Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1104: I want 1 serving of braised pork, big pot

Divine consciousness entered the brick, and Wang Xing was stunned.

He was really guessed by him, and there was actually a mountain hidden inside, but this mountain is more than a million miles long.

The whole mountain is majestic and majestic, where it stands, enough to suppress everything.

"It's a bunker."

Wang Xing is sure to be a top-level existence even in the fifth-order Force Magic.

Moreover, it is clear that Saitama has only inspired a small part of the power of this slab. If this slab is fully excited, the mountains of billions of miles will be fully exposed. At that time, even the emperor of the realm will detour go.

"It's all luck, hell."

Wang Xing was very dissatisfied. He showed himself the magical skills of Fuxing's high light along the way. As a result, he didn't get any treasures, but Saitama and I were gods so much.

Could it be that the stupid people in the legend are stupid?

Wang Xing is very injured. He is now embarrassed to show himself another blessing to show his magical skills. This thing doesn't seem to be reliable at all.

But Wang Xing didn't want to think about it. Saitama and I got these things from God. It also considered that the strength of the academy was strengthened. For his dean, it wasn't what Fuxing Gaozhao was.

"Take it away."

Wang Xing returned the tiles to Saitama. When this thing was manufactured, it was used to shoot people, and there was no other power.

Saitama has mastered the law of strength. In the face of this property of the brick, who can be more suitable to own this brick, so it is no wonder that Saitama can excite the brick and let it show its true colors.

Several people continued to walk, this walk is directly to the time when the auction will start.

During this period, Wang Xing purchased a total of thirteen Tier 5 items.

Now the progress of Wang Xing's main mission is impressive:

Seventh-order items, 0/1.

Tier 6 items, 0/10.

Tier 5 items, 13/100.

Wang Xing can be seen. As long as it is rich, the fifth-order items can be collected quickly. The key is the sixth-order items and seventh-order items.

"President Wang, the auction is about to begin, let's go over."

"it is good."

Wang Xing followed Anshui County to leave this strange plane world, but followed them into another strange place.

This is also a small world, but it was created by an emperor.

"Four people are here to participate in the auction?" A staff member appeared, and he saw that this staff member had the first-order cultivation of chaos.

"Um." Anshui County nodded.

"Because this auction is a medium-to-high-end auction, the items being auctioned are at least three-tier items. Therefore, for this auction, we need to verify capital, and assets with assets below 10 billion universe coins are not eligible to participate. This auction. "The staff said faintly, and then looked at the three of them leisurely.

"10 billion universe coins?" Wang Xing said suddenly, "Ordinary third-order items are worth tens of millions of universe coins. Your admission qualification is 10 billion universes, isn't it too high?"

"I'm sorry sir, we have very few third-order items to be auctioned, and even if there are, they are all sold in packages. After our price verification, the lowest lot price must exceed one billion universe coins, so we set this. Admission restrictions. "

"Well then!" Wang Xing swiped his bank card in the place where the capital was verified in advance, which showed that the deposit was 292 trillion.

"Sir, you can enter." The man glanced at the balance of Wang Xing, immediately knowing that Wang Xing is not an ordinary person, because he can take out so many universe coins at will, either one of the country ’s national masters or the king of chaos .

"They are with me, so there is no need to check it."

"no need."

However, if you want to get an auction seat, you still need to verify the capital, and Anshui County seems to be interested in auctioning something, and finally checked it.

Wang Xing glanced at it. The balance of Anshui County was 198 trillion yuan, which was worse than himself.

Suddenly, Wang Xing was a little proud, and he really was already a rich man.


The four Wang Xing then entered the auction house. Without the brightness as imagined, they could not see anything.

"How is this going?"

"Don't panic. This is to ensure the customer's information. It is deliberately arranged. You can try it. Even the soul inspection and the consciousness are blocked.

"So it is."

Wang Xing tried it, and it was so. At this time, he really saw what was professional.

"Then how do we get to our place?"

"Remember the guide card that person gave us, this guide card will lead us to our place."

Wang Xing felt it, and it turned out that the guide was pointing in one direction.

In this way, the four finally found their place.

Each guidance sign points to a small box, and after entering the box, the inside brightens up, but it looks completely dark when looking out.

"President Wang, I'm next to you."

"Got it."

Wang Xing nodded, but looked at his box.

The decoration is very good, and there is a transfer station inside, which can transfer some simple drinks and food ~ ~ Star Bank is really rich! "

Wang Xing murmured, ordered a drink, and teleported over there immediately.

Not to mention, it's pretty authentic.

"Dean, can you order here?" Saitama froze, and looked curiously at the transfer station.

"Well, order whatever you want, it's free." Wang Xing said casually, drinking this kind of common drink in the universe he ordered.

When he heard this, Saitama and I were divine.

The two pressed the talk button on the teleporter and began to talk continuously.

"I want a bucket of instant noodles!"

"I want a piece of braised pork, big pot."

In the logistic service department of the auction, two Star Bank service personnel were aggressive.

"What do 95279 customers want, instant noodles and braised pork, what are they?"

"Did we hear it wrong?"

But then, they knew that they didn't hear it wrong, but the needs of the guests, they never heard it.

In the box, Wang Xing sipped out a drink: "You two ... are really a pair of living treasures. It's no wonder that people at Universe Bank can make it."

Saitama and I are both very disappointed. So good things can't be made, definitely Star Bank's service is too poor.

The two service staff on the opposite side were really upset and wanted to cry.

At this time, a 100-meter-long booth was lit up in the center of the small void world, and a beautiful woman appeared on that booth.

Everyone was aware of one thing, the auction was officially started, and the first lot was generally not too bad.

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