Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1498: Harvest

Since others want to give, Wang Xing naturally will not refuse.

He reached for dozens of treasures as soon as he reached out, and praised in his mouth, "Yes, you know each other."

But after he collected these treasures, a master of the meteorite world who had handed over the treasure disappeared again, and many people reacted at this time.

"Liar, he lied to us."

"Who the **** is it? Come out and have the ability to fight head to head."

"Who, who?"

"A bunch of stupid people," Clos could not help but shouted. "This is not a master he invited. The power that suddenly swept them away is not the spiritual power of the practitioner, it is more like a natural force."

"You are smart, but you found out." Wang Xing smiled.

"Tell me what the **** is going on?" Cross looked at Wang Xing, his eyes were terrible.

"Why tell you." Wang Xing smiled. "All of your men will soon disappear, and you are no exception."

"I'm going to kill you." Clos watched that half of the people had disappeared. He didn't know if Wang Xing was true or not. He rushed to Wang Xing angrily, and the sword in his hand was killed. The dark light penetrates deep into the space, so that the space is broken apart, as if a gully appeared.

"You can't kill me." Wang Xing grabbed it in one hand, the space shattered, and Cross's attack was blocked.

When Clos saw this, he did not give up. The sword in his hand continued to be chopped towards Wang Xing, and instantly it was thousands of knives.

But as he kept waving his sword, the power of the universe's original laws locked him.

"Do not!"

Clos felt the power, and he had no resistance at all in front of it. He felt like he was being led to an unknown place, and his heart was filled with panic.

Venus stood there looking at Cross with a smile on his face: "Goodbye, Monarch Clos."

Clos looked pale, he looked at Wang Xing, and finally looked at me as God, full of unwillingness.

"Although I don't know where this power is going to lead me, but I don't think I will ever die there, and I will come back. By then, it will be your death." Closs made a dark voice in his mouth. The power of the law of the universe's origins pulled into the depths of the space, like a drowning person sinking into the water, without any trace.


"Devil, this man is a devil."

"He has also lost his monarch, who is still his opponent."

The masters of the Meteorological Realm fled one after another, but when they fled, the power of the law of the origin of the universe continued to fall and introduced them into the Shenhe River.

After about an hour, the entire world of meteorology seemed to be clean.

"Go, go to the Blood City of God, and accept the wealth left by Clos." At this time, Wang Xing screamed and was chased by Clos for so long, and was trapped in the cemetery of the gods for a hundred years. Now he finally exulted.

"We're rich, we are getting rich."

"Haha, what a pleasure."

Three people and one skeleton flew over the city of God Blood, standing in the sky.

"Everyone listen, God Blood City will take over from Immortal Academy starting today." Wang Xing's voice sounded through the entire City of God Blood. The emperor and emperor masters in God Blood City were shocked to watch. Three people in the void.

"What kind of person are you, and you want to seize the city of Lord Monarch." A lower **** realm flew out and shouted at Wang Xing.

"Me, you can call me Dean of the Immortal College." Wang Xing said, a golden light flew out with a flick of his fingers, and the next **** man felt a pain in his chest before responding, and fell down with a scream. Go on.

"That is Lord Browick, General of the City Guard. He was ... knocked down by that person with a finger." I don't know who shouted, everyone in the city was terrified.

"It's too powerful, it's really too powerful."

"The monarch and those god-level masters who just went out have not returned until now. They must have been killed by the eyes."

"New monarch, this must be the new monarch."

The people below talked a lot, and then did not know who shouted ‘quickly worship the monarch’, and everyone else in the city immediately bowed to his knees.

"Monarch! Monarch! Monarch!" Many people shouted,

"Very good." Wang Xing laughed, "I will lead the world of meteorology to a new future, and you people of the world of meteorology will clearly understand the truth of this world."

Having said that, Wang Xing came to the house of the former Clos.

The wealth of the city of God's blood is all here, it is a huge underground space, and it is full of miles.

"Wow, a lot of Fa Jing." The dragon's eyes were bright, so many Fa Jing were piled up in jealousy, and there were tens of billions.

"These things can be more precious than immortal stones." Wang Xing knew clearly, "As long as he finds the crystals that suit his attributes, the lord of the creation can completely break through to the realm of the emperor, and the emperor of the realm of the realm is more capable In this way, the immortal realm is achieved. If there is such a good thing in the world of Godfall, if it is known to those outside, it will definitely break the blood. "

Cosmic fragments have been refined by Wang Xing into the melting pot of the world, and the **** graveyard has been destroyed.

It will be difficult to form new crystals in the future.

Now that these crystals are almost out of print, the students of Fairy College and the Earth Federation can take these resources to a higher level.

"In the entire world of Godfall, every village and city must pay tribute to the monarch, and the tribute is this magic crystal. Although I am a god-level master, it is no exception. I have accumulated so many tens of millions of years before I have These Fajings. "Said the dragon slowly, and then his face showed an excited look." Master, can you give me so many Fajings? "

"Allow you to grab a hand ~ ~ Wang Xing nodded.

"Grab it?" The dragon looked at the front paw that was still growing, and then looked at his inconvenient hind paw, and wanted to cry.

Apart from Fa Jing, other treasures are not worth mentioning.

Wang Xing collected it anyway, and the entire storage space was empty in a blink of an eye.

"Okay, you can go back to the college." Wang Xing only took me back to the college to complete the side mission. Now he is still waiting to receive the reward for the side mission. As for the meteorological world, it is certainly impossible to rely on him to control it here. It can be used as a place for students to explore in the future. Finally, it is handed over to the Earth Federation to develop and strive to maximize the value of the meteorological world.


In Xianxian College, the teachers have become accustomed to Wang Xing's spirit.

"The host completes the side missions and looks for the lost teacher. I am a god. I got a reward for a twelve-star character card, ten deduction cards, and one acquired celestial treasure." Wang Xing just entered the college gate, and the system's voice rang Up. Super Fairy College

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