Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1482: Fajing

Carlina showed a terrified look. The nine heads of the nine-headed dragon completely locked her in all directions of movement. At the same time, a space imprisonment restrained her, making her impossible to avoid.


She must have shouted from her three companions, but even if they wanted to rescue, they were too late.

It's over!

Karlina knew it herself.

But at this time, a palm fell from the sky and grabbed the past toward the nine-headed ape dragon.

The Hydra dragon felt something, looked up at the falling palm, and made an angry roar. Nine of its heads were also biting towards the palm at the same time. However, this bite did not stop the palm at all, the palm continued to land, and only heard a loud noise, the nine-headed ape dragon was photographed into the rock by this palm, and his life wheezed.

Several of Carlina's faces were shocked at this time.

At this time they had seen a man appear next to the body of the Hydra. Needless to say, this man is naturally Wang Xing. After finally meeting five people here, Wang Xing naturally didn't want to let them die. He also wanted to inquire about the situation here with these five people, especially he felt that I was not far from here.

"Thank you for helping your predecessors." Karlina looked at Wang Xing. Although she thought that Wang Xing was dressed strangely, she did not dare to be half disrespectful when she thought of the strength that Wang Xing just showed.

"It just happened." Wang Xing smiled. "Let's look at your companion first. He seems to be seriously injured."

"Bone is broken all over the body. Fortunately, the breath is not broken. It should just be in a coma." A companion of Carlina lifted up the man stepped on by the Hydra, and fed him one. Dark pills.

When Carina heard this, she let go. At this time, I saw she quickly walked to the side of the dragon, and stabbed into the head of the dragon with a machete, and then picked out a red bean-sized red bead. Later, she also pried open the other eight skulls of the Hydra, and found a bead of the same size but with a slightly different color.

"Senior, here you are, this is your booty," said Carlina.

"Oh." Wang Xing took over a careful feeling, and then he showed a shocked look. He felt the power of the flame rule inside, and it felt like a fragment of a fire-like godhead. same. If this thing is refined for those who practice the practice of fire attributes, it will definitely increase the understanding of the laws of fire.

Although the specific name of this thing is unknown, Wang Xing has determined that this thing is a treasure.

With this, I continued to feel the other eight beads, and he found that one of them turned out to be the condensation of the law of space, which was a little useful to him.

"Well, I'll take it." Wang Xing didn't immediately ask Carlina what this was because he was not familiar with the situation here, and asking now would only reveal that he was an outsider.

"Senior, the body of this nine-headed ape dragon is also a treasure. Would you like us to deal with it for you?" Carlina said thoughtfully.

"This is not necessary, I'll send it to you." Wang Xing thought for a while and said that he had felt it carefully. The body of the nine-headed ape dragon also contained many powers of intricate rules in addition to the body. Other than refining some weapons, they are not very useful.

When Carlina heard these words, they all looked surprised.

At this time, there is no need for Wang Xing to say anything. One of the guys grabbed the three-story high body of the Hydrax with one hand and carried it directly on his back.

"Senior, we are going back to the village. This time you killed the Hydra, and saved us. It is our benefactor. We might as well go along with us to the village and let us treat you well." Carrie Na thought for a moment and sent an invitation to Wang Xing, and several others looked at Wang Xing as well.

"Okay." Wang Xing pretended to hesitate and agreed.

Carlina took the lead, one person carrying the body of the Hydra, and several people walked towards the village.

On the way, Wang Xing also tapped side by side to inquire about the situation here.

Gradually, he figured out something. The beads that Karlina had just dug out of the head of the Hydra were called Fajing here. The people and fierce beasts here had Fajing in their heads. In general, the larger the French crystal, the stronger the representative. And they can also absorb the energy of Fajing to practice and eat the flesh of the monster. If they have the same attributes as their own Fajing, they can improve a lot.

Just that nine-headed ape dragon, the crystals in the nine heads are nine attributes, and its meat quality will be suitable for cultivation in many villages.

Others, Wang Xing also knew the name of the village of Carlina, called Fuli Village, a village with more than 1,000 people, and they are almost the strongest fighters in the village, shouldering the responsibility of protecting the village.

Walking back all the way, about a thousand miles away, I finally saw a house made of stones.

"Sir ~ ~ This is our village." Carlina introduced.

"Very nice place," Wang Xing said casually, and at this time, the people in the village felt something, and came out from one room after another.

"It's Carlina them, they're back."

"Hydraulus auricus, watch them kill it."

"Everyone is coming out, the soldiers in our village are back."

Many of the Karina people who came out were wearing animal skin clothes. It was obvious that their appearance was still in a primitive state, but all of them had cultivations above the original force. Wang Xing has a strange feeling. In the ancient floodland in the legend of Huaxia, will it be like this when humans first appeared. Although technology is not developed, everyone is powerful.

"Village chief," Karlina said to an old man in front of her. "Let me introduce to you. This is Dean Wang, a hermit who has been in retreat for many years. In fact, he killed the Hydra and saved us. "

"On behalf of the 1,200 villagers in Fuli Village, I am grateful to the adults for their righteous actions." The village chief said, bowing and saluting to Wang Xing. Many other villagers also learned from the village head and thanked Wang Xing.

"It's just a breeze, the village chief said a lot." Wang Xing held up the village chief.

"Sir, for you, it's just a breeze, but for us, it's saved our entire village. The grown-up may not know that the nine-headed ape-dragon has blamed our village many times, and we have about thirty Many villagers have entered its belly. "Said the village chief, his eyes full of hatred of Hydra," Master, and you rest, today you are our guest, we use this Hydra. The good meat entertains you. "

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