Super Dragon Cultivation System

Chapter 1427: Angry Undead Saints

A large area of ​​the zombie army in the south was suddenly slain.

They don't know why these same species attack themselves.

They all stood stupidly, I don't know if they should fight back, or just wait to be eaten by the other party's undead fire.

Just in the blink of an eye, countless zombies were swallowed up.

The broken bones were scattered all over the place, and there was no possibility of coming back.

"What's going on? (Fa) What happened?"

The elders and others hiding in the zombies noticed this anomaly.

Their reaction is the same as that of President Guiba and others.

Is this ... the zombie king?

Corpse Witch King ...

God! And the Dark Knight, the ultimate form of the Bone Dragon Ghost Dragon!

Whose senior undead legion and who elevated them to the highest level?

Why are they attacking us?

Who ... who is it! Stand up for me!

Elder Guilong is angry, he growls ...

The other undead saints also panicked.

"I'm holding on to (do gan), wait to die, I can't give you a counterattack order yet!"

The elder growled again.

The undead saints immediately came to their senses and hurriedly issued an attack order.

But the Corps of Zombies is too fragile.

Although the number of the high-level undead army of the opponent is small, they are all elites, and one can top one hundred.

They are all in a state of destruction and push all the way.

None of the zombies could compete with them for a round, and they were brutally smashed into their skulls to capture the fire of the undead.

A few hours later, the changes in the south were also noticed by the six major parties.

The undead saints who command the northern zombie army also sent people to investigate the situation.

Hana (Sunri) wondered: "Zombie Legion (fa) has internal disorder?"

A female disciple under her door, Hua Manxiang, said, "Master, is it mutiny?"

"Mutant? Zombies will also be mutiny. You got kicked by a ghost, what do you think!"

The flower (日 ri) moon white gave the female disciple a glance.

The female disciple stunned ((bi) bi): "But they are indeed attacking each other, zombies hit zombies ..."

The mad sword sent Wu Sheng (mo Mo) with a beard on his chin: "Maybe they are here to grab the land, they are another group."

"The head analysis is reasonable, it must be the case!"

Wu Sheng ’s personal disciple Wu Kong shot the horse road.

The emperor of the holy royal family, Huang Haoxuan, Huang Sheng pouted: "ridiculous!"

"I have never heard of Undead Mage and rushing to the ground."

"The emperor was right, and the children did not see it in the books.

As soon as they appeared, regardless of the eastern and western continents, they were all clumped together. "

Prince Huang Tian echoed.

Wu Kong stared at him: "You haven't seen it, it doesn't mean you don't have it. As long as there are people there are rivers and lakes!"

Huang Tian squinted: "They used to be human, but now they are not human. You think they are like you!"

"Okay, okay, don't be noisy, and don't divide it."

The fragrance of flowers frowned and stopped.

At this time, the pressure of Qunlong suddenly reduced.

Most of the zombies were dispatched to attack the High Undead Legion.

"Heibao, you just need to block it. You don't have to waste your energy to attack."

"Leave the rest (qingqing) to the sporadic."

Zhang Xing spoke.

You can basically relax now.

Solving these zombies is just a matter of time.

Now I start thinking about finding out (kill sha) those undead saints.

Heibao heard Zhang Xing's order, and his heart (qing) was also loose.

They are certainly reluctant to do so.

Killing (sha) these zombies is really boring.

I was a little excited and excited at the beginning, but after a day, the excitement was gone.

It is far less enjoyable than fighting **** ((rourou) rou) creatures.

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