Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 98: See you again


Everyone heard that!

But compared to the sound in the ear, what shocked everyone most was the scene in front of them!

A hammer!

The head of the orc king was smashed directly!

That huge visual impact makes everyone feel like the heart is being beaten!

Especially Li Yuanba, still laughing wildly!

Then, without waiting for the other orc kings to react, they turned and smashed out with two hammers again!

Unbiased, just hit the chest of the two guys next to him.

There was no time to react at all, and the two orc kings flew upside down, spitting blood in their mouths. Then he died on the spot!

Xue Ba's original cold face was a little dazed at this moment!

Even the blood-red eyes seemed to be a little confused!

Just a few seconds before and after. The three orc kings are already dead!

And dead is worse than one!

Where did this monster with a hammer come from?

At this moment, Xue Ba was afraid!

"Go together!"

Seeing Li Yuanba threw the pair of hammers into the sky again. Xue Ba raised his last courage and shouted.

Then, the remaining orc kings, including Xue Ba, also rushed towards Li Yuanba.

Among them, Li Yuanba has no fear!

It's not too easy to hold him in that iron house for so long, so he jumped up with an excited smile on his face.

First, two hammers killed the two orcs in front.

He threw the hammer aside, and flung himself barefooted!

Seeing this scene, Xue Ba felt happy.

In the next second, he almost went crazy!

In the eyes of everyone in the audience, Li Yuanba reached out and grabbed the orc's legs.

Gu Fanfan and Gu Chengya, who were sitting in the corner, saw that they felt tight all over, and they could not help but appear in the scene of the boxing field in Myanmar at the time!

If others make this move, maybe they will have no idea.

But this person replaced Li Yuanba, Gu Chengya closed her eyes without hesitation!

Sure enough, with a shout.

That orc king was torn in half!

It's the same script again. Someone was torn once again, and this time the person torn off was a king!

No one dared to say anything at this time, for fear of accidentally angering this guy like a devil!

Some timid people were stunned.

Even Jing Jing was secretly shocked. The closed sword stood next to Su Qiubai, staring at Li Yuanba's eyes full of alert.

How could there be such a person in the world!

The onlookers were so shocked, but imagined how Xue Ba felt. He feels like **** alive during the day!

Putting his body away stiffly, the rest of the orc kings are completely irrational, and he still has a little brain. Already understand that I rushed to death!

So hiding in the back, Xue Ba was frightened and watched Li Yuanba as if he had solved the last few orc kings like a play!

Especially when I saw Li Yuanba dragging the big man about two meters in his hand, he seemed to be holding a toy in his hand. After a few shakes, he leaped up high, and then fell on top of the stone platform!

He couldn't control his inner fear anymore, Xue Ba sat on the ground with one hip!

This is a devil who crawls out of hell!

Seeing Li Yuanba's eyes turned towards himself again, Xue Ba could no longer withstand the pressure of his heart.

He jumped up suddenly, and slammed his head against the iron gate.

All this happened too quickly, from the appearance of Li Yuanba to the death of Xue Ba, it took only a few minutes before and after.

The warriors in the audience had a feeling of escape from death.

But no one dared to say one more word, they all looked carefully at the unconscious boy in the middle.

It is clear. Li Yuanba has been suppressed for too long.

Picking up his pair of hammers, Li Yuanba jumped slightly and stood in front of Su Qiubai.

"Anything else? I packed up."

This sentence didn't sound loud, but everyone who heard it changed his face, and looked nervously at Su Qiubai.

In particular, Xue Zidong and Li Jinghe were completely paralyzed on the ground in shock.

At this moment they had fully understood that the Xue family was really over!

Just like Su Qiubai said before, he really ruined the Xue family!

With his own strength, the owner of the Xue family actually killed him!

Many people may think. It's just that a homeowner has died, and Xue's foundation is still there!

But Xue Zidong knows very well that these things that Xue Ba did, especially that he actually took intermediate medicine, and secretly joined the hunter organization of America!

If it was more serious, his actions sent Xue's family directly to a dead end!

Not only offended other families in the North Capital. Even the military offended with Wumen!

Now even if Su Qiubai no longer cares about them, these people will completely kill the Xue family!

Compared to these, Xue Zidong and Li Jinghe are most scared, but this young man with a hammer!

The scene that directly tore people apart is a bit scary!

Su Qiubai did not have time to control these people, only he knew. Li Yuanba has only been here for five minutes.

Time is coming soon!

So taking a deep breath, he grabbed Li Yuanba's arm and pulled him towards the corner.

There are still two minutes before Li Yuanba goes back. During this period, he must ask some things clearly!

"What happened after the King's Trial Space collapsed? Where were you before?"

When asking this sentence. Su Qiubai's heart was full of nagging.

After Li Yuanba disappeared, like Xia Rongrong, he could not be found by the system!

That is. Chances are that two people are staying in the same place!

Then this is probably the only chance to ask something!

Li Yuanba was stunned by Su Qiubai's question, and then replied, "After the place collapsed. I was surrounded by many people who were holding strange weapons, and many iron boxes were flying in the sky. There are people better than me! "

Su Qiubai listened very carefully. The last sentence surprised him.

People who are better than Li Yuanba!

Who would that be?

"Then what?" He asked without a pause.

"Then I was arrested and they locked me in a cell. It was so strong that I couldn't open it!"

Speaking of which, there was a hint of helplessness on Li Yuanba's face!

It seemed that he was trying to escape from prison. It was also a waste of effort.

"Have you been locked up there? Have you been anywhere else?"

While receiving the news quickly in his head, Su Qiubai continued to ask.

He was really curious what kind of place it was, and what kind of relationship it had with himself, why even the system needed the energy from Yuehua Stone to locate it!

"After a while, they will knock me out, and then I will have a wound on my body."

Talking, Li Yuanba pulled up his sleeve, and sure enough there were many fine wounds on his arm!

Staring at those wounds, Su Qiubai didn't understand why this happened.

And the time in my head is only the last thirty seconds left at this time.

"Brother, you remember what this girl looks like. If you meet her one day, say that Su Qiubai will never forget her, and will definitely come to her and take her home!"

Speaking, Su Qiubai took out the picture of Xia Rongrong from his pocket and put it in front of Li Yuanba.

After a thoughtful look, Li Yuanba nodded.

Followed Su Qiubai and patted Li Yuanba's arm vigorously.

"Wait for me, when I'm strong enough I will definitely go to that place to save you and save you from there!"

These words Su Qiubai said very sincerely, and there was even firmness in his eyes!

Perhaps many people think that Li Yuanba is a butcher-like person. He is cruel and likes to kill people!

But Su Qiubai didn't think so, Li Yuanba was his brother in his heart!

What's more, Li Yuanba was trapped in that prison, all because of his reasons.

Therefore, this commitment is his commitment to his brother!

Looking at Su Qiubai's eyes, Li Yuanba suddenly laughed.

He also patted Su Qiubai's shoulder, he nodded heavily!

Almost at the same time, Su Qiubai's countdown had reached the end.

Then, just like the scene when Li Yuanba appeared, a white light flashed in front of him!

He went to the place where the navigation could not be found!

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