Super Driver

Vol 2 Chapter 99: end

After a long period of silence at the conference hall, there was gradually a sound.

It's just that everyone intently focused on Su Qiubai.

After experiencing everything that happened before, everyone understands that if it were not for the ordinary kid, maybe no one can stand here alive now!

The old driver heard the sound of the system again at this moment.

"Found the energy crystal!"

This made him startled, and then looked in the direction of Xue Ba's body.

When Xue Ba opened the iron door. He felt the energy of the opening of space-time channels.

The sound of the system now makes him more convinced of this.

After walking through, the system prompts whether to bind?

Obviously, this energy crystal is the same as the one he saw in the summer daughter at Donghai Hospital!

According to Su Qiubai's understanding, this energy crystal is used when opening the shuttle channel.

And Yue Huashi, who was previously packed in a box by Xue Ba, has not yet understood what is going on.

Looks like it can make the system have some upgraded functions in advance?

Of course, this is just his guess!

Coupled with the fact that Su Qiubai's growth value at this moment is almost gone because of the summoning of Li Yuanba, even if he wants to ask the system clearly, there is no way.

He was lost in thought. The others at the scene were frightened!

Although the orc king has been completely killed, but now Su Qiubai's identity, only a few people know.

It can be said that once he wants to take action against these martial arts, the results of the crowd will still be completely killed.

Therefore, he saw that he was silent and felt more and more nervous.

But soon, the military moved.

They move. Suddenly the entire venue began to shake violently!

This jitter was the same as before when it collapsed, and lasted about ten seconds.

Su Qiubai also responded violently, others did not know what happened, but he immediately understood.

It must be because of the energy crystal that caused the change in the venue later.

Now this crystal is bound by Su Qiubai, so there is no energy support in the venue, it must be back to the beginning!

Sure enough, almost at the same time, the outside light came in and the iron door was opened.

There was a riot in the crowd. Some people had already planned to run out, but they were blocked by military soldiers!

No one understands what happened. In short, under the guidance of Gu Xingwen, the military soldiers blocked all the exits, and he walked towards Su Qiubai along with Gu extraordinary people.

Almost at the same time that the venue was back to normal. The hunter base in the Americas has been informed.

The man in black robe even stood up directly from the chair.

"You mean that the old guys in Beidu didn't dispatch, and then all the orcs died?"

It seemed unbelievable, so he widened his eyes and looked at the messenger in the white robe.

"Yes. All orcs are dead, but not the hands of the old Chinese guys."

The face of the white robe messenger was also hard to read. The news can be said to surprise everyone.

They didn't even know what was going on inside the venue, and how did Huaxia kill those ten orcs!

After a moment of silence, the face of the man in black robe was full of fear.

"Notice, all actions against Huaxia are suspended, and the military forces are contracting! Everything is waiting for my order!"

After hearing these words, the messenger of the white robe went out.

And the black robe man re-sit on the chair.

Then he murmured softly in his mouth, as if talking to himself, as if asking someone.

"Will the super system be here?"

At the other side of the meeting, at this time it was already a bit of a sword.

No one knows what the military wants to do. However, those big families in the northern capital did not hesitate to choose to support the military.

At one time, the venue was divided into two distinct groups.

But they have not yet started, everyone's eyes are staring at Su Qiubai and Gu Xingwen on the stage. In the final analysis, everything here is in Su Qiubai's body.

"This gentleman, Xue Ba's collusion with the American forces is not trivial, so it is very likely that these people have also mixed a lot of spies, so our military needs to take over the investigation!"

Because Su Qiubai has covered his face up to now. Although Gu Fanfan had already guessed his true identity, in the presence of so many people, his name was not directly stated.

Gu Chengya was staring at Long Ruoxuan standing next to Su Qiubai at the moment.

Of course she knew this woman, Miss Long!

Before that, she saw the scene where Su Qiubai was injured to save Long Ruoxuan. At that time, she was not very happy. Now she saw Long Ruoxuan standing tightly next to Su Qiubai, and she felt a little angry. So his eyes are cold.

Long Ruoxuan also noticed Gu Chengya's gaze, but she didn't care.

With her status and age, there is really no need to have general knowledge with a little girl!

Su Qiubai didn't notice the difference between the two women at the moment. After listening to Gu Xingwen's words, he nodded.

For the Gu family, this is not his first contact.

And compared to Jiangmen, such as Wumen, his heart is definitely full support of the military!

However, after agreeing with Gu Xingwen's words, Su Qiubai turned to look at everyone at the scene, and then said loudly.

"Today, I hope everyone can keep the secrets. In addition, if anyone is going to move the Xue family, it is against me. It is also against my sword. I hope everyone can think about it!"

After leaving this sentence, Su Qiubai turned to give Jing Jing a look.

The nearby Long Ruoxuan didn't even have time to grab his sleeve, and the old driver had been jumped out of the door by Jing Mao's arms.

"Asshole, where are you going!"

Longing for nothing, Long Ruoxuan shouted in the direction that Su Qiubai left, but he could not see his shadow at all.

People at the scene saw Su Qiubai leaving and sighed in unison.

But then, thinking of his last words, I was also in my heart!

Originally Xue Ba's death, everyone felt that Xue's family was a big cake, and they were waiting to be divided up by everyone!

As a result, Su Qiubai's words. It is to let everyone lose this mind.

Even the military and martial arts gave up the idea of ​​doing something to the Xue family.

Although they have the ability to do a fight with Su Qiubai, the problem is that they must see that the underlining is not converted!

What's more, everyone saw that Su Qiubai had a Jing Jing beside him!

It is not wise to provoke such two people for a Xue family, and they seem to be the top killers!

On the other hand, Su Qiubai's words left hope for the Xue family!

With his words, Xue's family business can be preserved. When the boss comes back from the Americas, there is still hope for a comeback!

Thinking about it this way, Xue Zidong's mind has already presented a whole set of opportunities.

Now that Xue Ba is dead, others will not move the Xue family again. It can be said that a few of their brothers have the opportunity to become the owner of the Xue family!

And he has an ace!

Su Qiubai's mother, Qiu Chunyu is still in his own hands!

As long as you master Qiu Chunyu, maybe you can also master Su Qiubai!

This idea almost appeared in Xue Zidong's mind just now.

Imagine that Su Qiubai could do this kind of self-effort against the entire Xue family for his mother. Then, using the peasant woman himself, she must be able to beat him!

And even if you do n’t do it, wait until Su Qiubai comes back, maybe you will do it yourself, then it will be unlucky!

Rather than die, you might as well fight hard, maybe you can hold the entire Xue family in your own hands!

Inexplicably, Xue Zidong was excited. After the military inspection was over, he immediately took Li Jinghe and left.

No one knows that Su Qiubai is unconscious at this moment!

At that time, he completely propped up the sentence, and then let Jing Ye take him away.

Almost immediately after leaving the venue, a blood spurted from his mouth

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