Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1507: Something serious

When Wang Xing heard this, he froze. .. .

Leng Shuangning is also a little ignorant, so why isn't this big battle just to greet us? Why don't we enter it now.

The oblation had reached Wang Xing, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed Wang Xing: "You get out of here. This is where the Angolan family greets the dean of the Immortal College. You were first stepped on it. Do you know Knowing how expensive this rug is, one square meter can make you sway.

His face was so angry that he would grab Wang Xing's neck with one hand.

However, at this time, Wang Xing frowned slightly, and a strange 'wave' pattern appeared in front of him. This 'wave' pattern extended, and he suddenly let the offering back a few steps.

"Do you know who I am?" Wang Xing's face was cold and stopped here, making him feel bad.

"I care who you are. Today is a major event for the Angolan family. Anyone who dares to make a mess is to be the enemy of the entire Angolan family." The enshrined looked at his own hand, and it was already green. Good means, it seems that you are also a Creator. But you think that you can do whatever you want here, really wrong. "

He didn't dare to think of Wang Xing on the emperor. After all, those emperors in the galaxy have all seen him.

In addition, Wang Xing just learned a little from him just now, he didn't even use one ten thousandth of his strength, so he naturally thought that Wang Xing was also the realm of the Creator, which was not much stronger than him.

"Then you are not afraid that this one is the dean of the Immortal Academy?" Leng Shuangning couldn't help but say at this moment, she thought the man was a little too aggressive.

"He is the dean of the Immortal College? You have never seen a big man fail when I was. It ’s such a formal thing for a big person like the Dean of the Immortal College to come to the Angola family. It ’s a formal thing. The class spaceship opened the way, and the emperor led the way, and he didn't know where a guy came from, and he dared to call him the dean of the Immortal Academy. "The sneer continually sneered and said with self-righteousness, while others around him nodded. .

What is the identity of the dean of the Immortal College, and how can it be so low-key.

Many people actually think so, they do not know that Wang Xing is an alternative, and they come to the Angola family to visit. Wang Xing did not expect that the Angola family would make the scene so big. Otherwise, he must be more formal. Now, because the other party doesn't know himself, he will not let him in at the door.

"What if he really is?" Leng Shuang, you already looked at the offering coldly at this moment, even if you don't know Wang Xing, but dare to stop the dean of the immortal college, and are very disrespectful in words, in order to defend the majesty of the dean of the immortal college This guy must be punished.

"If he is the dean of the Immortal College, I will be the father of the Dean of the Immortal College." The devotion hummed. "Hurry off, otherwise don't blame us."

He said, ten more offerings appeared behind him.

These people also looked at Wang Xing with contempt, and even dared to make a mess at this time, it was really impatient.

"Is that so?" Wang Xing's face suddenly became "yellow" and he suddenly grabbed one hand. The dedication had nothing to resist and was caught by Wang Xing. "You said, you Whose dad? "

"I ... I ..." The dedication face was pale, and he found that he couldn't make any effort. "Every dedication, quickly ... Save me, this person dares to make a mess, for a while When the Dean of Xian College arrives, he is finished. It is just that we shot together and leave a good impression on the Dean of Xian College. By then, the Dean of Xian College will be in a good mood, and a little bit of guidance will make us endless. It is not impossible to break through to the realm of emperors in the future. "

The remaining ten offerings “crossed” each other, and I knew what to do in my heart.

This performance opportunity must not be missed.

Ten people rushed towards Wang Xing at the same time, and many onlookers frightened back.

"A major event is happening, this is a major event," someone exclaimed.

"The offerings of these Angola families are really all 'fine'. At this time, they shot and performed well. The dean of the Immortal College will definitely look at them. For this reason, it doesn't matter if they are injured." The man hummed, feeling a little uncomfortable, and if he had such an opportunity, he would certainly perform.

Others have almost the same idea.

When Wang Xing saw the ten so-called offerings and wanted to attack him, he felt that he frowned, and there was an inconceivable killing on his face.

"I come!"

Leng Shuangning was also a little upset at this time, and she also sent a message to Annala: "Now, come out and see me!"

Originally, she wanted to help Anna, but now it makes Wang Xing unhappy, and she also feels that she has done something wrong.

Thinking to herself, her unarmed hand waved, and that was ten punches.

Each punch penetrates the space and hits the enemy from the dark space ~ ~ These ten devotees only felt a pain in the 'chest' and did not even notice the source of the attack, so they flew upside down. Out.

Everyone who was still watching was taken aback.

At this time, in the Angolan family, Annala, who was still assigning tasks to the people, had already changed her face. "Not good, something happened."

Talking, she immediately flew from the Angola family, lightning fast.

Behind her, there are many Taoist figures behind him. These are the elders of the Angola family and some core children.

Many people were stunned when they saw this scene.

In a blink of an eye, a 'girl' appeared in front of everyone, everyone recognized it, this is Annala, the current owner of the Angolan family.

When everyone did n’t know what Annala was going to do, she only saw Annala glance down at the eleven offerings. When she walked in front of Wang Xing, she worshiped: "Anna, the patriarch of the Angolan family, has seen the Academy of Immortals. long."

Hearing this, all the people around were shocked.

Dean of Immortal College, the person in front of him is really the dean of Immortal College. How is this possible? But everyone else may be wrong, and Annala is certainly not wrong. Now when I hear Annala's words, some people have already scared their souls, especially the eleven worshipers lying underground, and their bodies are trembling.

They just shot at the dean of the Xian Academy just now.

"Rao ... Rao Ming!"

The one who was headed by the enlightenment at this moment was climbing up, kneeling down in front of Wang Xing, and panicking: "Master Dean, for your life, we have never seen your holy face, and this offended you. "

Behind him, other offerings also fell on their knees, not even dare to lift their heads.

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