Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1426: Counterattack begins

"Then you didn't ask him where he came from?"

After embarrassing for a moment, Qiu Sheng of the Zhenwu School spoke.

"He's not from the Hidden Clan, he said he came from Lake City."

"It also said that the zombies in the south had been resolved. Let us wait patiently for two days before an army came to help."

Hana (Sun Ri) wondered.

"Ah! The members of the Yinshi family haven't shown up yet, and I don't know what they think."

"What else can you think, Ming Zhebao (body sh n), even if they come out, what's the use?"

"Is Zhang Xing's statement credible?"

"Who knows, he said it would be solved, and the size of the zombies in the south is not necessarily smaller than here."

"What can the millions of warriors in Lake City do?

Even if the martial arts forces in and around the city are added, they are only a few hundred million people. "

"Also, it is difficult to organize effective combat between rushes."

"Isn't the report from the first two months saying that Lake City is about to fall?"

"Who knows what is happening, don't guess at all, just wait."

The people were silent ...

They thought, as long as they follow Zhang Xing, he will naturally retreat when he loses.

At this time, the situation on the battlefield also changed as the zombies changed.

The dragons changed from a single battle line to a round battle line.

Keep the six major factions in the middle, and they fought outside.

Rao is the dragon dragon who has the dragon gas supplement in Dragon Island, and also feels a little tired.

Zombies are dead, unlike humans.

If we fight against humans, I am afraid that gold will be withdrawn at this time.

Humans can't afford to hurt!

But those evil saints of the undead can ignore this (set t o).

Living humans can make them zombies, who can be more cruel than their hearts?

In a blink of an eye it was another day and a half.

When the dawn of the dawn broke through the dark clouds and sprinkled on the earth, Zhang Xing felt a little refreshed.

The months of cloudy weather made his heart very upset.

This turbulent change also affected the climate of the continent.

Not only is the weather dull, but even the air on the ground is full of dead air, making it difficult to breathe.

Zhang Xing's impression of the six major factions is very bad.

They say they are selfish and do not wrong them at all.

There are dragons as forwards, and these 6 million people not only did not go to help, they even talked in rumors.

The one who complained the most was that Zhang Xing wasted time.

What they had in mind was to retreat to the sea, and there were countless islands in the sea to inhabit.

The zombies' attack power in the sea is not enough.

And there are more monsters in the sea, and the zombies may be their food.

Zhang Xing sneered at their arguments.

A zombie creature, Ben (body sh , n), has been poisoned by the undead mages, unless a fire burns out.

Otherwise, whether it is eaten by the World of Warcraft in the forest or the World of Warcraft, it will become poisoned and become a zombie.

Just then, Zhang Xing's thoughts suddenly moved and his eyes turned to the south.

"My undead army is here!"

Sporadic command of the senior undead army, did not dare to slack off, hurry up and hurry.

Whenever you encounter scattered zombies, you will be killed (sha), and none will be spared.

But those zombies will not attack them, are they all similar.

As for humans, except for the first wave that died and became zombies.

The remaining people can hide in the mountains or underground.

They did not dare to come out for a long time.

"The whole army unfolded and attacked immediately!"

Scattered seeing countless corpses in front of him, he immediately issued an attack order.

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