Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1405: 1 sword and 1 child

Doesn't he have the power of the lower **** level, isn't he already invincible outside the Shenhe?

But why, he urged all defensive methods, even the blow of Wang Xing couldn't resist, this is why.

He was unwilling to understand.

But what can be done, his last thoughts are slowly dissipating. He is dead and a dead man.

Like a gust of wind, Croft's body turned into nothingness, a kind of complete nothingness, without leaving a single particle.

His body returned to its original state of energy. It was normal and no different.

Everyone was stunned and sweated coldly.

They were frightened and deterred.

They thought that the ten immortal god-level forces would be able to siege Wang Xing, but Wang Xing killed the strongest of them with an impeccable attack in just one move.

Their strength, the self-confidence that had just emerged, suddenly collapsed.

They felt a despair, a fear, a fear deep in their hearts.

Virtual world, above the interstellar network.

For a long time, no one spoke, and everyone was silent.

In the absence of any expectations, such a dramatic picture appeared.

Everyone seemed to understand that it wasn't that Wang Xing didn't run away or that he wasn't afraid to die, but that he completely had the fighting power against the ten inferior immortals. He had no fear, no fear at all.

Are you afraid of a group of ants?

That's the feeling!

Domineering, two words emerged in everyone's heart at this moment, nothing else.

In the face of ten aggressive, self-righteous pseudo-immortals, you can launch an attack aggressively and kill your opponents, not domineering.

Everyone is convinced and convinced. Such a strong person must be convinced by anyone.

Shengchen Wuyi is also watching this scene, and he laughed at the moment: "Very good, really good, I let my four sons go to Xian College to borrow. I originally wanted to make friends with Xian College, but now it seems I made the most sensible choice. By the way, my three sons are still four sons. Is n’t the teacher of Xian Academy saying that he is eligible to become a formal student of Xian Academy, let him work hard, if he can become the official of Xian Academy Student, the position of the owner of Lao Tzu is his. "

Wu Wu could not cry or laugh, but thought of Wang Xing's horrible strength just now and had to nod his head silently.

Such a peerless strong person can climb a little relationship, that is, make big money.

The Angola family whom I had made friends with at Xian Academy now feels that there is a kind of ancestral smoke, and the owner, Annala, has been hailed as the most wise owner of the family's history.

Why is it wise, because she made the most correct choice and chose Xian Academy at a critical time and became a friend of Xian Academy.

Kobe River galaxy.

Quiet, terrifying, everyone, including Nelson, had the urge to run away.

Others may not see it, but Nelson knows deeply that the power just released by Wang Xing, even his power to spur the kingdom of God, cannot be achieved.

And he is the real lower deity, a real immortal.

The person in front of him couldn't understand it. Didn't he say that the limit of the power that the emperor can exert outside the river of God is the emperor?

How he did it, and what rules he practiced, they could not even know at all.

Oh my god, what kind of existence do they face, and which **** king is reincarnated?

Or, the son of the law of the universe.

Damn it!

Everything can only be said to be a hell, they can't understand, they can't take it easy, they can only tremble, their hearts are uneasy.

"The good show has just begun." Wang Xing's voice sounded, it was a lifeline, an executioner's order.

"Run away!" Nelson didn't know how to shout this sentence. This is a very shameful word. If it is returned to the Wanjia Empire, it is estimated that he will be placed on the pillar of shame. They will all die here.

Sure enough, Wang Xing over there started again.

The same sword, no color, no sound, only a piece of darkness, a horned emperor has not had time to move.

The body shattered and became like nothing.

He died, and was killed with a sword like Croft, without even a chance to fight back.

Why this happened, he was puzzled, full of doubts.

Isn't their horn tribe the strongest, but the person in front of them has never seen anything like it in the history of the horn tribe.

Such people will not be a nightmare for the Horns in the future.

"The second one, then the third."

Wang Xing again, completely a sword and a child, the other party did not fight back.

All resistance is ineffective, useless and futile.

They can only die under his sword. This is a gap in strength and cannot be bridged.

After all, even if they have the power of the lower **** level, but facing an opponent who can truly exert the power of the lower god, that is a massacre.

This gap is the gap between heaven and earth.

"Come again!"

Wang Xing will not stop, but the entire virtual world and the interstellar network have been boiling.

Three people have already been killed. As long as these ten guys are killed, even the next deity of Nelson, the Horn Altar is destroyed.

"Don't ... stop!" Nelson's voice came, and he condensed a ghost image, but the deity was teleported back to the altar long ago.

"Stop it?" Wang Xing shook his head. How could he stop at this time?

He will kill again, these emperors, he will not let go of any one.

In his eyes, these emperors are a character card of the Holy Fairy level, or a system of rewards.

"I know that you are very strong, the strongest emperor I have ever met, all beyond the scope of my understanding, but you must not forget that you are not alone, you still have the Immortal Academy, you have the Earth Federation ..."

"You are threatening me?" Wang Xing's face was cold, how could he not hear the other party's meaning.

"Yes, I'm threatening you. Although it's shameful, but for the Horns, I don't mind doing it. When you reach the Shenhe River galaxy, the returning Habby Shaw has gone straight to your galaxy and go There are a whole hundred emperors in the ninth rank of the kingdom. If you dare to kill another person, the Milky Way, the Earth Federation, and the Immortal College will not exist. "Nelson said coldly, this was his last resort, originally he It was intended that after killing Wang Xing, then slaughter the galaxy and avenge the six dead emperors, but now it is used as a threat.

Shameful, shameful.

But as long as he can stop Wang Xing, this is nothing, he is not afraid of shame, everything is for the Horns.

Yes, it's all worth it for the Horns.

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