Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1462: Really amazing

Dugu Wuju and Ximen Yibei listened to the situation without any hesitation, in fact, there are still some doubts.

Make them believe that someone who has only met one side cannot do it.

"After you signed this letter of appointment, you naturally know that what I said is true and false, unless you don't even have the courage to sign this contract." Wang Xing looked at them with a smile, "The situation in Taigu now, You are also very clear that so many people who have died so many years have still not cultivated a supreme. The fate of the ancient times can be imagined, and the destiny of human beings can also be imagined. Now, what is before you It ’s an opportunity to save the human race. Do you dare to fight for the human race? Or do you have no human race at all? "

"Well, for the sake of humanity, we can naturally abandon ourselves. Isn't it a letter of appointment? I can feel the unusual power above, but I'm still willing to give it a try."

"then you……"

"I sign!"

Simon Yibei said, writing his name on it with a pen as a sword.

"I believe in being jealous."

Dugu looked at Wang Xing without injury, and wrote his name following the appointment.


Wang Xing looked at the two after signing the contract: "Did you feel the information in your mind, that is about the situation of our college. But the real college is more magical than what is described in that message. Now Give you an hour to arrange things in the sword field, and then I will take you into the college. "


"Are all arranged?" Wang Xing looked at the four people who came back.


"Well, let's enter the academy now, which is the world where our universe is." Wang Xing said, letting the four of them communicate with the academy, and suddenly a deep connection appeared.

Seeing only the abrupt, a few people disappeared into the world after soaring.

Immortal College, the World Hall.

"Yes, Dean."

The two immortal college employees guarding the World Hall saw Wang Xing salute immediately.

"Is this the Immortal College?" Simon Yibei's voice came.


"Then the light gates behind us?" Dugu pointed unharmed.

"This is a channel of planes, leading to a world like you. It is like a world leading to a biochemical crisis. Now the loss there has been mutating for 1,500 years. The most powerful loss is actually Already comparable to the ordinary Taiko masters in your world. Like this world, it leads to the world of Xunxian. Originally there was no immortal in that world, but now people are all over the world. Earth immortals are not as good as dogs, and all this is College credit. "Wang Xing said lightly.

"So many worlds ..." Simon Yibei muttered, somewhat shocked.

"By the way, it is like the world that this channel leads to, which is the world of stars. In this world, the strongest has reached the level of the universe god, which is equivalent to the ninth order of immortal, very powerful." Wang The star pointed at a light gate.

"Who is the main **** of our world and the cosmic **** you said is strong?" Dugu could not help but ask.

"There is no way to compare, the main **** of your world is only the sixth order of immortality, and a cosmic **** of the ninth order of immortality can destroy all the main gods of your world with a wave of your hand. The **** of the universe is already creating the law, and what you call The main **** of God is just merging the rules, like mythology in myths and legends, the gap is really too big. "Wang Xing explained with a smile.

"It turned out to be so." Dugu muttered without injury.

"That dean, is the college a strong cosmic god, we ..." Simon Yibei said immediately.

"Do n’t hurry up. Our academy does not have such a strong presence now, but it should soon be. Because a **** king who has become a world is about to become a teacher of the academy, and the **** king is a seventh-order immortal existence, also It's enough to slay the Lord God. If you can talk about this **** king to take a shot, you can easily solve the dilemma of your world people. "

After hearing this, several people were excited.

Including the situation.

"Well, take a closer look at your current state." Wang Xing said again.

"This, my realm?"

"Sure enough, they have returned to the realm of the Lord God, and those rules can be fully enlightened."

"It's amazing, it's as if I had such a cultivation state."

Wang Xing smiled: "You can only experience this realm only when you are in the college, and realize it well."

The advent of the situation made the college sensation again.

Because even if it is a late injury, at the moment in the academy has Jinxian level strength.

The college of Xianxian University has no worries about finding a teacher, but unfortunately this practice can only be in the college.

Because as soon as they leave the college, they will regain their true status.

What's more, they can't leave the college to take shots. Even in the college, they can't even take shots in isolation.

Because Wang Xing received a very unfortunate news from the system ~ ~ two previous shots, the law of the origin of the universe has long locked the academy's position, and now the immortal level attack cannot be played out at all.

In fact, it's not just the academy, but the dimension world is the same.

The crystal wall system of the dimensional world is inherently powerful and abnormal, and it is also extremely difficult to shoot through the dimensional world.

After knowing this news, Wang Xing was completely desperate for the system.

Even the mood to recruit Jiang Lan to the college as soon as possible was almost gone.

The system once again proved to Wang Xing that the teachers are here to teach, not to fight for you.

Ten days later.

"In the past ten days, I realized a lot of things, and now I have to go back and digest them well," murmured Simon Yibei.

"I have to go back, too," Dugu said without injury. "Wu Ji, how many teachers and students are willing to go to our world now, Jian Yu wants to establish a foothold in Taikoo, and there is an urgent shortage of experts."

"In a hurry, I only found more than a hundred students and eight teachers." Feng Yun said, "But it should be enough. The emperor of our world is only equivalent to the Creator of this universe. Among the more than one hundred students, there are more than thirty emperor-level experts, and eight teachers are equivalent to the emperor-level experts in our world. "

"It's great, so Jian Yu can be based on ancient times. Wuji, what about the students and teachers you invited?" Simon Yibei said excitedly.

"It's all over there." Feng Yun pointed with no worries, and looking over there, everyone, including Simon Yibei and Dugu Innocence, was aggressive.

What is happening right now? Seven of the eight people are actually children.

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