Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1406: I accept your threat

"I know you don't believe it, but you can communicate with the galaxy emperors, they must have noticed it." Nelson continued, and he saw that Wang Xing stopped and knew that his threat worked.

Immortal College, Earth Federation, and the Milky Way, this is the weakness of Wang Xing.

As long as they hold it, they will have a chance.

Yes, there is still a chance.

This is a long-planned invasion by their horns. They will not give up like this, absolutely not.

But now, we must first send this lunatic, this demon, this person who makes their entire horns tremble, otherwise, he may even die here.

Wang Xing immediately communicated with the emperor of the Milky Way and asked about the situation.

He really didn't dare to do it anymore. If it was true as Nelson said, an emperor and a hundred emperors of the kingdom of one hundred kingdoms would definitely bring the galactic disaster.

Maybe this disaster is coming, because the Immortal Academy can survive in the dimension world, but the Earth Federation is inevitable.

Wang Xing couldn't afford this consequence.

What horns, or other aliens, has anything to do with him, the first thing he guarantees is the security of the Earth Federation.

There are hundreds of billions of human beings on the earth now. This race will continue. This is what he wants to protect the most.

Even more than that, the significance of Xianxian College exists.

"Dean, he is right. Many powerful breaths have indeed appeared around the Milky Way. They should be the people of the Horns. But they have not yet entered the Milky Way. They are just wandering back. They should be waiting for the immortal Order. "Qingdi said, dare not conceal the current situation.

"If I don't go back, can Heaven Emperor, Hades and other teachers resist together?" Wang Xing asked. He still didn't want to give up this opportunity.

"I can't resist it, there are too many people, and if the corner emperor among them is able to cope before I have not rebuilt it, now it is not an opponent at all." Qingdi helplessly said

The situation is self-evident.

Except for him, the galaxy didn't even have a person with great strength.

Can't resist, can't resist at all, this is his weakness, fatal weakness.

No matter how strong he is, he can only cast a rodent.

Helpless, unwilling, but what can be done.

"I see." Wang Xing nodded, he had to stop, or he really let the emperors of the horns invade the galaxy, it would be a disaster, and even his side mission would fail.

He can't afford this consequence, he really can't afford it.

He is responsible for the hundreds of millions of citizens of the Earth Confederation. As a result, more Wuxingshan Starworld creatures will die, and he can no longer control it.

"I accept your threat." Wang Xing said lightly, a little cold, and made people shudder.

"Very good." Nelson finally breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that temporarily stabilized Wang Xing, they were temporarily out of danger.

Many emperors of the Horn tribe heard this place, and they felt a little bit lucky and a little excited.

The lunatic finally stopped, and there seemed to be nothing happier than this. They were frightened by Wang Xing.

Everyone in the virtual world and the interstellar network was stunned.

Some people are already angry, how can they stop, how can they stop at this time.

Isn't it the Milky Way galaxy, isn't it the Earth Federation? How many people are there? Wuxingshan Starfield has millions of large galaxies and more creatures.

They were angry and even began to swear at Wang Xing.

Wang Xing will not kill these emperors of the Horns, nor will they destroy the altars of the Horns, regardless of their life or death.

They felt that all this was the fault of Wang Xing, and some even thought that it was Wang Xing who killed everyone.

Everyone is agitating, roaring, this is the root of every soul.

To put it plainly is selfish, that is, self-centered.

Wuxing Mountain Starfield, the country's lord Wugan also clenched his teeth, his face grimace: "How can he accept the threat of the Horns, such a good opportunity, such a good opportunity! No, please contact me and let him continue kill , Killed these horned emperors and destroyed the altar. "

He was going crazy, and even wished to take the place of Wang Xing.

He feels that this is a matter of course, it should be, and it has an unshirkable responsibility.

As for how the Milky Way would be destroyed, he would not even consider it, and it had nothing to do with him.

He is the owner of Wuxingshan Universe and the owner of Wuxingshan Starfield. Everyone should do what he wants.

Unfortunately, he could not reach Wang Xing, and even if he did, Wang Xing would not bother him.


"Now let the people of the Horns leave ten galaxies in the Milky Way." Wang Xing said.

"Unless you're sure you won't take another shot, a Horned Emperor will not evacuate." Nelson sneered, now that he has caught the weak side of Wang Xing, he has the confidence.

He is not stupid, knowing that he must be tough at this time.

Otherwise, as long as Wang Xing is given a chance, they will be finished.

"So what do you want to do?" Wang Xing asked, with a secret hatred in his heart, but he had to admit that he had been eaten by Nelson ~ ~.

For Xianxian Academy, for Earth Federation, I can only endure.

In the future, when there is really a strong man in Xianxian College, he must kill all the horns.

"That being the case, let's talk about the conditions," Nelson said.

When it comes to terms, that is negotiation.

Otherwise, this will remain deadlocked, and neither of them can actually afford it.

The altars of the Horns are consuming energy all the time and need sacrifices, and Wang Xing can't stay here for long.

"Talk about your conditions." Wang Xing thought for a moment and said.

"One, you immediately leave the Shenhehe galaxy, and you must not take any action against any of the Horns in the future. Second, you must not prevent any actions of our Horns. In return, we will not invade the Milky Way. Only these two, You promised, we can sign an agreement, and our emperor going to the galaxy will withdraw immediately. "Nielsen said.

Wang Xing was silent and seemed to be thinking.

Interstellar network, many people in the virtual world are shouting.

Do not agree, you must not agree.

If this is agreed, it can only indicate that Wang Xing completely abandoned them.

However, Wang Xing will not be affected in any way. He has his own consideration: "The conditions are still these two conditions, but the content is to be changed. First, I can leave the Shenhehe galaxy, and I will not affect any other world. The horned people who have been repaired under the king's realm have shot. Second, I will not stop any of your actions, but north of the Shenyang River, the horns will not take a step in the future. "

As soon as this word came out, the entire star field was quiet.

What are the conditions? Did the dean of Xianxian abandon them?

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