Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1506: Second Coming Angola Family

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After hearing this, Wang Xing thought about it and said, "After you graduate from university, you will have a chance to enter the Qingshen Army. If you can pass the assessment, you still have a chance to see us again. If not, this should be us We met for the last time. "

"The senior is a teacher of the Qingshen Army?" An Chen guessed.

"No, after you enter the Qingshen Army and become a core student, you will almost be qualified to know my identity." Wang Xing said slowly, "Now for you, knowing my identity, and treating you No good. Well, I'm leaving. In order to protect you, I have left a mark on you. If someone wants to rob you of your treasure, the mark will be triggered and you can be saved once. However, there is only one chance, and the time limit is only one hundred years, and the mark will automatically disappear after one hundred years. "

"Thank you senior." The three thanked again.

Wang Xing no longer said anything, and holding hands with Leng Shuangning disappeared into the sight of everyone.

Many people now look at each other, feeling like dreaming.

However, the remaining three people in An Chen became the focus, and many stall owners greeted them one after another and wanted to make a good impression on the three.

Anyone can see that the three of An Chen have a bright future.

After all, three people from Anchen San crowded out the crowd.

"Ango, is this a so-called adventure?" A young boy said excitedly.

"It should be." An Chen said, clenching his fists. "From today on, I will work hard. After graduating from college, I must join the Youth Army."

"Let's get together," said his two classmates.


After Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning left Tianlan Star, they continued to tour other planets.

In many places, the footprints of the two have been left. Even in three years, the two have actually toured the small galaxy.

"Husband, do you still remember Annala?" On a beautiful planet, Leng Shuangning asked suddenly.

"Naturally remember, hasn't she already become the owner of the Angola family? Now, under her leadership, Angola Pharmaceuticals is already the largest pharmaceutical company in the galaxy." Wang Xing said slowly, "What's wrong, why did you suddenly talk about it?" Did she? "

"The relationship between the two of us is very good, and we have always been in private. Yesterday, she knew that we were going to pass by the vicinity of the Angolan family and invited us, hoping that we could drop by their family as a guest." Leng Shuangning Slowly said, "I didn't think about it at that time, so I promised her."

"Well, now that you have promised her, let's go and sit with the Angola family. It's almost three thousand years since I last came to the Angola family." Wang Xing said slowly, "I promised the Angola family after that. There must be a Creator, as if by now, the promise had not been fulfilled. "


The Angolan family has entered a state of tension since a few days ago.

"Homeowner, are you sure that the dean of the Immortal Academy will arrive today?" Anshanlu looked at Annala at the moment, still unbelievable. Now that the dean of the Immortal Academy that is enough to overwhelm an era can come to their little family, In the end, what fate did their family have to take. You must know that when they first became friends with Xianxian, no one was optimistic.

"Hmm." Anna nodded her head. She knew that this time she could invite Wang Xing to come. In fact, it was also his wife's line. It is not necessary to underestimate the significance of the dean of the Immortal College. The relationship between the Angolan family and the Immortal Academy is still extraordinary, which is enough to allow the Angolan family to continue to glory for a long time.

"Homeowner, those offerings have ... requested some benefits." Anshanlu slowly said, looking at Annala a little bit. These offerings are with the expansion of the Angolan family ’s business. There are eleven Creators from the universe, and because the Angolan family still does not have a lord, these eleven lords are in Angola. The Gera family all have a higher-level feeling, and these offerings were originally irrelevant, but now they are occasionally involved in the internal affairs of the Angolan family.

"Patience them for the time being, and let them maintain good order, especially many people know that the dean of Xian Academy is coming to our family, maybe someone will come over to make trouble. Otherwise, there must be many people who want to see Xian Academy Dean, I want to be a student of Immortal College. "Annala said slowly, but also felt a sense of powerlessness. If their family had an emperor, even a creator, they would not suffer the current embarrassment.


Outside the Angolan family, the offerings of several Angolan families are also being discussed.

"The dean of the Immortal Academy is here. This will not be Annala's intention to invite us to hit us." A man with a long beard said with some worry, they also knew that they were doing too much in the Angolan family, no I feel a little worried.

"Don't be too self-righteous, who is the dean of the Immortal College, then Annala will invite the Dean of the Immortal College to deal with us. Rest assured, we can do our own thing, and this is the Angola family The family is ugly, who would n’t let them sit in the town without a creator, they would not publicize it. Now that the Angolan family is developing rapidly, and relying on the Immortal Academy, they can get many training resources that others ca n’t get. You just need to get something we want. "Another man said," Okay, stop talking nonsense, go patrol, if something goes wrong, we can't afford it. "

Many people are waiting for the entrance to the planet of the Angola family.

Some of these people came from many distant galaxies, some came here for the glory of the dean of Xianxian Academy, while others wanted to see Wang Xing and get a chance to join Xianxian Academy.

"Why not come?" Some people were extremely anxious ~ ~ What you guys do, just roll me aside, and the spaceship of the dean of the Immortal Academy will land here for a while. "The worship of an Angolan family yelled, and drastically expelled hundreds of people near the entrance.

"Why fierce, where is the spaceship of the Dean of the Immortal Academy? The spaceship is here, and we will naturally retreat." Someone was almost overthrown at this moment, angrily.

At this time, two people appeared in the distance.

It is Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning.

"Here it is." Wang Xing smiled. "I didn't expect that there were a lot of people. This Angola family now looks more prosperous."

"Let's go in and surprise Annala." Leng Shuangning laughed, and the two were going towards the planetary entrance of the Angola family.

"Stop it for me, **** it, is this the way you can go?" At this time a rage sounded, it was an oblation of the Angolan family, he yelled at Wang Xing and Leng Shuangning.

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