Super Dimensional Guild

Chapter 1652 Angers' Thinking! Ulo Poros's Horror Is Unbelievable (Fourth Update)

"...You guys, know each other?!"

Guy looked at Lu Mingfei and Whitebeard with a strange expression.

Whitebeard with a height of 7 meters.....Is this really human? Or is it a hybrid?! But he has never heard of a hybrid with such a huge size?

"I know the old man...but the old man doesn't necessarily know me!"

Lu Mingfei smiled awkwardly, and at the same time muttered in his heart.

This time I came here to see the Infinity Snake... I was ready to destroy the group, but I didn't expect Whitebeard to come out halfway. Lu Mingfei couldn't tell himself whether it was a surprise or a joy for him?

Lu Mingfei is very curious now, will there be Deathwing, the Lich King, Onyxia and other existences in this world? Will the characters from the Hokage world and the Shinigami world appear?

"Deathwing! It's impossible for the Lich King to appear in "Four Seven Seven". Unless you go to World of Warcraft! As for Onixia, she didn't get the chance to come to this world!"

Su Han's gentle voice suddenly sounded, he heard Lu Mingfei's heartfelt voice, and explained with a smile.

"Namikaze Minato from the Hokage world and Uzumaki Nagato, Aizen from the Shinigami world, Kurosaki Ichigo! They also didn't come because they didn't draw."

Lu Mingfei's expression froze, and then he turned his head suddenly, and saw the perfect Su Han who was not like a mortal, and Ao Bing who was dressed in a white robe and had dragon horns on his head.

Ao Bing has a very special temperament. In any occasion, it can instantly become the center of the crowd. However, he was overshadowed by standing next to Su Han.

Su Han's personal charm is just like the sun, which is too eye-catching, but it also contains vitality and tenderness.

"Speaking of which, old man, you failed to adopt your son again?" Su Han looked at Whitebeard and Lu Mingfei with great interest. He opened the guild live broadcast room smoothly.

Not unexpected!" Whitebeard shrugged and took his hand back, not disappointed.

Lu Mingfei's lips twitched, but he didn't say anything in the end. Although he was pleasantly surprised when he saw Whitebeard...but he recognized his father directly! Let's forget it.

"You! Who are you?" Anger silently clenched the Damascus pocket knife, his voice was low and hoarse, "And... Lu Mingfei, do you know these guys?"

...... I don’t know either!” Lu Mingfei’s face was contorted together, “I only know this old man Whitebeard...he is a very popular character in Dongying National Comics, One Piece! New World’s Four Emperors, a powerhouse on par with One Piece Roger. "

...It seems that I have heard of it?" Guy's expression became strange, although he is not an otaku, but One Piece is too famous in the world, it can almost be said to be a cultural symbol of Japan.

Even if he doesn't pay attention, as a young man, he has heard more or less.

But it was precisely because of his understanding that he struggled. After deliberating for a long time, Guy Sa then asked, "But, with a beard or something... isn't that an illusory character?"

"Yeah! I'm also wondering about this question." Lu Mingfei nodded expressionlessly.

Su Han stretched out his finger in front of the void, and suddenly a door appeared in the void, and then a red-haired girl walked out of the door.

"Uesugi Erika?!" Anger's expression froze, and he naturally couldn't be unfamiliar with the head of the Sheqi Bajia. And...he suddenly realized that Erika Uesugi was related to the group of people in front of him.

Eri Uesugi is the emperor of the dark side of Japan, and Whitebeard is a character in the comics of the people of the island country... Is there any connection between them?

Angers' persecution paranoia started to strike again.

He made up his mind that if he could leave alive this time, he must call all the intelligence forces of the secret party to find out the truth of the matter.

"President! Daddy! Dragon King Ao Bing!" Uesugi Erika's eyes lit up, and she used her knowledge to communicate, and her voice directly appeared in the hearts of several people.

"...Dragon King?!" Guy suddenly came to his senses, he swiped out his weapon, and stared at Ao Bing with dragon horns vigilantly, his eyes vaguely filled with astonishment and disbelief .

"Although I am the Dragon King, I am not the same as the enemy Dragon King you imagined!" Ao Bing has a good personality, and he doesn't get angry when someone points a knife at him, explaining softly, "I don't know if you have heard of the Eastern Mythology! Nezha troubles the sea?"

"Well..... I am the third prince of the East Blue Dragon King in the myth! Ao Bing."

Guy said: "?????"


Lu Mingfei: "Damn it! Awesome."

Lu Mingfei was dumbfounded, did even the characters in the myth appear?

Anger's expression was a little cloudy and uncertain. He naturally knew that many existences in myths were actually dragons... Not to mention, Ao Bing was originally a dragon in mythology


However, what surprised Angge was that none of the known dragon kings... could face Ao Bing! Is this because he did not collect enough information, or... there is something else hidden ?

Considering the existence of Whitebeard, he thinks there is a higher possibility of hidden secrets... so Ange has kept silent for now. 0

"Although I still want to continue discussing with you, it seems that now is not the time to do this kind of thing." Ao Bing let out a sigh of relief. He stretched out his hand to hold it, and condensed two huge ice hammers.

At the same time, frost spread from the soles of his feet to 4 weeks. Turn the whole world into a world of ice and snow.

On the opposite side, a two-meter-high figure slowly emerged. Although it looked ordinary, there was a pattern of an infinite snake on his collar.

"Interesting," Wuluo Poros looked at the people in front of him, his voice seemed to be full of doubts, but when he listened carefully, there seemed to be nothing, calm and calm, "Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, Ange, Guy said ...Whitebeard, Ao Bing, and a stranger!"

"Is it possible to make do with so many people? This is really lively."

Ulo Poros looks calm on the surface, but his heart is turbulent.

The protagonist of Dragon Clan, the Four Emperors of One Piece, and even... even the characters from Nezha Nao Hai 0.9 all appeared. What the hell is going on in this world...?

"Never mind," Ulo Poros shook his head after a brief silence. He made up his mind, his eyes suddenly became cold and filled with killing intent, "No matter what you want to do... just kill you.

Uro Poros' body was constantly splitting, and soon, several of him appeared. Moreover, every aura on his body is extremely terrifying.

"...immortality plus unlimited energy! And...split?"

Whitebeard's eyes narrowed slightly, before he could make a move. Ao Bing shot out like an arrow from the string, and at the same time, Ao Bing's voice fell instantly.

"Old man, if you do it now, it's overkill! Let me do it first... If I can't do it, you will do it.".

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