Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1496: System shot

Wang Xingha, this is not the point.

Moreover, Clos obviously inherited more memories of the deity, and it is not surprising to learn the name of the deity.

"Let's think about how to leave." Wang Xing frowned. The main **** of the space department spent an unknown amount of time and couldn't leave here. In the end, he had to give up everything and risk the disintegration of the soul. The difference between the main gods is vastly different, and there is no way to leave here.

"My deity is the Lord God, and I still can't leave here, can we do it?" I sat down with a dick, "In my opinion, I might as well try to break the seal at the entrance, maybe this is still Easier. "

"I listen to the master. Anyway, I can't die in a short time anyway." Molong said and sat aside to study the mule.

"For the time being, don't be too busy cracking the seal, I must study this cosmic fragment. If there are so many gods coming out of the Shenhe River, desperately fighting for it, it will definitely have a lot of benefits." Wang Xing slowly said that he practiced the Cosmic Flow Gong Fa. This cosmic fragment has a huge connection with him and can be used as a reference for his Gong Fa.

"Master, then you see, I'll go to the comics."

"I'm going to sleep."

"I'll go as well."

"You have no eyes, nothing to sleep, dead skeleton!"

They no longer bother Uranus, so that Uranus can calm down and perceive the fragments of the universe.

Time passed so slowly, one or two years, and in a blink of an eye, it was ninety years. On this day, the cosmic model of Uranus suddenly glowed.

"Cosmic fragments are the crystal wall system of the universe, just like human skin, protecting the entire universe, and the law of the origin of the universe is like the soul consciousness of this universe, which controls everything in this universe. Therefore, the universe fragments are still subject to The control of the law of the universe's origin is the reason why I can sense the position of the debris in the universe after I have cultivated a thousand rules. Clos must be the same. So if you want to collect the debris of the universe, you still have to rely on the law. "

Wang Xing murmured and got an idea.

He urged the power of a thousand rules to penetrate into the debris of the universe, like refining a magic weapon, refining this debris.

But so much power penetrated into it, and after reaching his limit, he couldn't cover the whole piece of the universe.

It is theoretically possible, but it does not work at all.

Wang Xing frowned: "Not at all. The force of my thousand rules can't pry at this cosmic fragment."

Falling into meditation again.

After a moment, Wang Xing suddenly realized what he said: "Maybe the power of the law of the universe's origins must be motivated in order to collect this fragment."

Thinking to himself, he immediately stimulated the model of the law of the universe to the extreme. At this time, the power of the universe's original law came over, and the fragmented world, which had not responded at all, suddenly emitted a weak light. The whole shard world began to tremble, and Wang Xing was overjoyed to see it. He knew he was right.

"Earthquake." I stood up and said, "Dean, the earthquake, the earthquake."

"No earthquake, I touched the debris of the universe." Wang Xing said slowly, "This is a good start, and I will find a way to collect the debris of the universe."

"What?" I was forced by God.

"The master is mighty." The magic dragon praised immediately, but the sister-in-law was aggressive.

Wang Xing continued to urge the model of the law of the universe, and the power of the law of the origin of the universe came far and far.

As the power of the Universe's original laws continued to infiltrate, he saw a half-arc, indescribable size and color indescribable fragments. One end of this fragment was rooted in the infinite depth of space, and the other end was derived from this deities graveyard. As for the Meteorological World and the entire Meteorological Realm, it is actually just a spread of his power.

"Such a powerful shard, just a little mighty spontaneous walk out, it was so horrible." Wang Xing muttered, he could see the full picture of this shard, and at this time finally had a little confidence, "The melting pot of the world, give me ! "

With his call, the melting pot of the world entered the depths of space with the power of the universe's original laws, constantly growing, really like a universe, and then slowly began to wrap this fragment.

"Sure enough, as long as the melting pot of the universe is devoured by the melting pot of the world, what I have is to refine this fragment." Wang Xing thought to himself, full of excitement, and his plan was almost successful.

Time is slowly passing, and in a blink of an eye it is ten years.

The furnace of the world is finally going to devour the entire universe. Wang Xing urges the whole body's divine power at this time to recover the furnace of the world.


At the moment when Wang Xing recovered the melting pot of the world, the space in front of him was broken, and they appeared in the cemetery of the gods.

However, the cemetery of the gods is also collapsing.

The space where the tomb of the gods is like the ice surface, there are cracks, and the stone tombs inside are flying around.

"No, I can't control it."

At this time, Wang Xing found that the moment the universe was reclaimed, the debris of the universe violently resisted.

"what happened?"

"The space has collapsed, my God, the cemetery of the gods has been destroyed."

"Out, we are going out."

"What's wrong with you, Dean? Why don't you look well."

Wang Xing shouted at this time: "Hurry up, go out first, leave me alone."

With that said, he immediately sat down with his knees crossed, and a huge melting pot shadow appeared on the whole man.

At the moment when this furnace appeared, there was a feeling of refining everything, and it made people shudder, and in the furnace ~ ~ a piece of debris was hitting the furnace, watching this furnace is about to crack, it has appeared on it Every crack.

"Damn, if the world melting pot is destroyed, my foundation will be completely ruined."

Wang Xing really wanted to scold his mother. He knew that he was really greedy this time. Although the fragments of the universe were good, it was so easy for him to devour it. If this causes his world melting pot to blow up, he will lose his source of strength, his strength will definitely drop, and he will fall to the realm of the emperor in an instant, and even endanger his life.

His brain was running at high speed, thinking about various methods, but it was completely like a solution.

He was completely desperate.

At this time, his body trembled, and he saw an indescribable purple-golden light from far and near, from space to space, across the universe from his eyebrows, from his knowledge of the sea and the infinite depth of the sea. Zhongfei shot out, his eyebrows seemed to have opened a third eye.

"This is ... the system!"

Wang Xing was so shocked that he couldn't believe it. Super Fairy College

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