Super Doctor: Become Stronger From Signing In

Chapter 24 Pericardial Effusion Caused by a Piece of Broken Glass

"What did you say?"

He Jianming looked at Su Yang in surprise, but he didn't expect him to say that.

"Hurry up and talk about it."

Having new ideas means new hope. No matter what it is, he should listen to it. This is He Jianming's greatest strength.

"Director, I think that when the patient was at the scene, glass was inserted into the abdomen, with fine glass slag, along with the broken blood vessels in the abdomen, along with the blood circulation, all the way to the position of the heart, blocking the blood vessels of the heart. It caused a pericardial effusion."

Su Yang quickly and clearly stated his guess.

"Why do you think so?"

He Jianming went on to say that he needed evidence. Otherwise, opening his chest rashly and exposing the heart would not only helpless, but he would also miss the opportunity to find the real bleeding point. In this case, the patient would still not be able to live.

"When I was in the ambulance, I found that the ECG seemed to have a low voltage, but the vital signs were all normal at the time, so I didn't pay attention. Now I think it should be the low voltage of the ECG caused by pericardial effusion."

Su Yang said his guess.

"Low voltage? This is too subtle to fully corroborate."

He Jianming muttered to himself.


The alarm sounded quickly again!

"Director, the heart rate has dropped to 45!"

Large-scale chest and abdomen exploration to find bleeding points, or direct pericardiocentesis to decompress, then open the chest cavity, expose the heart, and look for broken glass that is unknown. This is a dilemma!

Time is urgent, only enough time to perform one operation!

Do it right and the patient will survive.

If you don't do it right, the patient will be in cardiac arrest immediately!

He Jianming is still hesitating, this decision is not easy to make.

"Director, let me perform a pericardiocentesis. I was the first to deal with the patient's injury. I remember the patient's condition very clearly."

Su Yang looked at He Jianming hesitated, secretly anxious, and if he didn't perform any operations, Xiaobin had no chance of surviving.

"Are you sure?"

He Jianming said hesitantly.

If this operation fails, then the specific operation that caused the death of the patient will be directly identified as a medical accident!

"Director, let me do it, I'm sure."

Su Yang obtained the qualification certificate of practicing doctor last year, so from a legal point of view, he can bear the responsibility for this operation.

But, in this case, is it possible for him, the director, to let a rotating doctor take the responsibility?

However, the selection of the deputy dean is about to begin. If something goes wrong, the deputy dean is absolutely impossible.

It has always been a wish for many years, which tilted the balance in He Jianming's heart.

"I believe you."

He Jianming finally made up his mind.

Everyone in the operating room looked at Su Yang with awe-inspiring expressions. Su Yang didn't have to be a rotating doctor to bear this responsibility, and he was not the chief surgeon.

Just for a possibility, is it really necessary to achieve this level?

You know, before opening the heart and discovering the possible glass slag, no one can confirm, Su Yang's choice is right.

This is a bet!

Take your own career to bet!

Huang Roujia on the side also looked at Su Yang with admiration.

Hearing He Jianming's agreement, Su Yang sighed for a long sigh of relief. He was sure that Xiaobin's heart rate dropped rapidly because of pericardial effusion, because he found an abnormality in the electrocardiogram at the beginning.

"No. 3 needle!"

Su Yang said in a deep voice.

Huang Roujia on the side hurriedly handed the needle and syringe to Su Yang.

The needle is inserted vertically through the fourth intercostal space on the left side of the sternum, 1 cm from the edge of the sternum.

Su Yang kept recalling the main points of the pericardiocentesis in his mind.

Slowly groping with his hands, Su Yang pinpointed the position.

Without hesitation, Su Yang slowly pierced the needle in, and suddenly, his fingers felt a slight sense of obstruction.

The position of the pericardium is reached, this is the needle slightly touching the heart.

Su Yang was immediately determined.

Holding the needle in one hand, Su Yang slowly sucked the syringe with the other hand.

Everyone watched Su Yang's operation, and they held their breath.

If there is effusion or blood drawn out, it means that Su Yang's judgment is correct!

If nothing is extracted, then it means that the site of the bleeding is elsewhere, and there is no time to search for it. Everyone can only watch the patient die from cardiac arrest!

Su Yang slowly moved the syringe with his fingers. At this moment, he felt as heavy as heaviness!

One second!

Two seconds!

Three seconds!

No blood or fluid was drawn out.

Did it just fail like this?

Everyone's expressions were gloomy.

Maybe the needle is in the wrong position, Su Yang suddenly thought.

He withdrew the needle again a little bit, pierced it again at an angle of 45°, and then gently aspirated with the syringe again.


Everyone saw that dark red blood slowly appeared in the syringe.

As the dark red blood was drawn out, the heart that was forced by the blood pressure slowly regained its vitality.

"Heart rate has risen!"

"Blood pressure has also risen!"

The anesthesiologist said loudly.

It's a success!

The heart that everyone had been pulling up was finally let go.

Su Yang looked at Xiao Bin who was lying on the hospital bed, his chest began to rise and fall, his heart started beating again, and the stone in his heart finally dropped.

one hour later.

He Jianming clamped a piece of fine glass slag with tweezers, and said with a sigh: "It's such a small piece of glass slag, which almost killed the patient."

After the vital signs stabilized, He Jianming took over the operation again, leading Su Yang to open the chest cavity step by step, expose the heart, found the bleeding blood vessels, took out the glass slag, and completed the operation.

However, everyone did not dare to celebrate or cheer at this time.

Because the most critical operation, the most risky operation, was done by Su Yang.

Without Su Yang's strength, maybe He Jianming would choose pericardiocentesis, maybe not. The pointless assumption is meaningless. No one can deny that this patient's life was saved by Su Yang.

"The finishing work is over to you, Xiao Jia. Xiao Su, come with me."

He Jianming handed over the finishing work to Huang Roujia and called Su Yang out alone.

Above the corridor of the operating room.

Su Yang and He Jianming leaned against the wall side by side. Although the operation was not long, the rhythm was too tight, and it was extremely exhausting. It would be no less than running a marathon to complete such an operation.

Neither of them spoke. After being silent for a while, He Jianming spoke:

"Xiao Su, I'm sorry today, and let you take the biggest risk."

As a chief surgeon, He Jianming should not let Yizuo take on the most risky operation. This is the professional ethics and responsibility of the doctor.

"Director, Xiaobin is my friend, I just want to save him back."

This is Su Yang's real thoughts at the moment, as for other things, he doesn't want to think about it.

"You know about the vice-president's election. I can't have anything to do at this critical time."

He Jianming directly stated the reason why he gave Su Yang the most risky operation. Under the circumstances at that time, Su Yang fought hard and had the qualification to practice alone, so He Jianming gave the decision to Su Yang. Yang, in fact, is understandable.

But what if there is no Su Yang?

It is very likely that this patient will die in He Jianming's hands today. No matter what the process is, this direct result will very directly affect He Jianming's election for deputy dean.

"Director, thank you for letting me make this judgment. Really, Xiaobin is my best friend. He can't do anything."

Su Yang ignored what He Jianming said, but emphasized this again, the starting point for doing everything himself.

"I see."

He Jianming was startled when he heard what Su Yang said, and said in a low voice.

Once upon a time, he was so indomitable and focused only to save the lives of patients, even if it was only for a possibility, even if he took a big risk!

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