Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1466: Fit him

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Two baby girls, three baby girls, four baby girls, five baby girls, six baby girls, and seven baby girls are all very excited.

"Playing monsters."

"But this doesn't look like a monster."

"That's a bad guy, anyway, it's right to punch him."

The gourds said, it was completely like nobody else.

"I know, Jian Yu's trick is vicious. If you use seven children to deal with the sword god, if the sword **** kills seven children, the name of the sword **** will be completely stinky." See through the inscrutable tricks.

"I really admire the poisonous strategy, this time the knife **** will be embarrassed." Someone followed.

This view was quickly recognized by most people.

"Do you really want to use seven children to deal with me? This situation is for the sword domain, and it is really everything." Sword God thought in his heart, and he also agreed with everyone around him, "But Fengyun Wuji was obviously wrong. I killed these seven children and ruined their reputation, but if someone else killed them, it would be all right. "

He motioned towards the side of the demon domain, and immediately the five generals of the demon domain jumped out.

Killed the gourds.

They are people of the Demon Realm, and killing a few children is nothing.

"Monster, look for death!"

The baby watched the magic domain five come over, and drank, "Brothers, do it."

The seven brothers started almost at the same time, only to see the flashes of the seven figures, the magic realm five flew out.

Bang Bang!

The magic realm five will fall far away, and half of his life is gone. At this moment, they are still in persecution.

Who was hit by them, those seven children?

Everyone watching around was also stunned, what was the situation.

How can seven children have such strength.

The sword **** who thought that everything was under control, at this moment also looked dignified.

He could see very clearly that when the calabash bats were shot, the erupted strength reached the peak of the emperor level, close to the **** level.


Simon Yibei couldn't help but praise: "In both speed and strength, it is faster than Saitama and Sun Wukong."

"Are you the leader of the monster?" Erwa pointed at the sword at this time.

"Monster?" Sword God snorted coldly. "The seven children have the strength of the imperial peak. I think you are monsters. But that's fine. I will kill you now and there will be no more burden. . "

Hearing this, the people who hadn't known the cultivation of the Huluwa brothers were completely dumbfounded.

"Imperial peak?"

"The seven children have such strength?"

"Oh my god, I bet these seven kids are old monsters who have been reborn."


"Kill!" Sword God no longer hesitated, and without the psychological burden, he naturally shot directly without hesitation.

"Monster, take your life!" Naturally, the gourds did not show weakness, and in a blink of an eye they battled with the sword god.

At first, there may still be people who suspect that the sword gods exaggerated the strength of the gourds, but watching the gourds and the swords are fighting with equal strength, there is no doubt anymore.

"Awesome seven little dolls, but you are not yet my opponents. The difference between God-level and Emperor-level is a world-wide difference." Sword God said, mobilizing all the power, and the gourds were stabbed The hackers flew backwards.

Many people saw this, and secretly shocked the strength of the sword.

"Can't beat it, this monster is so good."

"Yeah, but we have one last move."

"Fit, fit him."

Qiwa shouted the most fiercely, and then the gourds looked at each other, flew to a piece, and began to fit into shape.

Where Sword God has seen this operation, he is completely agitated.

In a blink of an eye, the combined gourd little King Kong appeared.


Hulu Xiaojingang shouted and rushed to the sword.

"This breath ... God!"

The sword **** was extremely surprised. He didn't understand what was going on. He only saw the seven gourds gathered together, and then a god-like big gourd appeared.

Bang Bang!

The gourds attacked the Sword God, and the power of the rules such as water and fire space was constantly exerted, making the Sword God extremely embarrassing.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded again.

The sword **** was actually suppressed. Can anyone explain what this big gourd baby is in front of?

"Great, I heard people say that the calabash babies have killed gods. I still don't believe it, but now I believe it completely." Dugu was sighed innocently. "This strength in our world is estimated to be comparable to the mid-level **** Even the late strong. "

"Yes, it's amazing." Simon Yibei was completely convinced.

Ten minutes passed in succession, and the sword **** finally got rid of the gourds.

At this moment, he was really embarrassed.

"Come here, monster." Huluwa shouted, trying to rush up again.

"You guys are really amazing. This combination seems to be the sum of the strengths of seven people. This is the first time I've met. But is it that our sword territory has only this strength? Today, I must destroy your sword territory. No. "Sword God said slowly.

But at this time, an imaginary voice came: "Sword domain has elders comparable to god-level masters, you can build a domain."

The sound didn't know which direction it came from, but everyone listened as if it were by their ears.

No one knows who this talking person is ~ ~ But the face of this sword **** has changed. He looked at the situation with jealousy, and looked at the people in the sword field. Qualifying to become the fifth domain, the sword domain recognizes the status of the sword domain. "

Everyone couldn't believe the word of the sword.

The sword **** even compromised. He just said that he must destroy the sword domain. Why did he compromise? Is it because of the person just said.

At this time, only one person came out of the Demon Realm: "The Demon Realm also recognizes the legal status of the Sword Realm."

The sword domain and the magic domain have stated their positions, making some people who understand the situation completely understand it.

This attitude is changing too fast.

Only Fengyun thought about it, and slowly said, "The voice ... I thought of the reincarnation of Jun Qianji, it must be him. The people behind this sword domain, did not expect even him to be alarmed. Only he can make Sword God immediately stopped. "

"People in the sword domain, go back," said the sword god, and left as soon as he threw his sleeve.

"People in the Demon Realm, withdraw." Demon Realm followed.

In a blink of an eye, the birds and beasts of the demon domain and the sword domain are scattered and gone.

Those who remained did not respond.

"This is over." The gourds were released from fit, and they were still confused. "No matter, Uncle Fengyun, we have all helped you so much. Can you tell the dean and grandpa, don't let We will go to school again. "

"Ha ha ..." Feng Yun was embarrassed, and he didn't dare to say this to the dean.

"I'm so hungry for food!" Saitama sat on the floor, still talking.

In the college, Wang Xing is ready to enter the world of stars.

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