Super Dragon Evolution

Chapter 999: Get cheap and sell well

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Wen Zilong asked Ice Blade to monitor another mine.

And he and Yingyue came to this Dongkeng mine.

Originally, Wen Zilong just planned to come here to get some wild dragon stone, not to kill.

However, since you get cheap and sell well, you still have to chase me down.

Ha ha, then come on.

When Shadow Moon last came, it was already clear.

There are 1,000 disciples of the Taoist Immortals here.

But now, another sect was withdrawn, so there should be additional disciples here.

It is estimated to be around 2,000.

Among them, there are 100 top nine ranks.

Headed by the five elders of the ninth peak.

After Shadowmoon was invisible, he quickly walked around here, and he had already figured out the defense here.

Compared with the last defense, there is little change.

It's just that the location changes a little.

"Dragon Emperor, you can come in."

Yingyue said.

Wen Zilong smiled and said:

"Go straight in."

If it was put in the past, he still has some fear of the strength of the tenth-order strongman.

But now, brother's thunder strike, but that can kill the existence of the tenth order strong.

Still afraid of a ball.

The immortal ancestral camp is on the edge of Tiankeng.

Wen Zilong let Yingyue go invisible first, and then he swaggered toward the camp of the immortal sect.

When there were still 500 meters away from the camp, the disciples guarding the gate of the camp had already discovered Wen Zilong.

"There are fierce beasts."

"Vicious beast?"

At the gate of the camp, the two disciples in charge felt a little strange.

Among these 100,000 mountains, there are fierce beasts everywhere.

However, because their disciples are very strong, they are basically ninth order beasts.

So even the tenth-order beasts dare not come to their camps casually.

Now the fierce beast came with a big swing.

Isn't this death?

"The fierce beasts are getting bolder now."

"Looking at this figure, at most it is a first- and second-order beast. It has no wisdom. In short, it is stupid."

The two of them talked and laughed, and did not rush.

Soon, Wen Zilong had come fifty meters away from them.

"Really dare to come. Really stupid creature."

"Go ahead. Bake it at night."

With that said, a disciple of the guard came directly to Wen Zilong.

Jumping directly, stepped on Wen Zilong's head.

The guardian disciple beside him smiled:

"I'm going, are you too violent? Don't step on it, how do you eat it?"

"Relax, I have a balance."

The disciple said that his feet were not far from Wenzi's head.

Just when his eyes were about to step on Wen Zilong's head, Wen Zilong suddenly moved.

On the slight side of the body, the right wing flicked violently.

寧 ——

A soft sound.

I saw that the disciple's body was split into two parts directly from the middle.

It was one when it jumped up and became two when it fell.

Blood splattered all over the place.


The guardian's disciple beside him was stupid.

When staring at Wen Zilong, it was like staring at a devil.

After a moment, he finally remembered:

"You ... you are not a beast ... a deformity ... a deformed barbaric dragon ..."

Wen Zilong just smiled, and then his paws waved again.

寧 ——

The disciple has also been divided into two halves.

Scratch their wishful bags.

In each, there are more than 300,000 wild dragon stones.

Sure enough, this disciple of the immortal immortal sect was much richer than the disciples of the broken emperor.

Just two disciples who keep the gate, there are so many wild dragon stones.

After destroying the two disciples who guarded the gate, they enjoyed continuing to sway and walk towards the inside.

When he came to the camp, he was too lazy to go out one by one.

Speak directly, arrogant tone:

"The idiots of the immortal ancestors all got out for Lao Tzu."

The roar was like a thunder and exploded across the camp.

At the same time, it also exploded in the hearts of all wild dragons.

Anger was exploded directly in their hearts.

"I don't want to live anymore!"

"Which door is this guy, dare to come to us to make trouble in Xianxianzong!"

"court death!"

Those disciples, one after another, put down the things on hand and jumped out.

Including three elders of the ninth peak.

Soon, more than a hundred disciples of the Taoist Immortal Sect surrounded Wenzi Dragon.

However, under the instructions of the three elders, they did not immediately start.

In the eyes of the three elders, if they were alone, they would dare to come to their camp and clamor, and they must have something to rely on.

First explore what he has to rely on, and then not later.

The thirty-nine elder looked up and down Wen Zilong several times, his face showing undisguised contempt:

"You ... the deformed barbaric dragon that beheaded the Sovereign Sovereign?"

Wen Zilong chuckled:

"It's the scumbag."

Elder Thirty-nine looked at the other two elders.

But without panic.

Although this kid beheaded the Sovereign Sovereign, it must have been a ghost behind him, and he could not have been face-to-face.

Therefore, they are not afraid of this kid.

The thirty-nine elders continued to ask:

"Come to our camp, why?"

Wen Zilong smiled coldly:

"Destroy you."

As soon as this remark came out, the hundreds of disciples of the Immortal Sect were furious.


"Speaking out loud, don't know how to die if you die later."

"Have seen mad, never seen so mad."

"Destroy us? Do you know who we are?"

The thirty-nine elders were also laughed at:

"Boy, you can destroy the Chaotian Sect, of course. It's just that it is because the Chaotian Sect has exhausted all its energy. Do you really regard every secular sect as Chaotian Sect?"

Wen Zilong was too lazy to talk nonsense to them again.

Direct mental suppression.

"Puff puff puff puff—"

In just an instant, there were more than fifty disciples, spitting blood under the pressure of Wen Zilong.

Even if there is no vomiting blood, under the suppression of Wen Zilong's huge spiritual power, one by one feels his brain hurt.

At the same time, they were shocked.

They also thought they finally understood why this deformed barbaric dragon was able to kill the Chaotian Sect Master.

This kid's spiritual power is so powerful.

He must have suppressed the Sovereign Sect Master by spiritual force, and then killed him unexpectedly.

Just when they were suppressed by Wen Zilong's spiritual power, Yingyue began to work.

哧哧 ——

In just ten seconds, more than 20 disciples of the Immortal Sect were killed.

Originally his assassination technique was already very clever.

Now Wen Zilong suppresses the mental strength of these guys and makes these guys slow to react.

He assassinated even more easily.

At this point, those disciples who were immortalized, finally panicked.

"There are barbarian dragons!"

"There are no wild dragons hiding all around!"


However, what they call is futile.

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