Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1479: Bucket small 3

Dean of Immortal College!

Arena naturally knew who this person was, and she seemed at a loss at this moment. . .

"Please sit down."

Wang Xing looked up at this moment and looked at Arena with a smile.

Arena forced herself to calm down and looked at Wang Xing carefully. But this look does not matter, she found a weird situation, many rules around Wang Xing have been twisted, these rules are like avoiding Wang Xing automatically. These rules are dreading the planet, and this is the strange feeling.

"Okay, okay." Arena saw the gap between herself and Wang Xing, and that was no longer on a level. "Dean, this time I'm here to represent the Baiyu Genius Trials and the organizing committee will officially send you Invitation letter. Due to the negligence of the witches, Xian Academy was not qualified for the Baiyu Genius Trial. We are deeply sorry for this. "

"After Wu Gan died, I did not expect that you became a member of the organizing committee." Wang Xing muttered.

"Thank you very much, President Wang for killing Wugan, otherwise I don't have this qualification. Then again, Xianxian Academy is now the deserved first training strength of Wuxingshan Starfield. In the future, we will rely on Xianxian College to take care of it. "Arina smiled sweetly.

Wang Xing smiled slightly and didn't mind.

The Immortal Mountain, the Cosmic Arena, and the Sacred Fire Church all have the background of the Shenhe River. Although outside of Shenhe, these forces are completely inferior to Xian Academy, but to say that letting Xian Academy take care of them is not enough qualifications.

"Dean, now Wushan's mystery is in your hands. For Wushan's mystery, we have coveted the undead mountain for a long time, but the Wuxingshan universe has stunned this mystery all the time, and we have no chance to go in. I don't know now you Could you allow some of our undead students to practice in Wushan's mysterious area? Of course, as a 'crossover' exchange, students of the Immortal College can also go to our undead mountain's deep ancient mysterious area. "Arena said, which is also his purpose. One.

"Underworld mystery and Wushan mystery are still inferior. You‘ turn ’, but you have made it clear that you must take advantage of our college.”

"The Dean didn't seem to agree, and I knew it."

"No, I promise." Wang Xing smiled. "Anyway, Wushan is not our academy, so selling it to you is nothing."

"You wouldn't really plan to return Wushan Mystery to Wuxingshan Universe after ten thousand years, would you?" Arena also heard what Wang Xing said.

"I said 10,000 years of lease, naturally 10,000 years, how can I say nothing without faith?" Wang Xingdandan said,

Apart from being shocked, Arena was also the person who admired Wang Xing.

If ordinary people robbed these secrets, where is the reason for return?

The two continued to talk about something.

At this time in the college, Chen Yuanyuan found Leng Shuangning.

"Mr. Chen Yuanyuan, why are you here?" Leng Shuangning looked up.

"I won't come again, your man will be snatched away. Knowing the 'female' emperor of that month, she said more than once in the virtual world that she would chase the dean. Just now, she has arrived at the academy and is now working with the dean Talking hot, this is really going to start. "Chen Yuanyuan vowed," I'll tell you, this kind of Xiaosan must be killed in the bud state, or wait for her to take the position later, you cry . "

Leng Shuangning couldn't help crying: "Mr. Chen Yuanyuan, have you watched the Qiong Yao drama a lot?"

"What Qiong Yao drama, I'm watching an idol drama recently ... This is not the point. The point is that your love rivals are here. If you don't declare your sovereignty again, it will be too incompetent."

"Well, I really served you, then I'll meet the" female "Emperor this month." Leng Shuangning said helplessly.


Within the hall.

The "female" Emperor of the Moon became familiar with Wang Xing, and she became more and more bold.

"Dean, your college is so hot."


"Dean, can I sit forward?"


"Cough." A light cough came from outside the door, only Leng Shuangning and Chen Yuanyuan came in.

"Dean, Madam is here." Chen Yuanyuan whispered, and then looked at Yuezhi's "female" Emperor, but she said, "Fu Meizi, hurry up and go as far as possible, then dare to seduce the dean, believe it or not. You sell to the orcs. "

Arena froze and stood on the spot.

How could there be a feeling of being arrested, and when did a wife of the dean emerge?

"Why, I didn't come at the right time." Leng Shuang said softly, walking out to Wang Xing's side, and sitting down next to Wang Xing, "Is this the Moon's 'female' emperor, this winter? Yes, the clothes are so thin, be careful not to freeze. You can continue to talk, I ’ll be fine while I ’m watching? ”

"No, no problem." Wang Xing couldn't help crying, what and what.

Arena was trying to say something, but at this time Leng Shuangning said again: "Yes, husband, do you know Aunt Wang next to our house, his husband is derailed, a 'fine' spirit family 'woman', but It's pretty ~ ~ As a result, Aunt Wang didn't do anything when she knew it, but who knows that within a few days, her husband and the 'Jing' Ling tribe both fell down and died. Now the police are investigating It's really strange how the two flying heavens fell. "

"I ..." Wang Xing was stunned, wondering what to say.

"Speaking of which, I thought about another thing. One of my fellow villagers, his husband was deceived by a 'woman', and derailed. But my fellow villager is too indifferent to be a man, and even committed suicide for this. . Hey, really, what does suicide do. He won't find someone to kill the person first, and then kill ... "Leng Shuangning was interrupted by a voice before he finished speaking.

"I still have something to do, and Dean Wang said goodbye." Arena's face was very bad. Before Wang Xing spoke, she quickly left the college hall.

"Haha!" Chen Yuanyuan couldn't help laughing at this moment, even Leng Shuangning couldn't help smiling.

"Look, I just didn't perform well enough, it doesn't look like Xiaoxiao." Leng Shuangning said.

"It's so awesome, it's just that the two examples are not very good. I'll teach you how to do it next time." Chen Yuanyuan smiled. "I'm very experienced. I have a lot of experience in family ethics dramas. . "

"You two are really ... I served." Wang Xing said helplessly after a moment.

At this time, a huge breath suddenly came.

Wang Xing couldn't help looking up, only seeing the stars, billions of stars suddenly appeared.

"During the day, the stars appeared. This is Su's Jade!" Wang Xing couldn't help but be overjoyed, "His rule of stars finally officially entered the 'Gate', this is to formally advance to the level of the Holy Fairy."

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