Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1463: Let me solve them

There is another, although not a child, but also young and ridiculous.

That image looks like a rebellious boy.

"Don't underestimate them, the weakest of them can easily hang us four in our world." Simon said rudely.

"So powerful?" Simon Yibei did not believe it.

"Naturally, those seven children are from a world called Huluwa. Not long ago, they just shot and killed an immortal. Immortal, presumably you already know that this is equivalent to the college's Golden Immortal Realm, equivalent to us The god-level realm of that world. "Feng Yun said without fear, and he was a bit shocked.

The seven children looked bland, and who would have thought they had that strength.

"I still ca n’t believe it. Maybe my time at the college is too short. Then the other boy, looking at him, is full of amazing warfare and should be a master." Dugu thought it without injury and thought. .

"He's called Sun Wukong and he comes from the world of Dragon Ball. When he first entered the college, it was just the realm of Xuanxian. Now it has been less than a thousand years, and he is already the realm of the emperor. It ’s a lot worse, but we are sure to be able to hang us, ”Feng Yun said lightly.

Tokgo is harmless and hurt, why do you want to stress us again?

"Huluwa, what are you doing?" At this time, a voice came.

"Qing ... Qingdi!" The gourds seemed startled and immediately got behind Sun Wukong. "Don't go to school, we don't go to school."

Looking at them, they are really daunting to school.

"How did the elementary school outside this school, how so short a semester, I feel that as soon as the dean sent you there, you will come back." Qingdi said faintly, "But the dean said, you still have to go to school, you at least Go to college outside school. "

"No, we don't go." Dawa's head shook like a valley of waves. "The school is terrible. The teachers inside can eat people. We are going to the world after the ascension. We are going to fight monsters."

"What kind of monster to fight, you just don't want to go to school." Qingdi laughed.

The gourds were silent, apparently being hit.

"According to the dean, the world after the ascension can go, but your school will start again in one month, and you will come back to school honestly. Otherwise, he will take you back to the world after the ascension. "The emperor threatened, and then went to the situation of fearlessness," Teacher Fengyun, fearlessness, you have begun to deviate from the original destiny trajectory, which is a good thing and a bad thing. Needless to say good things, you have a second chance, Let you change your own destiny, the destiny of Taikoo. The disadvantage is that the plot direction you know will also be changed, and you may face greater danger. "

"I know, but it's all worth it." Feng Yun thought for nothing.

"Finally, you are about to go back. I will give you a message. The dean is about to enter the world of stars. At that time, he will recruit Teacher Jiang Lan. Teacher Jiang Lan is in the realm of God King, the seventh stage of Immortal Realm. Existence, if he is willing to take action, the people of your world will really be saved. "Qingdi whispered.

"Great." Feng Yun could not help but clenched his fists.

"Go back to your world, but remember to agree with the dean that you will take no less than 24 lessons each year in the college, and wait until the people of your world have completely stabilized, you must Come to the college for full-time substitutes. "

"I got it."

Feng Yun said without fear, several people were going to the hall of the world.

But at this time, a bald head ran over quickly, but just a few leaps came to the crowd.

"Wait for me, I want to go to the world after the ascension."


The Qing emperor saw the comer: "I'll just say that Sun Wukong has gone, how can you not go. Congratulations to the situational teacher, you have another powerful foreign aid."

Feng Yun heard this remark, but also rejoiced.


The world after soaring.

Back here again, Fengyun Wuji and others still feel like dreaming.

"God-level realm is gone." Simon Yibei felt the powerful power scattered from himself. "But I have experienced the realm of god-level and now I understand a lot. It seems that my cultivation is It can improve a lot. It may only take a hundred years for me to break through to the emperor level. "

"Me too." So too was Tokgo.

"Wow, is this the world you live in?" The gourds looked around curiously, feeling very novel.

"The laws of this world are strange." Sun Wukong felt it.

"Ah, I haven't come out so far, I went directly to someone else's world. May I ask, who is responsible for my daily meals, I feel so hungry." Saitama said, his stomach groaned.

At this moment, a cold breath came over.

"It's enough to have four domains in Taikoo ~ ~ What kind of sword domain is a joke." A man's voice sounded.

"Darkworld Demon. It's really here." Fengyun sneered unconsciously, "I wouldn't be afraid of any Dark Lord, let alone I have so many helpers from the college now."

"Let me solve them." At this time a man stepped out, and it was Zhou Jun, a student of Xianxian College.

"Okay." Feng Yun looked at the long sword Zhou Jun was carrying, and nodded consciously.

For the time being, to deal with some imperial masters, it is not necessary to use the college teachers' shots.

As soon as the figure flashed, Zhou Jun came outside the college.

"You also want to destroy the sword domain." Zhou Jun sneered, "I don't know if you live or die. If you go back, you can still save your life."

"Who is it? Let him come out and talk. You are an unknown junior and you are not qualified to talk to me." Dark Domain Devil sneered.

"Unknown junior? Immediately not, remember my name is Zhou Jun, who killed you." Zhou Jun said, the sword behind him was drawn out, and then leap forward, a sword is beheaded, "Sword Seven, cut in vain! "

The Dark Domain Demon King originally looked down on Zhou Jun, but suddenly he stopped.

He only saw the sword slashing across the sky, like arrows, spreading in the void.

He couldn't hide.

To mobilize all the power, he just wanted to have a hard time with Zhou Jun.

But his attack in front of Zhou Jun was instantly disintegrated by the sword energy, and then the sword energy passed through his body, killing him.

Everyone around me saw this scene and was dumbfounded.

Spike the demon domain monarch, what is this strength.

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