Super Dragon Evolution

Chapter 1000: Too lazy to talk nonsense, just kill

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"There is a killer!"

"There are still killers hidden around!"


The disciples of Yaoxian Sect shouted.

However, all this is in vain.

Under the suppression of Wen Zilong's strong spiritual power, their reactions were very slow.

Shadowmoon killing them is like killing a chicken.

It's even easier than killing chickens.

Even the elders of the three peaks of the ninth order panicked.

Although the three of them are the ninth peak, but their spiritual strength, the strongest is only in the early stage.

If Wen Zilong is not fully covered by spiritual power, if they attack them individually, they can be killed by Wen Zilong's spiritual power.

But in that case, it is too mentally exhausting.

So Wen Zilong did not do that.

Another reader asked, why should proficiency use mental power to cover?

It is not easy to attack directly with purple lightning?

In fact, Wen Zilong has his consideration here.

You know, there is not a tenth-order strongman in the immortal sect.

And the only effective method for the top ten strong players is a thunder strike.

Thunder strike requires huge mental strength to support.

Therefore, he must save mental energy.

The elders of the immortal immortal sect panicked when they saw the disciples fall down one by one.

Looking at Wen Zilong, he was startled:



While shouting, they had crushed a communication barbarian stone.

This communication barbarian stone is connected to the communication barbarian stone of the elders of Jinxianxianzong.

In some emergency situations, as long as they crushed the communication barbaric stone, it represents a major event on their side.

Within the Immortal Sect, the Great Elder learned from his communication barbaric stone that something was wrong there, and quickly went to the Sect Master to report.

Camp at Dongkeng Mine.

The elder 39, after secretly reporting to the elder elder, began to speak, intending to stabilize Wen Zilong.

"Please be merciful."

"I will promise anything you want, as long as it doesn't hurt our disciples."

Wen Zilong ignored him, and split the two disciples beside him into two sections.

When the three elders met, they all looked ugly to the extreme.

If in the past, they said a word, Xianzong will give them some face.

As for Chaotianzong, they dare not follow suit.

The boy was good, killing his disciples, like chopping melons and vegetables.

But even so, they can't get angry.

Can only be persuaded-at least, before the suzerain arrives, he can't get angry.

"You must want the barbaric dragon stone, the barbaric dragon stone here, you can take it as long as you don't harm our disciples."

Wen Zilong was too lazy to take care of him.

And Shadow Blade continued the massacre.

In just one minute, more than 100 wild dragons were killed by the two of them.

Of course, there were other disciples of the Immortal Sect who jumped out.

However, when they saw the scene like a slaughterhouse in the camp, all of them changed their faces.

And when they appear, they will be enveloped by Wen Zilong's spiritual power.

Under the envelop of spiritual power, they could not escape.

Continue to be killed by Wen Zilong.

Seeing this, the three elders were blushing and almost bleeding.

"Dare to kill our disciples of the Immortal Sect, our Sect Master will not let you go!"

"The Sect Master is coming, then, it will be your death time!"

"Boy, our suzerain is the tenth-order infinite power. The anger of the tenth-order infinite power is not something you can bear."

Wen Zilong's double-winged wings swept the heads of the two disciples and sneered:

"Guess I am not afraid of your broken patriarch?"

The three elders were stunned.

Wen Zilong dared to say that, obviously he was not afraid.

What does this kid have to rely on?

Do you really dare to fight against the tenth-order Promise by virtue of the fourth-order spirit?

Could it be crazy?

Just when they were frightened, Wen Zilong had condensed a spear of fire.

To save energy, he turned half a turn and adjusted the angle.

At this angle, a spear of fire just happened to penetrate the three elders at the same time.

Seeing this, the three elders behaved differently.

Elder thirty-nine:

"No, don't, let me go, I will give you whatever you want."

Elder thirty-eight:

"If you kill me, the suzerain will definitely avenge me. By then, your entire family will be destroyed!"

Elder thirty-seven:


寧 ——

寧 ——

寧 ——

With three soft sounds, the heads of the three elders were already flying.

Then, Wen Zilong and Shadow Moon cleaned up the remaining disciples in the entire camp.

Collect all the Ruyi bags.

From all these Ruyi bags, almost 100 million wild dragon stones were obtained.

Yingyue said:

"The warehouse in the camp above them was actually built just to hide their eyes and ears.

There are only a few sundries and some less precious items on weekdays.

The warehouse that actually stores Barbarian Stone is built at the bottom of the Tiankeng. "

Wen Zilong said, without any hesitation, he directly said:

"Go down."

Subsequently, the two of them, one after the other.

One light and one dark entered the sky pit.

In fact, the bottom of the tiankeng is the top priority of the entire camp defense.

When Wen Zilong landed, there were dozens or hundreds of crossbow arrows around him, shooting straight towards Wen Zilong.

These are not ordinary crossbow arrows, but energy-bearing crossbow arrows that can cause damage to the ninth-rank peak powerhouse.

Wen Zilong condensed a space barrier directly around his body.

When these angry arrows were shot one meter in front of Wenzi Dragon, they were like a shot into a bottomless hole, and disappeared instantly.

When Wen Zilong's mental strength was swept away, he discovered that there were as many as 1,500 or so wild dragons at the bottom of the pit.

Moreover, they all occupy the most advantageous position.

All the crossbows and arrows around them shot like Wenzilong towards Wenzilong.

Wen Zilong, as before, is still simply suppressed with mental strength.

Subsequently, Shadow Moon launched an attack on the disciples here.

This tiankeng is about five kilometers in diameter.

The ground is not flat.

Instead, there are several uneven hills.

There are all kinds of strange trees on it.

This makes the terrain here very complicated.

However, in this way, it is very beneficial to Shadowmoon.

In just one minute, he had beheaded more than one hundred wild dragons.

Wen Zilong had already explored their position at this time.

Use the space skills directly to transfer the flowers.

The arrow you shot me, I moved him over.

He shot the arrow at me, and I moved it over to you again.

哧哧 哧哧 哧 ——

In another minute, as many as three hundred disciples of the Taoist Immortals were destroyed.

As a result, the elders headed by the two below also panicked.

In just two minutes, more than 400 disciples have been killed.

Their more than 1,600 disciples are simply not enough to kill.

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