Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1484: Divine Cemetery

Wang Xing made a move at this time, and the rice-sized space was in his hands.

Unlike Wugu, the strength of this demon dragon is only the lower god. He falls into the hands of Wang Xing, and there is no possibility of resistance.

Wang Xing pointed a finger, and a trace of the fire of origin entered the space the size of rice grains.

Outside, there was only a trace of the fire of origin, but after entering it, it spread throughout the space. Where could the dragon's body resist the burning of the fire of origin, it was screaming again and again.

"Rave your life, let your life go!"

The demon dragon begged for mercy, and his voice was miserable.

"Submit, or die."

Wang Xing's cold voice sounded, and he wanted to regain the dragon. A fierce beast with a lower divine power, and opened the spiritual wisdom, and put it into the outside world, is also a very strong existence.

"Submit, I submit."

Demon Dragon Road, at this moment many of his scales have melted, and the flame continued to burn, and it would definitely burn him into fly ash.

"Let your soul go."

"Okay, okay!"

The dragon agreed in a hurry, and did not dare to hesitate.

At this time, Wang Xing exerted the mystery of controlling the soul with thousands of hearts, leaving a mark on the soul of the demon dragon.

Many villagers in Fuli Village have been dumbfounded at this moment. The billion-dollar overlord Demon Dragon was surrendered by Wang Xing, who said he would believe it.

"Come out!"

Wang Xing reclaimed the fire of origin, and with a flick of his finger, the space of the rice grain size was broken, and the dragon escaped from it.

"Meet the master!"

As soon as he came out, the dragon's kilometer-long body was half-kneeled and saluting King Xing.

"Be smaller."


"Do you still want me to talk to you with my head up."

"Yes Yes!"

The dragon immediately shrank its body, and in a blink of an eye it was only one meter long, hovering in front of Wang Xing like a little snake.

Wang Xing was satisfied.

The villagers watched Wang Xing now full of worship.

"Sir, you saved our village again," said the village chief.

"The village head is polite, but it's just a hand-raising effort." Wang Xing thought about it, and then said, "The dragon has been taken back by me, and I should leave."

"Sir, are you leaving now?" Carlina was reluctant.

"Um." Wang Xing nodded, and then said nothing more, quickly turned and left.

Looking at Wang Xing's back, the villagers of Fu Li Village worshiped and saw off.

Leaving a million miles away from the village, Wang Xing stopped at a hill. He now has complete control of the dragon, and can get some news of the world from the dragon.

"Master, you are so strong, why haven't I heard your name before?" Molong said.

"It's not strange that you haven't heard it, because I came from the outside." Wang Xing said lightly, and this surprised the dragon, from outside, which outside, "Now I will ask you some questions, you only You need to be honest. "

"Yes, master!" The dragon did not dare not agree, and now his life is completely under Wang Xing's control.

"How big is your world, do you have a name?" Wang Xing has begun to ask questions.

"Master, our world is about one trillion kilometers in size, and its name is called Divine Meteorological World. According to the records of the ancient classics, there was a terrible battle between the gods here a long time ago. It seems that the gods are participating for something. There are also some strange races, many gods die here. "

"A lot of gods die here?"

"Yes, it is said that the energy that keeps this world running is the power of these gods. It is said that it is only said that there is a huge deities cemetery below our world, in which 100,000 deities are buried Corpses. Even after countless years have passed, these **** corpses still spread energy towards the outside. "

Divine Cemetery, one hundred thousand corpses!

Wang Xing couldn't help but agitate in his heart. It seems that I am the deity of God, and he should have been a member of the original fall. It is not surprising that he can find here.

"You are all said, is it reliable?"

"Master, I'm just a ferocious beast. It was too late to develop intelligence, and monsters like me, there are 10,000 in this world, there are six or seven thousand, there are some core things that I can't even touch. The beast senior accidentally revealed to me that the deities cemetery does exist, and the entrance is on the God Blood Mountain where the monarch lives. "


"He is the strongest being in our world, and all beings in this world are subject to his feet."

"What state has this monarch reached?"

"I don't know. It's very strong anyway. I definitely can't do anything in the hands of the monarch."

The dragon said, full of awe of the monarch.

Wang Xing groaned. There is no division of the realm of the lower, middle, and upper gods in this world.

All immortals are collectively called god-level masters.

This division of the realm is much like the world after ascension, but it is simpler than the world after ascension.

And the strongest among the god-level masters is the monarch ~ ~ According to Wang Xing's speculation, the monarch's strength must be at least the median god.

"What's going on with the Blood Mountain, and where is it?" Wang Xing continued to ask.

"The mountain of Shenxue is a mountain about 100,000 feet high. The mountain is red, and it is said to have been stained by the blood of God. What is the specific location? Going forward in this direction, about 300 billion kilometers A huge city appeared, called the City of God Blood, and this city was built on the back of the Mountain of God Blood. "The demon dragon pointed in one direction.

"I see." Wang Xing nodded, and he felt it carefully. I am God's current position in this direction. It seems absolutely no coincidence.

"Master, wouldn't you want to go to the Blood City, right?" Devil Dragon asked in doubt.

"Unsurprisingly, I will definitely go." Wang Xing said lightly.

"Master, if you have to go, you must hide your identity. If people know that you are an outsider, you will definitely be hunted down." The dragon thought for a while.

"There is still a question. Did an outsider enter here more than a thousand years ago?" Wang Xing thought about it or asked. For him, this is just a casual question. The dragon may not know that I am a god. .

"Over a thousand years ago, outsiders?" Molong groaned. "Master, I don't know about this. But over a thousand years ago, the monarch in Shen Blood City shot it once."

"Have the monarch ever shot, did it really fall into this monarch's hand?" Wang Xing muttered, "Yes, what rule does this monarch practice?"

"What law, of course, the law of space, the most powerful law in the world." The magic dragon almost blurted out.

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