Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1480: Star Emperor

The immortal realm, that is, the realm of the universe's emperor and king.

However, Su Yu relied on the rule of stars to achieve the emperor, which is a first-class rule, but his strength is stronger than any emperor.

It can be said politely that although he first entered the realm of monarchs, he can fight the monarchs who practice the second-class rules above the fourth level of the kingdom of the realm, or the monarchs who practice the third-level rules above the sixth stage of the realm of the kingdom.

And when he got to the sixth level of the kingdom, he could even fight the emperor.

The level of the rule determines the strength of a practitioner. There are very few monarchs who can practice first-class rules throughout the Wuxingshan Starfield. Even other star fields are the same, so every time an emperor of first-class law appears, the sensation is huge, which represents a rising emperor.

The first-class rule that succeeded the emperor was enough to suppress an era.

"Go, look out." Wang Xing said eagerly, although he also practiced first-class rules, but after all, he was not really a realm of realm king, and it was completely different from Su Yu.

Leng Shuang nodded and immediately followed Wang Xing out.

Outside, the Empress Arena, who was hurriedly descending the mountain, also stopped.

"Master, this blue sky and white sky, all the stars within hundreds of light years of Zhou Tian light up. Is it possible that someone has cultivated the legendary star law in such a vision. Wait, the master sees that the light of these stars is all directed The direction of Shanhai City is the stars rule cultivated by the people there, which has achieved the emperor's realm. "The maid exclaimed, pointing her finger in the direction of Shanhai City.

"It's him, Su Yu, a student of the Immortal College." Under the shroud of Arina's consciousness, she has seen a juvenile boy sitting on the roof of the building. "I heard that he was enlightened when he was in Wushan. The star rule shocked the star emperor, and later gave it to the star treasure flying boat. At that time, someone heard about this and thought that the star star was foolish and gave such a treasure to Su Yu. But How many years have passed before Su Yu actually succeeded the emperor with the rules of the stars, and really condensed the rules of the stars, really hitting the face of not many people. "

"The law of the stars, that's the first-class rule. If you use this rule to achieve the emperor, will the Xianxian Academy not be destined to have another great emperor. The geniuses of our immortal mountain still want to compare with the students of the Xianxian Academy. Impossible. As far as I know, among the millions of students in the Undead Mountain, there is hope to cultivate a first-class rule, that is, one or two people. But even those one or two people, there is only a little hope. "The maid slowly said.

"Where is the first-class rule so easy to practice? Xianxian College can produce such a student. It is estimated that when the Baiyu Genius Trials are held, it will attract many people to register. Especially those geniuses who have practiced the rules related to the Star Law. All are not running along this rule. Now the starry sky in Wushan's mystery that understands the rules of the stars is also in the hands of Xian Xue Academy. This is their only choice. "Arena pondered for a moment, knowing that she would definitely be in the future. Many students were robbed by Xian College.

"Haha, Emperor Su Yu, congratulations." A voice came, only to see a man flying from the peak of Tianxian Mountain, turned out to be the Emperor Chilong, he has been living in the Tianxian Mountains with the Red Dragon Emperor. I did not expect that our galaxy actually came out with another emperor, but also an emperor who practiced first-class rules. Thinking back thousands of years ago, our galaxy was still under the suppression of several major star regions around it, and it is now becoming this A holy place of stars. "

"Thank the Emperor Chilong, thank you." Su Yu's voice came, "I am an emperor, but I also dare to work hard thanks to the cultivation of the college."

"Haha, you just broke through the realm of the emperor, and you need to try it by yourself. Although my strength is a little worse, but I have also reached the second level of the realm of the emperor, and I barely have two tricks with you." Chilong Emperor said .

"Okay, that's what I want." Su Yu smiled. In fact, he had the strength to fight against the emperor before, but Chilong emperor is not an ordinary emperor. His strength has been adjusted by Wang Xing, and he can no longer whisper. To fight with Su Yu, it is enough to just try it.

The two flashed, and they had reached the depths of the starry sky.

"Come on!"

"Okay, you have to be careful."

The Emperor Chilong gave a loud shout, and his whole body turned into a flame flying sword and rushed towards Su Yu. At first glance, this flame flying sword is a means of immortal college. It breaks through hundreds of millions of miles and locks opponents, making people defenseless. It is a variant of flying sword.

"Good job!"

Su Yu yelled, grabbing with one hand violently, even pulled the star light from the surrounding tens of thousands of miles away from the starry sky, and then slammed down to form a big starlight hand. The Red Dragon Emperor, who transformed into a flame flying sword, shot Xinghe. However, the Emperor Chilong also had prepared for it. In the decline, he rushed to Suyu again.

"Good way, the dean just passed on your first sword, and you turned it into something like this." Su Yu was a little surprised, but she didn't worry about the slightest. uukanshu. com saw him grab it again, and the planet within hundreds of light years sent out a powerful gravitational force, and immediately stopped the thousands of flame flying swords.


He groaned again, and suddenly a big star appeared behind him. The big star flickered and emitted countless rays of light. The Red Dragon Emperor had not yet responded, but was struck by this light, and continuously retreated toward the back. And he knew that this was still Su Yu's hand, otherwise the star would launch his attack with all his strength and would definitely kill him directly.

"The powerful law of the stars combines attack and defense. Once trained, all the planets will obey the transfer, advance and attack, retreat and defend. No wonder so many people pursue the first-class rule." Chilong Emperor is willing to gamble and lose, "It is said that the achievement of the emperor with the rule of stars can trigger a star vision in hundreds of light years, but if it is immortal with the rule of stars, it is a star vision that can trigger hundreds of thousands of light years. By then, the entire galaxy can be seen That vision, I look forward to your day of immortality. "

"I look forward too." Su Yu smiled.

"Ordinary emperors do not have titles, but the star rules appear for the first time in our Wuxingshan star domain. I think you should get a title." Chilong smiled.

Title, this is recognition of strength.

For example, Arena, the daughter of the moon, is the title of the daughter of the month, but the daughter of the moon is the emperor. When she obtained the title, she was already the emperor.

"You might as well just use the name of the Star Rule and call it the Star Emperor." Chilong thought for a while. "Xian Academy emphasizes the sense of heaven and humans and the luck. You first occupy this name, maybe you will share it later. A lot of luck will be of great benefit. "

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