Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1483: Magic dragon

At night, the villagers of Fuli Village arrived.

Around the bonfire, Wang Xing experienced a bonfire dinner belonging to primitive people.

The piece of meat of the Hydra was divided and eaten, and the most fat piece was brought to Wang Xing by the village head. Unfortunately, Wang Xing had no appetite when looking at this barbecue.

"Sir, don't you like it?" Karlina looked at Wang Xing strangely.

"Karina, do you guys eat barbecue without seasoning?" Wang Xing couldn't help wondering.


"Yes, something that makes the food more delicious." Wang Xing said, took out cumin, paprika, etc., sprinkled it on the barbecue, then processed it and handed it to Carrina, "Come, How about you taste? "

Carlina was flattered, but she took it up curiously.

Soon, her face was full of excitement: "Master, it really tastes better."

Wang Xing smiled: "Yes, these spices can increase the deliciousness of the food. Unfortunately, I don't have many of these spices. So, I will give you some seeds. If you like to eat them, grow some. "

"Thank you, sir, thank you very much." Karlina said, but immediately called the village chief.

The village chief also tasted the barbecue and then thanked Wang Xing again and said: "The adults not only saved the soldiers in our village, but also gave us the seeds of this seasoning. We will always remember the kindness of the adults in Fuli Village."

On the contrary, Wang Xing didn't know what to say. He just sent some seeds. In his opinion, it was not a big deal.

The bonfire party lasted until midnight, and the talents in the village went to rest.

The next day, it was slightly bright.

It wasn't the villagers who awakened Wang Xing, but the roar of a ferocious beast.

"Vicious beasts, there are fierce beasts attacking the village."

"The demon dragon is the demon dragon. He has come to avenge the nine dragons."

"How is that possible? How did this dragon find it?"

"It's over. This monster dragon is a seventh-tier fierce beast. Our village can't stop it."


Wang Xing walked out of the room and saw outside, only to see a thousand-foot-long circling in the sky, some like the Chinese dragon in the legend of China, but there is no dragon head, but there is a strange fierce like the head of an ape beast.


Wang Xing showed a shocked look. He even felt that the power of this dragon reached the lower level.

You know, it's outside of Shenhe!

It's a bit terrifying that a ferocious beast has the power of the next **** level.


Karlina's voice sounded. Although she only had the cultivation of the physical environment, she rushed up resolutely. In the village, many fighters also attacked, completely fearless.

"Get out of here!" The village chief knew that Karlina was trying to get time for the villagers, and immediately urged them to leave. "Master, you go quickly. This dragon is the ruler of billions of miles, the seventh-tier monster, Lingzhi has been born. The Hydra the dragon you killed yesterday is his son-in-law, but he has tens of thousands of sons. I thought the Hydra was dead. He wouldn't take it to heart, but I didn't expect him. He came directly. "

"It turned out to be that way, so I also have a part of the responsibility, but I killed the nine-headed ape dragon." Wang Xing said lightly.

"My lord, I don't blame you. I have learned from Karlina that the story has evolved, and Hydra has evolved to the sixth level. If you don't kill him, he will definitely come to our village again and take us all Eat it. I know. Maybe it was the nine-headed ape dragon that evolved, so it attracted the attention of the demon ancestor. "The village chief thought, with some regrets, I knew that the people in the village were evacuated yesterday. , It will not face the danger now.

"Roar!" The demon dragon in the sky made an angry voice, and he saw the fur of the hydrant dragon that was drying. "You dare to kill my grandson, I want to kill you."

The dragon's mouth spit words, and its tail flicked towards Karlina and others.

Carlina and others had no resistance at all, and the strong wind from the dragon's tail tore off the beast leather armor of them. There were bloodstains on their faces and legs, and waiting for the dragon tail to really come out, it was estimated that they would be able to draw them into powder.

"Master, hurry up, time is too late." The village chief was still talking. He thought that Wang Xing was only a master of the realm of the realm of the king, not an opponent of the dragon. The only one who can return Wang Xing.

But after speaking, the village chief found that Wang Xing was gone.

He couldn't help looking up, and then was stunned, only to see Wang Xing's figure appeared in the air, and one hand blocked the deadly blow from the dragon. The palm grabbing the dragon's tail was as secure as a city wall.

"Abominable, who are you?" The demon dragon was scared too, and he noticed the powerful breath on Wang Xing.

"A person you can't afford to mess with." Wang Xing said, grabbing the hand of the dragon's tail and slamming it down, and slamming down into the ground. The dragon didn't respond yet, so it came to the ground. The sturdy collision gave a painful scream.

Many villagers are staring at Wang Xing at this moment ~ ~.

What they saw was that Wang Xing was able to fight the powerful Demon Dragon.

That's the magic dragon. The most powerful beast of hundreds of millions of miles is the seventh-tier beast, which is equivalent to the god-level master in their world legend.

"Adult is not an emperor at all, it is a god!" Carl Lina muttered at the moment, but she did not dare to think about it at first.

"We are saved, we are saved." The villagers were extremely excited.

The monster dragon was slammed by Wang Xing, and the scales all fell to the ground, but it rolled up and climbed up: "Abominable bastard, you provoke me, I will eat you and make you my food."

He said, flying towards Wang Xing was rushing past.

"hand of God!"

Wang Xing smiled coldly, but grabbed suddenly.

The demon dragon only felt that his whole body had fallen into a world where the laws were reversed, and all of him was out of strength, and just fell from the air.


With a loud noise, the dragon fell again

"What's going on, even ... it just makes me lose my fighting power with a little grasp. No, this person is weird, so I'll run away first." The dragon was inherently suspicious and was scared by Wang Xing at this moment. , Even the idea of ​​escape was born.

The villagers were also shocked. This powerful dragon was in Wang Xing's hands, as if there was no fighting back.

"Want to leave!" Wang Xing saw the intention of the demon dragon and grasped the past again with one hand, "The hand of God-my world!"

Suddenly, the dragon felt only shrouded by an incomprehensible force, and then became smaller and smaller, and eventually was imprisoned in a rice-grain-sized space.

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