Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1470: Here ... why not college

The first time Yu Chi Gong Lan left, Jiang Lan told Wang Xing the situation.

"Emperor Dongji, have the opportunity to recruit him into the college." Wang Xing heard this, but only had this idea.


Time passed slowly, and in a blink of an eye it was a month.

Wei Chi Gong Lan returned from Hyun Jinshan, and the next day he met Wang Xing.

"The emperor agreed, and at the same time the emperor asked me to tell you that Yu Chicheng is only a pilot. If your plan is feasible, the 64 cities to which the emperor belongs can be entrusted to you." Wei Chi Gong Lan said slowly And until now, he could not believe that the emperor would say such a thing.

"Okay." Wang Xing nodded, also a bit surprised.

However, he didn't take his heart for an empty promise.

"After ten days, I will take out the first batch of developed solutions."


Wang Xing left, and Wei Chi Gong Lan looked into Wang Xing's back and fell into thought.

Ten days later, Wang Xing, with her strong knowledge reserve, produced a very ambitious real estate development plan.

"Done?" Wei Chi Gong Lan asked.

"Yes, this is an explanation of my entire plan. Now I will briefly talk about it. According to the first batch of land allocated to us by the master of the city, the total is 10,000 acres. On this, I planned a villa and a multi-storey, which can meet According to the needs of different people, if roughly calculated, it can meet the living needs of one million people. Of course, for the convenience of the gods inside, I also planned a commercial street. "Wang Xing said lightly because of the consideration of greening And the land area of ​​Yu Chicheng is still very rich, and the plot ratio he planned is relatively low.

As Wang Xing said, an effect picture appeared in front of him.

If you look closely, it is actually an enlargement of a global residential area.

"This is a villa, and the area on the two floors seems to be a thousand dollars flat. There should be multiple floors here, and the highest is only six floors. The layout of the apartment is quite interesting, and the area is only two hundred dollars flat." Wei Chi Gong Lan murmured, "What about the selling price, how much do you plan to sell for a flat?"

"The city owner talked about the point. Actually, the price is different in different locations, but if the average price is, the villa is one hundred meters of spiritual stone and one square meter, and the price of a villa is about one hundred thousand spirit stones. The price of a set of high-rises is around seven thousand **** stones. In total, it is 24 billion **** stones. If you add shops, it is about 30 billion **** stones. "Wang Xing said in detail.

"Thirty billion **** stones?" Rao is Wei Chi and Gong Lan is the master of the city.

Not too little, but too much.

If this thousand acres of land were used to build the kind of dwellings of the past, it is estimated that even a hundred million **** stones could not be earned.

This is simply a huge profit!

Wei Chi Gong Lan looked at Wang Xing's eyes and became a little scared.

"But in order to prevent some gods from entering the city, they have a place to live and work hard. Now these houses they buy have only 10,000 years of property rights. After 10,000 years, they must pay a certain land use fee in Continue to live in this house or you will be evicted. "

"Land use fees?" Wei Chi Gong Lan looked at Wang Xing and really wanted to ask, can you be a bit darker?

"If these gods work a little harder, they won't even be able to pay this tax after 10,000 years." Wang Xing smiled.

"Okay, then you plan to do it yourself? If you build it and sell it, it will take a lot of time."

"How could it be a person?" Wang Xing looked at Yu Chi Gong Lan and said, "I have found a special real estate development company called New Oriental Real Estate Development Co., Ltd., which will be solely responsible for the development and sales of this project. . "

"the company?"

Wei Chi Gong Lan is a bit aggressive, a new term.

However, when Wang Xing explained it to Wei Chi Gong Lan, Wei Chi Gong Lan was dumbfounded. You are not trying to develop the real estate in God Realm. You are trying to subvert the whole God Realm.

"According to the contract, we will pay 10% of the cost as the security deposit before the development, but ..."

"If there aren't so many **** stones, you can owe them first."

"It is indeed owed. After all, 10% of the cost is also a lot, that is also 3 billion **** stones. So let's agree on a year, if I can't get so many **** stones by then, I pay 10% more for the landlord's land sales, which is equivalent to 60% of the net income of the landlord. "

"Okay, no problem." Wei Chi Gong Lan responded without hesitation, a year is too short for him.

"But I also have a request. I need an approval from the Lord of the City to prove that this is true. In addition, the guard of the City of Lords will also borrow me for a team of about 100 people."

"Anything will do."

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"


Since Wang Xing's departure, Wei Chi Gong Lan has been watching Wang Xing, and he is curious where Wang Xing is going to get the three billion **** stones.

"City Lord, genius, that person is really a genius." A lower **** entered the hall, looking a little excited. "After he went back, he posted the approval letter of our city government ~ ~ and then took the city government's guard The team turned around in various villages outside the city, causing a huge sensation. Countless people are vying to buy his house, and he has introduced a policy of 30% down payment to buy a house. Now, less than a month has passed. Collected a down payment of two billion deities. "

"30%?" Yu Chi Gong Lan said, "This time he has the money to build a house. This man is really ridiculous."


On the side of Shenlian, many members entered New Oriental Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

The number of members of the League of God is also increasing sharply. Seeing that it will break the two million mark is simply horrifying.

At this time, Wang Xing has given up on whatever happened here.

He handed everything over to Zhou Buer to operate, and he started to cultivate himself.

Five years later, the first phase of the house was delivered.

Many gods and men moved from outside the city to the city. This incident caused a huge sensation, and even Wei Chi Gong Lan fired in the **** world.

And the first divine community community, the name is very interesting, called Utopia.

"I'm leaving for a while, and I'll leave it here to you. Remember what I said, if one ascendant named Qin Yu arrives in Divine Realm, he will be the second vice chairman of the Divine Alliance."

"Yes, President."

Zhou Buer nodded, no longer questioning Wang Xing's words.


With Wang Xing and Jiang Lan, the figures of the two disappeared into the realm of God.

In front of me, time and space have changed.

"Here ... why isn't it a college." When Wang Xing said this, a cold sweat came out,

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