Su Yang nodded. Indeed, he hadn't considered this aspect. He couldn't save the patient's life so perfectly every time.

When the operating room was about to be reached, Mother Li hurriedly arrived. She limply walked to Su Yang and said eagerly, "How is Xiaobin?"

"Mother Li, Xiaobin has some injuries. Go in for the operation now, and he will be fine."

Only then did Mama Li relax. After hearing that Xiaobin was injured, she rushed over all the way.

"Then Xiaoyang, how much is the hospitalization fee?"

Mother Li said with some embarrassment that it is already very difficult to maintain everyone's lives, and she has no extra money in her hands.

"Sister, I'll pay for the hospitalization. The child was injured because I ran out to chase him. Let me pay for the hospitalization."

The middle-aged woman said quickly.

"I'll make a part too. After all, I put the glass there."

The uncle in blue overalls also said.

"Oh, I have already understood things clearly on the road. You are all good people. It's Xiaobin, how can you get entangled with people who are not inconsistent."

Mother Li was a little sad, and she felt uncomfortable to see that the children she brought up did not learn well.

"Mother Li, when Xiaobin gets better, I will help you control him."

Su Yang secretly made up his mind that Xiaobin could still be saved. Perhaps he was just out of curiosity this time, and he didn't really steal anything. He must lead Xiaobin to the right path in the future.

Huang Roujia is the second assistant this time. She has not yet entered the operating room. When she heard what Su Yang said, she looked at Su Yang in a mysterious way. She didn't expect that Su Yang had this side. It's completely different again.

"Mother Li, go and rest, Xiaobin will be fine, this time it is our director in charge."

Su Yang comforted his mother Li, and then entered the operating room.

On the corridor of the operating room, Su Yang and Huang Roujia walked side by side.

"You won't be a double-faced person. When you hit me in the morning, you were so powerful, and you were so gentle just now."

Huang Roujia's tone was slightly teasing.

"Get ready for the operation, don't you want to be beaten by me, you are still concerned about these nostalgias."

Regarding his privacy, Su Yang didn't want to tell people like Huang Roujia that if he changed Jiang Xiaoqi, he might still talk about it.

"Hmph, you are just lucky, you will know that I am great in the future."

Huang Roujia's face was not convinced, just like a little girl who refused to admit defeat.

It's nice to have a child from a rich family. At this age, he can still be so innocent!

Su Yang sighed in his heart.

Why doesn't he want to be a big boy who doesn't know the world and the sufferings of the world?

In the operating room.

Everyone is serious, waiting for He Jianming's order.

"Report the patient's vital signs."

"Heart rate and blood pressure are normal, oxygen saturation is 97, anesthesia is normal, and surgery can be started."

"Emergency exploratory laparotomy, begin."

As He Jianming's voice fell, everyone in the entire operating room, like various parts of a precision operating machine, began to start.

Holding the scalpel, He Jianming gently enlarged the wound on his abdomen, and the condition of the abdomen was immediately revealed.

"Xiao Su, how should we deal with the current situation?"

He Jianming deliberately asked Su Yang, which is also a way of on-site teaching.

Su Yang looked at it, and the broken glass just cut a vein, and the muscles and peritoneum of the abdominal wall were also injured.

"Director, first ligate the damaged vein, then pull out the glass, and then repair the blood vessels, abdominal wall and muscles."

Su Yang methodically said that in addition to the blessing of the system, his foundation is also very solid.

"Well, very good, Xiao Huang, you are here to assist Xiao Su. You will complete this operation together. Don't worry, I will be watching you by the side."

Suture of blood vessels, muscles and abdominal wall, these are basic skills. If nothing else, He Jianming basically does not need to do it himself.

"Good director."

Su Yang replied briefly.

Standing on the side, Huang Roujia's face under the mask was full of irritation. It didn't matter if it was a turn to help, Su Yang now had the opportunity for independent surgery, and she wanted to give Su Yang a hand.

The operation went smoothly. Su Yang quickly repaired the damaged blood vessels and muscles. When the abdomen was about to be closed and sutured, an unexpected situation occurred.


The emergency alarm sounded.

When everyone in the operating room looked up, the life monitor was suddenly red!

"Director, the heart rate and blood pressure are dropping rapidly!"

"Oxygen saturation is 74, the patient is severely hypoxic!"

"CO2 rises!"

"Director, the patient's heart rate has dropped too fast!"

what happened?

The people in the operating room were confused.

He Jianming quickly picked up the retractor and opened the treated abdominal incision.

The blood vessels were anastomosed well, there was no bleeding, the entire abdominal cavity was very dry, and no bleeding was seen elsewhere.

The heart rate and blood pressure drop rapidly at the same time, and it must be a major bleeding somewhere in the patient, which has caused a decrease in the amount of blood returned to the heart, so the heart rate will drop!

But where exactly did the bleeding occur?

Chest cavity?

No, it's just a tension pneumothorax, and it has been treated, and it won't cause such bleeding!

Is it because of a crush injury caused by a fall, somewhere on the chest and abdomen?

He Jianming thought quickly.

"Director, the heart rate has dropped to 50, and if you drop it again, you will have a cardiac arrest soon!"

That's too late!

"Prepare to open the chest and abdomen for a wide range of exploration, and be sure to find the place of bleeding!"

Large area of ​​chest and abdomen?

Other people in the operating room, hearing He Jianming's words, looked at him in surprise.

You know, this is equivalent to opening the chest cavity and the entire abdomen in such a large area, blindly performing a blind exercise to find the bleeding place. The incision for this operation must be cut from the chest position to the bottom of the abdomen. This incision is at least one meter. !

This risk is really too great. Patients will almost certainly have serious infections after surgery, and because the incision is too large, too much tissue is damaged, and fatal DIC (diffuse intravascular) may occur after surgery. Coagulation)!

"There is no other way, hand me the scalpel."

He Jianming said anxiously.

Starting from the red light on Xiaobin's life monitor, Su Yang first took a look at his operation. There was no bleeding, which was not caused by the operation.

So what is the problem that caused such a fatal heart rate drop?

Su Yang looked up at the ECG monitor again.

Something must be overlooked!




Su Yang suddenly flashed a flash of lightning in his mind!

It is low voltage!

He found it in the ambulance, but never thought of what caused it.

"Director, I know what caused the drop in heart rate!"

Su Yang said loudly.

Everyone in the operating room looked at him!

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