Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1481: Deep in the meteoric land

Su Yu froze, causing some throbbing in her heart.

After a moment of contemplation, he nodded: "All right, I'll be named Star Emperor."

Around, many people watching this scene couldn't help but feel shocked.

Su Yufeng was named Star Emperor, and after that, other people who practiced the Star Law would think he was an opponent.

On a remote planet in the Commonwealth of Earth, Liu Fan slowly opened his eyes: "Suddenly he was preempted by Su Yu again, but I was a little worse. But the rule of swallowing is not weaker than the rule of stars, until I succeed the emperor Who else in the college is my opponent. Don't worry, you must not be anxious, Liu Fan, you are the best. "

I comforted myself, and pressed down the jealousy in my heart, Liu Fan continued to cultivate.

Yao Jie and other students are the same. They have the ambition to break through the realm of the emperor and the emperor with the first-class rule. Now many people have actually surpassed them. At this time, if they can't help being lonely and don't have enough patience, they will lose all their achievements.

After all, the emperor is easy to achieve, but the first rule is difficult to achieve the emperor.

The news that Su Yu succeeded the emperor with first-class rules soon spread throughout the star field. While countless people were shocked, they also secretly lamented the power of Xian Academy. However, no one may realize that Su Yu is just the beginning. After that, there will be many super geniuses like Su Yu who have achieved the emperor with first-class rules.


A year later, Wang Xing explained everything and left the college.

He is going to complete his own side missions, to find the teacher that the college enters into the meteoric land, I am God.

It's been more than a thousand years since I left God, and if it wasn't for Wang Xing, I could still feel that I was alive, and I really thought he was dead.

I am the consciousness that God is a fragment of the soul of God. Before Wang Xing did not know, but now I have a clearer understanding of this. I am the deity of God. Before the soul is broken, it must be a very powerful being. Wang Xing suspects that at least it must be above the realm of perfection, otherwise the soul fragments still exist, which is basically impossible.

Meteorological Realm, there are still many people exploring here.

Wang Xing entered here again, but had a different feeling. Here, not only the energy naturally derived from the universe, but also various majestic divine powers are filled, and these divine powers do not know where they are spread out, and there is no source at all.

Looking into the distance, Wang Xing can sense that I am God in this direction.

Flying all the way, he gradually reached the depths of the Meteorological Realm, and began to be filled with various dangers.

At the same time, space becomes weird.

Sometimes you seem to be thousands of miles away in one place, but when you take the next step, you are here. Sometimes you see something that is very big, but in front of you it is only the size of sesame seeds. Wang Xing can feel that the rules here are completely distorted, and the more you look toward the front, the more obvious this distortion is.

After walking for three years in a row, Rao was proficient in space laws and almost lost his way several times.

Wang Xing found that things are not ordinary. This meteoric realm is much more mysterious than imagined, and I am God is far from where he is now. You know, even where he stands now, few people have set foot.

In the distance, in a black river.

Wang Xing flew from above. At this time, he only saw the sound of a rattling sound in the river, and only saw a black scale-armed beast rushing towards him.

"court death!"

Wang Xing waved his hand and grabbed it. My world was exhibited. The fierce beast felt that he had fallen into a certain area, screamed, and then turned into a pile of broken meat.

Although he killed this ferocious beast, Wang Xing did not dare to relax in the slightest.

He obviously felt that the beast was completely different from the beast outside, and the body had the power of many intricate rules, and if the power of these rules could be condensed, they could even form a godhead. Obviously, the beast had no consciousness, but was mechanically absorbing this power, and would not use it. But even so, the strength of this ferocious beast has reached the level of ordinary emperor.

I don't know how long it has passed, Wang Xing felt that he had come to the true depths of the Meteorological Realm, which is also a really deserted area.

And those who can come here, not to mention the emperor, even the lower gods are impossible. Because the law of space here is completely distorted, and someone else has lost its way.

"That is……"

Wang Xing's consciousness moved towards the distance, he was stunned, because some people appeared in front of him.

Yes, it is people.

"It is impossible. Except for those who are proficient in the laws of space, it is too difficult for others to come in. There are five people appearing at once, but the strongest one is only the ninth stage of creation. They can never come in from the outside. , Then there is only one possibility, they are the life that exists here natively. "Wang Xing muttered.


At this time ~ ~ a roaring voice of a beast came.

Wang Xing noticed at this time that the five people turned out to be hunting and killing a beast, and this beast had nine heads and was as high as three floors. He opened his mouth and exhaled a towering tree. Go out.

"Katrina, this nine-headed ape dragon has evolved to the sixth level, we are not opponents at all, run away!" A man in animal skin yelled.

"No, this nine-headed ape dragon repeatedly harassed the village. It has evolved this time. If it passes, the village will be destroyed by it. We are soldiers in the village, and it is incumbent on us to protect the village. No matter today, we must Kill it, "said the woman named Katrina, chopping a machete in her hand toward the Hydra.


This knife was cut on the head of the Hydra, but it made a sound of metal impact. The Hydra had nothing at all, but its head was on top, and one of the heads on the skull almost turned Carter. Lina's body was punctured.

Karlina reluctantly avoided, but slashed again with a knife.

However, this has completely angered the Hydra, the beast opened his mouth and spit, a red flame spit out, and wrapped Carina into it suddenly. At the same time, it jumped up and pressed a companion of Katrina under her feet, only to hear a few clicks of the bones breaking, which was immortal and definitely disabled.


The Hydra dragon solved a guy who harassed him, opened his mouth and roared again, scaring the other three back.

At this time, his nine heads went out at the same time, and it was necessary to bite Carlina into pieces.

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