Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1485: Captive I am God

The law of space?

Hearing this rule, Wang Xing immediately hesitated.

He didn't think it was a coincidence. The monarch practiced the law of space. I am the **** and the law of space.

Perhaps this monarch is one of the consciousness of a fragment of the soul.

I was God to find other soul fragments, and finally fell into the hands of the monarch of the meteorite.

But now that I am God alive, he still has a chance.

"Let's go to the Blood City of God now." Wang Xing didn't dare to delay time anymore. Now things are urgent. If I am God suddenly being refined, then his side mission will fail.

"Master, think again. God Blood City is really too dangerous." Molong said.

But Wang Xing ignored it at all. He changed his costume, hidden his breath, and made himself more like a person in this world.

Then I felt almost, and then quickly flew in the direction of Shen Blood City.

It has to be said that this world has evolved because of the corpses of many gods, and it also retains many characteristics of the **** river.

First, space is more difficult to break a thousand times than the outside world, and because of the disorder of space laws, even the speed of Wang Xing cannot be faster.

A month later, Wang Xing encountered a lot of danger in the middle, and the sixth-tier beasts beheaded and killed more than a dozen, and finally saw a huge mountain.

The red peaks are like blood flowing.

"Master, this is the Mountain of Divine Blood." The demon dragon looked at the mountain with a little instinct. "I am a fierce beast. If it is found by the monarch on that mountain, it will definitely kill me with a palm."

"Rest assured, my method of concealing breath is okay, unless it is the monarch who sees you in person, otherwise he wants to discover that we have not been so easy." Wang Xing said lightly, "Let's go into the city. The so-called confidant knows the other, and it is not frightening , We must first figure out the strength of this monarch and make sure that I am a teacher of God. "


Entering the city is not difficult for Wang Xing.

Guarding the city pool is the monarch's blood guard, divided into a total of ten, taking turns on duty, the captain of each team is god-level strength.

Within the city, much like the Huashang Yin and Shang period, it was very backward.

It took Wang Xing a lot of effort to find a place to live in the city, a small courtyard closest to Shenxue Mountain.

"Demon Dragon, I'm going to try to lurk into the God's Blood Mountain with God's consciousness. During this period no one can disturb me, and you will guard me. If anyone comes, stop him." Wang Xing ordered.

"Yes, master." The dragon answered, turning into a small snake and lurking on the bluestone in front of the courtyard, staring vigilantly around.

Wang Xing quietly released his consciousness at this time, and continued to explore toward the Blood Mountain of God.

He was very careful and did not dare to take it lightly, because if the monarch noticed it, he would be exposed.

Among the blood mountains of God, it is a huge palace.

There are many guards in the palace, many of them are emperor-level masters, with strict defenses.

The consciousness penetrated all the way, and finally Wang was attracted by a conversation.

"How is the guy the monarch brought back now, alive?" A man asked casually,

"Alive, still in the cell below." The other answered, "That guy doesn't know what's going on, and the monarch hasn't killed him until now."

"I don't know. It is said that this involves a big secret of the monarch, so let's not guess."


When Wang Xing heard this, the consciousness immediately moved in the direction of the cell.

All the way to the bottom, Wang Xing saw a dim and gloomy cell, and in the cell was a person tied with four black iron chains.

Looking at this person carefully, it is the teacher of the college, I am God.

It's just weird that Wang Xing can feel that I have God-level cultivation, but all his powers are firmly restrained, and he can't exert it at all.

After a moment of contemplation, Wang Xing chose to communicate with God by using divine knowledge: "Wake up, remember me?"

I was originally bowing my head, and I was a **** with no vitality. Suddenly, I looked up like a stimulant, "Dean, are you? I'm too familiar with your voice."

"It's me, keep quiet."

"Dean, you're here. If you don't come again, I'm really going to die."

"I'm here to save you from going out. Now I'm going to do the business first. What is the condition of the iron chain that binds you, and your Emperor-level strength can be tied. Will this iron chain be a super artifact? "

"It's not. I heard the guard say that the iron chain was made of a forbidden iron. It is not strong, but if it is tied, it will not mobilize any physical strength, just like an ordinary person. . "

"It's okay, then I want to save you out, it will be much easier." Wang Xing slowly said, "Yes, I heard the guards outside said that you have been imprisoned here for more than a thousand years, what is this? What's going on? What exactly does the monarch who imprisoned you ~ ~ want to do to you with his strength, you cannot have resistance. "

"Haha, I want to thank the Dean here. The Dean may not know that the guy who imprisoned me is also a consciousness derived from the fragment of the soul. He did not say it earlier than I was born. A large number of soul fragments that were concentrated in his deity were also devoured by him one by one, which also resulted in his strength. When I came, he was in a critical period of transformation, and this one that gave birth to me The fragment of the soul is actually very large, and this has become the key to his transformation. It can be said that as long as he refines me, he will have more than half of his deity and complete transformation. But who knows, he wants to refine I ca n’t refine it anymore, because I signed the contract of the academy, the soul has the academy ’s mark, and this mark cannot be removed unless he is willing to merge with my soul, and in this case, he He will also be given a contract by the college's contract book. He is naturally unwilling, so he has kept me imprisoned and tried all kinds of means. "I am God proud to say the cause and effect.

When he first signed the contract, he felt it was a pit, but he never expected that the contract would save his life.

"It turned out to be this way." Wang Xing has long known the magic of the contract, and it is not surprising. "The strength of this monarch, do you know?"

"Dean, I feel that your strength is not weak, but this monarch is also very strong. I guess he may have reached the third level of the immortal superior **** state, only one step to advance to the fourth level of immortality. Complete the state of God. "I said slowly.

"This strength ..." Wang Xing frowned, and things were a little difficult.

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