Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1105: Crazy Auction

Sure enough, things are just as expected.

After the woman appeared, she slowly said, "Welcome everyone, I'm Niya, Star Bank's special auctioneer, and the auction officially starts."

Niya knows that everyone comes to auction things, so there is no nonsense at all.

She said that she had taken out a thing, and it was a strange mirror: "The first auction item, this is a fourth-order magic weapon mortgaged by a half-step creation king, named Jinghua Shuiyue, which can present a What happened in one day in the local area and assisted in calculating the secrets. I know that everyone here must have practiced deduction and secret skills, then this is definitely a magic weapon you must not miss. The starting price is one trillion universe coins. "


Wang Xing was dumbfounded and started to auction a magic weapon. Although it is only a fourth-order force magic weapon, the magic weapon is much more difficult than a weapon. Therefore, the value of a fourth-order force magic weapon is even more than that of a fifth-order force weapon. Chase the first-order original artifact.

Looking at the auction price, one trillion universe ...

It's really expensive.

However, at this time, Wang Xing was really excited. He had just obtained the great deduction technique in eternal life. It would be really good if he got this miracle in the mirror again.

"Shoot, be sure to shoot!"

Wang Xing looked at the bidding button in front of him. As long as he pressed it and meditated on the bid price he wanted to call, Niya at the auction table would receive it.

At this time, others have started to bid.

The price has risen from one trillion universe coins to ten trillion universe coins. Seeing that this price is obviously rising rapidly.

"Dean, let me come."

I am the God who is excited when he sees Wang Xing pressing the go button. He finds this very interesting.


"Then you come, remember not to increase the price too much at one time."

Wang Xing smiled slightly. Anyway, he was going to bid.

A pleasant sip of the drink, Wang Xing heard Niya on the stage at this time: "95279 customers bid for one trillion yuan of space coins, is there no higher? Is there any?"

Wang Xing was stunned and couldn't help but stunned: "What, just less than 3 billion universes, why did they suddenly rise to a trillion billion universe coins, which neuropathy is this?"

But as soon as his words fell, he saw a light shining on his box.

This is a reminder after bidding, telling other people where the guest is paying, but no one else can see who is inside the box.

Wang Xing looked at this light, feeling divided into dazzling eyes: "I am God, this ... is the price you shouted?"

I ’m God ’s proud at this time: “Yeah, it ’s not great, just take it down.”

When Wang Xing heard this, he had the heart to die: "One trillion trillion universe coins, that's one trillion billion universe coins!"


"No one seems to be bidding anymore. Congratulations to Guest No. 95279, you got the auction piece of Jinghua Shuiyue." Niya said, the auction item appeared in Wang Xing's box, and Wang Xing's deposit was at the same time One trillion yuan was deducted.

Wang Xing looked at the magic weapon in front of the mirror, and wanted to cry without tears.

The key is to spend so much money, this mirror can only be considered a fourth-order item, not counted in the task.

"Director Wang is terrific." Anshui County's voice came, but he knew that 95279 was Wang Xing's number. "I just observed that at least a dozen people are interested in this thing. If this continues to bid, it is estimated The price of this mirror is still more than one trillion yuan, and Dean Wang directly shouted the price, which suddenly shocked everyone, but saved a lot of universe coins. "

"I'll go, really?" Wang Xing had dumbfounded eyes.

"Originally the fourth-order Force Magic has been worth tens of trillions to tens of trillions of universe coins. Although this mirror flower water moon is somewhat partial, it is also worth the price."

"That's okay, okay!"

Wang Xing finally felt relieved a lot. It seems that I am a **** or a blessing.

Next, the auction continued.

However, Wang Xing is much smarter. If it is not even a fifth-order item, he will not participate in the auction at all, and if the fifth-order item is too expensive, he will not bid.

This time he came to the auction, he mainly focused on completing system tasks.

"Well, this fifth-order potion can be photographed, as long as 10 billion universe coins, yes, yes!"

"This bow is also OK, just for Luo Qiu's use. What, the price is more than 100 billion universes. I bid 120 billion universe coins."

"Sheng Yanguo, the 8521th place in the universe treasure list, but the fifth-order treasures are uncompromising. It is estimated that Liu Fan and Zhang Xiaomeng will like it very much."


The auction lasted for seven days, and more than a thousand items were sold.

Wang Xing shot more than a hundred times during this period, and took a total of 34 fifth-order items, which cost 20 trillion universe coins.

I believe that soon, the fifth-order items required by the task will be enough.

At this time, Niya slowly said, "Here, we have sold out 1200 auction items, and the remaining auction items are only 30. But the remaining auction items are worth It will be higher, are you ready? "

At this time, even Wang Xing was intrigued.

"The 30th to last auction item is a star-class spaceship from the mechanical family. It belongs to the sixth-order item and has a starting price of ten trillion yuan. A three-dimensional image of a spaceship. Looking closely at this spacecraft is really spectacular.

Under the spaceship, the spaceship is the strongest.

The weapons on the starship spacecraft can even threaten the Creator, and the starship spacecraft is also a status symbol.

In the galaxy, those who can use star-class spaceships as vehicles, except for those powerful cosmopolitan nations, have only some creators.

"Astral-class spaceship? And it's still a robot family, which is a good thing."

"It is estimated that the owners of many universe nations are excited, and some large families will certainly not let go."

"Yeah, there was a good show this time."

Sure enough, someone was already bidding there.

"Twenty trillion!"

"Thirty trillion!"

"Fifty trillion!"


Wang Xing looked at the crazy bidder and was really speechless. Even Anshui County, who was next to him, was participating in the bidding at this moment.

The price is also on the way, and in a blink of an eye, it has reached 150 trillion trillion universe coins.

But even so, it seems that it has just begun, because not only are fewer and fewer people participating in the auction, but more and more.

"Nima, now I know how poor I am. These talents are really rich!"

Wang Xing was very injured. He thought he was already a rich man, but in front of the real rich man, his money was a woolen yarn.

In this way, the price soon reached five trillion trillion universe coins.

Ten minutes later, it reached one trillion trillion universe coins. At this time, it slowed down, but it was still slowly improving.

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