Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 1651 Lu Mingfei: Whitebeard? A Living Whitebeard? ! (Three More)

Dragon world.

Chu Zihang stopped abruptly, his expression was a little dignified, and he looked up at the sky.

.......What did you notice?" Anger also stopped, and he turned his head to stare at Chu Zihang.

These days, he noticed that Chu Zihang had undergone tremendous changes... Although he didn't know why, it was an indisputable fact that Chu Zihang's strength had increased substantially.

Anger has passed the test to confirm that Chu Zihang will not transform into a real dragon... If so, then - good!

As for Chu Zihang becoming stronger? Anger said that he did not pay attention to this. As long as Chu Zihang can transform into the power to slay the dragon, then the stronger his strength becomes, the better!

"I think we have found the trace of the infinite snake." Chu Zihang's voice became hoarse.

.......Are you sure?" Guy Sa, who was standing on the other side, with golden hair like flames, suddenly turned his head and stared at Chu Zihang.

It has to be said that Chu Zihang, whose strength has grown by leaps and bounds recently, has brought him great pressure.

In the past, Chu Zihang would often compete with him, but now, Chu Zihang retreated to the second line, and chose to let the vice president of the Lion Heart Club confront him. It's not about giving in... What Guy can feel is that the current Chu Zihang no longer pays attention to him.

The current Chu Zihang is just looking for information about the Dragon Clan on his own, and then kills those Dragons and Deadpool. It's like... Chu Zihang and Guy Sa are no longer on the same level, so there is no need to pay attention...

This move undoubtedly hurt Guy's self-esteem.

"It's started again, it's started again." Lu Mingfei muttered. He looked calm on the surface, but in reality, he was flustered.

Lu Mingfei is obviously a loser! Why did he somehow get mixed into such a high-level team? Needless to say, Principal Ange, Chu Zihang and Guy Sa are also the top figures of this generation of Kassel students.

Although everyone said that Lu Mingfei was an S-level student, but Lu Mingfei thought about it, and felt that apart from his younger brother who appeared for no reason... he was just a bad boy.

Chu Zihang remained silent, golden flames were burning in his pupils. The Murasame in his hand suddenly came out of its sheath. The fiery sword light burst out, cutting everything down.

Not only is he proficient in Armament Haki, but he also has a lot of attainments in One Piece swordsmanship.

Numerous times of honing in the time training room, coupled with the strengthening of the system, has resulted in his attainments in this path being no weaker than Hawkeye, the number one swordsman of One Piece in the original book.

"Ang!" A high-pitched dragon chant sounded, and the sword light pierced the sky, and the figure of the Tongtian giant snake connected end to end was also illuminated and emerged.

The blazing sword light slashed on the giant snake's body, making a shallow cut, a drop of blood dripped out of it, and the wound healed instantly.

Oops!" Ange's pupils constricted. He only felt his scalp go numb for a moment, and immediately took out a Damascus pocket knife, and at the same time used the time question.

The Infinite Snake's body shook slightly, and with the void he was in as the center, huge waves spread to four weeks, and dense cracks appeared in the void.

The shock wave from the void, no matter what it touches, whether it is the ground or anything else, it will cause them to burst apart in the first instant.

"Principal! Run!" Chu Zihang's deep voice sounded, and he appeared directly in front of Anger, his arms covered with black Armament Haki. Holding Murraya in his hand, he blocked it in front of his chest.

"What?" Ange's eyelids twitched. He stared at the student who suddenly felt very strange to him. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes. "Did you ignore my...speaking spirit? This is What ability?"

"No... the enemy's shock wave! Also ignore my time zero?!"

Suddenly aware of something, Angers froze.

Completely ignoring the spirit of words...... Even if it is a First Generation dragon, it is impossible to do this kind of thing? What is the enemy facing this time?

With a bang, Chu Zihang came into contact with the terrifying shock wave, his arms were trembling, and blood was overflowing from his body and the corners of his mouth. His expression didn't fluctuate, he just stood here quietly, resisting quietly, as if he couldn't feel the pain of the statue.

"Gu la la la!" A deep laughter suddenly sounded beside Chu Zihang, "Boy! The will is commendable... Unfortunately, the strength is still lacking."

A huge palm pressed down on the void in front of him impressively, and countless cracks also appeared.

These rifts spread rapidly, even shattering the shock wave of the Infinite Serpent.

0 Seeking flowers……………

If the shock wave of Uro Poros, the infinite snake, shattered the void, then Whitebeard's light palm directly turned the entire void in front of him into powder and annihilated into nothingness.

"Ang!" There was another high-pitched cry, but it was panicked.

The Infinite Snake Uro Poros keenly sensed that something was wrong, but he had no time to dodge. Most of his body was shattered, and blood rained down the sky.

Time zero is completely invalid at this moment.

What happened?" Guy looked at the point in front of him in a daze, in his memory, after only a trance time, all the void in front of him disappeared into nothingness. Moreover, the seemingly invincible opponent above the sky was also seriously injured at this time.

"Hey hey hey! Are you kidding me?" Lu Mingfei stared at Whitebeard's majestic body and was taken aback for a moment. He rubbed his eyes and then looked up and down again. Immediately shuddered, and sat down on the ground.

Many emotions flashed across Lu Mingfei's eyes, such as disbelief, amazement, excitement, etc. He stammered, afraid... Ribeard? How is it possible?!"

Although it is a young version, the image in front of him...this height! This familiar Shock Fruit's undoubtedly Whitebeard.

Lu Mingfei felt his brain was in a trance, as if he was in a dream.

Although since he joined Kassel College, he has understood that the world is not as simple as it seems...but the appearance of the two-dimensional characters still makes Lu Mingfei's three views collapse.

"Do you know this old man? It's also normal!"

Whitebeard laughed loudly, he suddenly remembered that this world is also a special world where there are monsters and even pirates Hokage literary works, and he put a palm on Lu Mingfei's head. Invitation sent.

"Speaking of which, little guy, are you interested in... being the old man's son?"

"Ah..... Ha?!" The corners of Lu Mingfei's mouth twitched wildly.

Alright...that's it! This must be the Whitebeard.

After all, how can there be such a coincidence... It's just that they have similar appearances and similar strengths... Now even their catchphrases and personalities are exactly the same... meaning....

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