Super Dragon Evolution

Chapter 998: one thousand

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"you sure?"

Yun Wuxin couldn't believe it.

The two ancestors, after so long planning, failed to destroy Chaotianzong.

The result is suddenly destroyed now, how can this make her believe?

The disciple of the report nodded: "Ok."

"Ha ha ha ha, good, good, good!"

Yun Wuxin called out three good words in a row.

Chaotianzong was destroyed, then the two of them will divide the remaining cake.

In this way, they will get more benefits than before.

Excited, he asked the disciples who reported:

"Who did it?"

The disciple quickly said:

"According to the disciples who escaped from them, it was a barbaric dragon from the common customs. With just one blow, they killed their suzerain."

"one strike?"

In Yun Wuxin's tone, it was hard to hide surprise.

She has also played against Chaotian Que.

Even though they are all the tenth-order Promise Powers, Chaotianque is a Thunder attribute and occupies a great advantage.

Because of that fight, although she was not a complete defeat, when she retreated, she looked a little embarrassed.

Such a powerful sky-que, but was wiped out by another guy.

How strong should this guy be?

"Who is that guy?"

Yun Wuxin asked.

"According to the disciples of Chaotianzong, he is called Wen Zilong. It is a dual attribute of thunder and fire. Its strength is very strong."

"Thunderfire dual attributes?"

Yun Wuxin was even more surprised: "Could it be said that there are tenth-rank strong in the world?"

"No, he is not tenth order. But ... ninth order."


After Yun Wuxin heard this, he was stunned.

Ninth order?

How can it be?

Ninth order spike tenth order?

Are you kidding me?

But looking at the disciples who reported it was obviously not a joke.

But why is it so hard for her to believe it?

The ninth order, in front of the tenth order, is completely the existence of ants.

Throughout the ages, all the ninth-rank strongmen have only been crushed before the tenth rank.

When did Tier 9 become so strong?

If the ninth order is so strong, are we still working hard to reach the tenth order?

"Order nine? Ha ha."

Yun Wuxin smiled: "Those Chaotianzong disciples are scared and stupid."

He would never believe that such a ridiculous thing as the ninth order spike to the tenth order.

"Send a few wild dragons to take a look at it, by the way ... go to their treasury. Useful, all moved back to me."

"Yes, Sovereign."

The disciple responded and walked away quickly.

At the same time, in Tongtianzong, a similar scene is taking place.

Tongtian Sect Master, I do not believe that a 9th order peak can kill 10th order in seconds.

If they really want to be able to spike, why do they work hard to reach the tenth level?

Is it to make the ninth order spike?


At the same time, he also sent a wild dragon to Chaotianzong.

First, to check the situation.

Secondly, in order to see if there is any benefit possible.

However, they did not know that Wen Zilong had already remembered their mine.

In the ten days that Wen Zilong was waiting for his mental strength to recover, his mind shifted to the Zhongtong Empire.

The beast shop in Zhongtong Empire is very hot.

Although the Zhongtong empire was wiped out by the Wenzi dragon, due to the accumulation of over a hundred years before, their people were still very rich.

Therefore, the business here is even hotter than in the east of the empire.

Every day, there are basically tens of millions of wild dragon stones accounted for.

You can earn 100 million in two days.

I haven't gone these days and have already saved a lot.

After Wen Zilong arrived, he directly got 1.5 billion wild dragon stones.

In this way, the total energy spar of Wen Zilong reached 959.

And in these ten days, Naozian Xianzong and Tongtianzong arrived at Chaotianzong and found that the clan had been evacuated.

They were all disappointed.

Within the misty fairy sect.

The patriarch is looking through a booklet.

This is a list of things they just moved back from Chaotianzong.

After watching it for a few minutes, he frowned slightly.

"The whole Chaotianzong, is there such a thing?"

The three elders in charge of this matter nodded:

"Yes, Sect Master. It should be the ninth-order barbaric dragon that emptied the clan of Chaotian Sect. But ... although we didn't get anything from their treasury, but the ninth-rank barbarian dragon destroyed Chaotian Sect, In this way, the remaining two of us can divide the two mines equally.

"This is a huge income."

The Sovereign Sect Master nodded:

"Yes, if it were n’t for the deformed barbaric dragon, we would like to get the entire mine. It is estimated that it will be at least ten years. From this point, we seem to have to thank him. However, he is a common barbaric dragon. Dare to move our worldly sect, we can not let him go like this. "

"Go check and see where the kid is. If it has gone back, then it's okay. If he's still here, then kill him. Chaotianzong's good things are all on him."

The three elders nodded:

"Yes, I will do it now."

At the same time, this similar scene also happened in Tongtianzong.

First, they don't think there will be a tenth order barbarian dragon in the world;

Secondly, they do not think that the ninth-order barbaric dragon can kill the heavenly lord.

In their view, Wen Zilong must have made a trick.

And such a kid, they do not allow him to exist.

A secular gate, but was destroyed by a vulgar barbarian dragon, this is their shame.

Therefore, on the one hand, they are fortunate that Wen Zilong wiped out Chaotianzong, and they can get a large part of the benefits from the mine.

On the other hand, it is necessary to order to kill Wen Zilong.

Ice Blade and Shadow Moon have been monitoring the movements of these two sects.

Wen Zilong smiled when he heard that these two ancestors benefited from himself, but now he still wants to kill himself.

"Oh, since you guys want to play, I'll **** you with you."

After all, a thousand chapters, you have to do something.


Among the long stretch of 100,000 mountains, there is a big river more than fifty meters wide in the east.

Downstream of the big river, in a huge sky pit.

This tiankeng has a diameter of about five kilometers.

Looking down from above, it looks like a black hole in the rolling forest.

The big river directly flows into this sinkhole.

Form a spectacular waterfall in Tiankeng.

Here, it is Dongkeng Mine.

Every day, it can produce nearly 300,000 spirit stones.

Around this Dongkeng Mine, there are more than a thousand disciples of Yuanxian Sect.

Originally, the pit was shared by three sects.

Only a few days ago, Chaotianzong was destroyed and their disciples fled naturally.

Yesterday, the disciples of Tongtianzong went to another mine.

Today, there are only more than a thousand disciples of the Taoist Immortals.

Among them are the five elders of Aixianzong.

Their strength has reached the peak of the eighth order.

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