzumaki Naruto with a sullen expression.

Although it has not yet been determined whether to get on this train or not, Tsunade has already understood from the descriptions of Tsushima and others that the train in front of them may open up a whole new world for them.

And when faced with this new world, Tsunade couldn't stand it if he was labelled "the people of this world are not serious".

"Ming, Ming, I understand"

Uzumaki Naruto stammered in response.

"Then, please don't mind, there are many kinds of ninjutsu in our world, and this kid's Transformation Technique is just for his own sake."

Tsunade looked at everyone who was still in a daze.

"This, that's it, I understand"

Everyone's response was also a bit stuttering, after all, the big pit in front of them was not a joke.

Who would have thought that this beautiful woman with a hot body and a beautiful face in front of her would have such a powerful strength. With their small physique, if they were punched, they might not be able to get up again.

So the men present secretly made up their minds that they must stay away from Tsunade, and if they can't stay away, they must not provoke Tsunade.

As for the female high school students, after seeing the big hole smashed by Tsunade, after the panic in their hearts, a feeling of admiration suddenly emerged.

"Okay, what a great sister"

"If only I could be like this too"

"If I also have this kind of power, then whether it's the president or the family, I can..."

The high school girls looked at Tsunade with thoughts racing in their hearts.

After the farce just now, the high school students from the peaceful society suddenly understood the strength of the Hokage world power system.

A simple Transformation Technique can make flowers, and according to Jiraiya's introduction, the Three Body Technique is only the most basic ninjutsu in this world, and even a rookie can master it.

Not to mention that Tsunade's punch was just smashing the ground, but it actually smashed the powerful punch that everyone knew.

So it didn't take long for people from different worlds to ask Jiraiya and the others about ninjutsu.

On the train, everyone has learned the cultivation and improvement method of the dimensional universal power system provided by the super-dimensional exchange company.

This process is unexpectedly simple. They thought they would have to study for a long time, but in fact, everyone basically succeeded after trying it once.

And this just happened to prove the power of the universal power system of the dimension.

Passengers from different worlds are all successful, which proves the applicability of this system.

Of course, getting started is simple, but it does not mean that subsequent advancement is easy.

It is like learning Chinese. It is easy to learn to write a word at the beginning, but the difficulty of the following words, related idioms, articles, etc. will continue to increase.

However, from 0 to 1, it is also a leap forward!

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