Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1468: The Beginning of Divine Real Estate

Arctic Snow City, Mu Lan Jiang Wang, the King of Gods!

This introduction shocked everyone, including Zong Xi.

How could the **** king be the **** king, the kind of supreme being standing on the pinnacle of the **** realm.

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

After all, they are only lower-level gods and intermediate gods, and the gap between them and the **** king is not only eighteen thousand miles, it is simply separated by countless dimensions.

God King, that is the existence that all of them can only look up to.

Previously, the goal of these people was to be a **** in life, and that was good.

"The chairman must be joking, where is the God King so easy to ask."

"Yes, it must be deceiving."

"Chairman, don't force yourself, there is a **** in heaven, we don't ask too much."

Hearing those words that comforted himself, Wang Xing was hurt: "What are you talking about, but I am really God King!"

Everyone looked at each other, are they still acting?

President, you passed!

"Do not believe it, then please invite King Jiang Lan to play." Wang Xing said, a figure came in from the door, and it was Jiang Lan.

Looking at Jiang Lan, everyone was stunned.

President, you are really doing a full set of dramas, even the actors have been found.

That ’s right, we have n’t seen the King of God anyway, you do n’t know if you just find someone.

"What are these expressions, don't you believe?" Wang Xing was very speechless. Now the question comes, how can I prove that Jiang Lan is Jiang Lan. These people have not seen Jiang Lan. Where can I believe that he is the **** king? "There is a way Now, Teacher Jiang Lan, let go of your God-king coercion, and then use the means of imprisonment in space. "

"No problem, I will let them believe it. I am really the King of God. There are a hundred ways to prove myself." Jiang Lan said, a horrible coercion came over like a storm, and the people present here In front of this level of coercion, the gods and men were completely a small ant, but in less than three seconds, more than a hundred people were lying on the ground.

"What kind of coercion is this, terrible."

"It's just coercion, and they can let them have a feeling of dissipating their souls. This is definitely not what God can do."

"The strong, the peerless strong, I have seen several gods, but I think those gods I see are just as powerless to resist in the face of this coercion."


More than a hundred people sweated on their faces and their clothes were soaked.

"Space confinement!"

Jiang Lan said again, gently, the space in the conference room was frozen.

More than a hundred people seemed to be frozen, completely motionless.


One minute later, Jiang Lan struck a finger, and the imprisonment was lifted.

More than a hundred people were panting heavily, feeling like walking around the gate of hell.

"Awful, really awful."

"Space imprisonment, this is a means that only the King of God can control."

"God of God, the first elder of the God Union is really God of God, this ... this is amazing."

Zong Pu was also shocked with a look: "How could the backing behind the God Union be the God King?"

He hasn't come to God for so long, but he knows the terribleness of God King.

God King, who controls the laws of space.

It is invincible.

"If everyone has no doubt, the appointment will take effect. In the future, Lord Jiang Lan will be the first elder of the Divine Alliance, and his status is equal to that of the chairman. Anyone who is disrespectful to King Jiang Lan is also disrespectful to the chairman. "Wang Xing said.

What more than a hundred people dare to say, in addition to excitement, still excited.

They have a king of gods as a backer, who are they afraid of in the future.

After three months.

Wang Xing and Jiang Lan are playing chess. Although Jiang Lan is the **** king, Wang Xing has universe-level understanding. As a result, after ten games, Jiang Lan only won one game. And that set, Wang Xing deliberately asked Jiang Lan.

"Chairman, we now have 13,000 people lurking inside Yu Chi City." Zhou Fujii came to the obituary.

"so much?"

"What is it? Ninety percent of the people on our god's stone mine are free. This mine is also where you want to come and when you want to go, you can only buy a house in the city, so you are forced to come. That's it. Now that these people's money, coupled with the subsidies given to us by the Divine Union, they have successfully bought a house in the city, and naturally they can go back. "

"It turned out that there are a lot of 13,000 people. I heard that the entire city of Chi Chi is only 20 million people."


"Continue to buy a house and start a real estate speculation plan as planned."

Wang Xing thought about it, his eyes flashed with wisdom.

"If I hadn't been to the college, I would probably not understand what the dean was going to do. The dean would buy the property in the city short, hoard it up, and speculate on the price of the high-ranking Chi Chi. Going, or any other plan, will definitely make a lot of money. "

"Yes ~ ~ Wang Xing nodded and then said:" Of course, not only these, when the houses in the city are not available, Wei Chicheng will definitely build more houses, and at this time I will Go and see Yu Chicheng, persuade him to sell the land to me, and then I go to build a house and sell it to other gods. I have already thought about setting up a real estate company in Divine Realm. "

Hearing this, Jiang Lan felt very interesting.

Entering the stars to change the world is not too busy to cultivate, but to engage in economics, dean you really do.

In a blink of an eye, the time passed by one year, and there were fewer and fewer houses in Wei Chi. However, due to the scarcity of houses, housing prices began to increase continuously.

It used to cost two million **** stones for a small villa, but now it has only doubled in more than a year.

Of course, no one knows that this price was deliberately speculated by Wang Xing.

Fortunately, no statistics or the like are popular in Divine Realm, or someone will definitely say that the price of Yu Chicheng has caught up with the main city, and it has created the highest increase over the years.

"Damn, I had saved enough money and planned to buy a house in the city, but I was told that the house price had doubled as soon as I came back." A man with an inch in his head said angrily.

"Yeah, the house prices are rising too fast, it's like a rocket speed. This is simply not wanting us to stay in the city." Someone hated, but he could only complain.

Yu Chicheng, the city's main mansion.

"What happened recently and why the house price is so high. If there is no house, build it." Wei Chicheng said faintly, such a trivial matter, he did not want to ask.

"We built it, but as soon as it was sold, it was short-sold instantly, and hell," the subordinate complained.

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