Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1467: The president is here and everyone stands up

This time he went in, his main purpose was to recruit Jiang Lan as a college teacher.

The stars change the world, and Wang Xing is back.

Still in the place where he left, a secret room that few people knew was located tens of thousands of meters deep in the veins of the **** stone and was guarded by matrix formations.

Pushing the door open, Wang Xing felt the familiar atmosphere of the divine realm.

"President, you're out of customs so soon." A surprise voice came, which turned out to be Tuesday.

He's right in front of Wang Xing's back room. It should be a while.

He is guarding Wang Xing.

Wang Xing was touched, and thought for a while and asked, "Stop talking about me, on Tuesday, how is the development of Shenlian now?"

On Monday, Zhou Fuyi said the situation of the Divine Alliance immediately, and finally concluded: "Overall, the Divine Alliance is carrying out the insignificant development that the President said. The members are now over one million, and they are continuously infiltrating towards Yu Chicheng, the closest to the veins of the gods, according to the first five-year plan left by the dean. "

Wang Xing nodded: "Shenling stone mines are like rural areas, and the cities that can reassure the gods are the cities. Remember the great man I said to you, the policy we are implementing is almost the same as that of the great man that year The policy is exactly the same. In simple terms, the countryside surrounds the city and finally covers the whole world of God. "

I heard it here on Tuesday, but I was still a little excited.

He believes that following this development, the Union will sooner or later become the largest force in the divine realm.

"However, God Union still has a fatal weakness." Wang Xing thought about it, and he was a little dignified. "This weakness is that God Union does not have a strong backer, and now it does not say that God-level strong men want to subvert God Union. The emergence of a **** of God is not something we can deal with. "

Zhou Buer burst into his heart.

He doesn't know where, this is the weakness of the God Union.

After all, the Divine Realm is a world of weak meat and strong food. In the end, it still depends on strength to talk, otherwise how can the Union make money and have more members, but what use is it?

"One of the purposes of my visit this time is to find a backing for Shenlian." Wang Xing said slowly, and this backing was actually Jiang Lan.

"Relying on the mountain? Is it God?" Zhou Buer tried.

"God?" Wang Xing smiled, feeling that Zhou Fuji's brain hole was too small. "You wait and see, this backing I want to find for Shenlian will come soon."

"Well." Zhou Buer looked forward a little.

"Wait until the mountain comes over and gather the core members of the God Alliance, I want to let them know that joining the God Alliance is the most wise decision they have made in their lives." Wang Xing finally ordered.

"Well, if we really have a strong backer, our people will be completely at ease." Zhou Buer is also saying, and this relief actually includes himself.

When Wang Xing came to the stars to change the world, Jiang Lan had already felt it in the distant snow city.

As early as in the college, Jiang Lan and Wang Xing agreed that he would leave a mark on Wang Xing. When Wang Xing changes the world, he will notice it, and then immediately come over.

"The dean is here." Jiang Lan said lightly at the moment, "I'm going out. If anyone comes to me recently, I will say I'm closed."

Jiang Lan commanded.

"Yes, Lord Lan." A maid answered.

At this time, Jiang Lan had disappeared.

When Jiang Lan left, the Arctic Holy Emperor frowned slightly.

Jiang Lan's speed is very fast. After all, he is the realm of the **** king, and the shuttle space is naturally no problem.

After three days.

The spirit stone veins, Jiang Lan arrived.

"That's it."

Murmured Jiang Lan, in fact he knew it here.

Wang Xing told him when he was in the academy that he had established an institution called Divine Alliance outside the spiritual stone veins outside Wei Chi City.

Even Wang Xing told Jiang Lan the purpose and operation mode of the Union.

Although Jiang Lan felt that Wang Xing was whimsical after hearing it, but after thinking about it, she felt that the **** union was very promising.

The unity of God is the bottom line, and 99% of the people in the divine realm are at the bottom. As long as a dream is given to these people at the bottom, they can die for them.

"Dean, I'm here." Jiang Lan sent a message to Wang Xing. He didn't come here with great fanfare, and was very low-key.

"Mr. Jiang Lan, do you remember what I said to you? I plan to hire you as one of the elders of the Divine Alliance." Wang Xingdao, "If you have no opinion, come to me now and I will introduce you to A core member of the Divine Alliance. "

"Good!" Jiang Lan answered.

The God Union is in the conference room of the God Stone vein.

Yes, it is the conference room. Originally, there was no such word in the divine realm, but it was not unfamiliar to the inside of the Divine Alliance.

Because many of the policies of the Divine Union are all generated in this conference room.

At the moment in the conference room, there were 161 core members of the Divine Alliance. The strongest of them was just an intermediate god-man, not even a superior god-man.

But now these members of the Divine Union have taken themselves as the future of the Divine Realm.

What they are doing is a great undertaking.

"Have you heard ~ ~ President will introduce a heavyweight person to us today."

"More than that, I heard that this person is a superpower in the Divine Realm, and will later be the patron of our Divine Alliance. The chairman has planned to appoint this person as one of the elders of the Divine Alliance. The power of the Divine Alliance is just that. "

"I guess this man must be a **** of heaven, probably a central **** of god."

"Central deities? Maybe it's the upper deities."

"Haha, of course, the higher the cultivation, the better. If not for God's handful, I would like to have a God King to be the elder of the Union."


While everyone was talking fiercely, Zhou Buer seemed to have gotten some news, and said loudly, "The president is here, and everyone will stand up."

He said that the following core members stood up.

Zong Pu is also one of the core members. When he joined the Union, he also gained great benefits.

However, he always felt that Shenlian was just a petty fool. There was not even a **** from start to finish. This organization was really fragile.

Looking up, Zong Pu saw the chairman of the God Union.

He still met Wang Xing, but with this aspect, it doesn't exceed five in total.

"Well." Wang Xing nodded and motioned to everyone to sit down. "I called everyone here today to inform you of one thing. That is, the God Alliance will appoint an elder. It will also be one of the members of the Supreme Armed Forces Organization and the Elder Regiment in the future. This elder is the Arctic Piaoxue City and Mulan King Jiang Lan, everyone welcome!

"God ... God King?" No one else said that Zhou Buer immediately trembled and couldn't believe it.

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