Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1515: Shocked Geniuses (2)

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The spacecraft docked in one of the busiest cities on the planet today.

Not Shanhai City, but Kyoto.

This is the political center of Huaxia, but now also the political center of the entire Earth Federation, and every decision made here can even affect the entire Milky Way.

A group of geniuses have done some homework, they know it here.

But when they came here, they were stunned. It was completely different from what they had imagined. They all thought that this was a paradise for cultivation. The practitioners flew here and did everything. There must be a lot of superships moored here, a group of soldiers patrolling, and even the strongest in the realm of monarchs. But in front of me, there is no breath of cultivation. Everyone here seems to be ordinary.

"Yes, it's going to be late for work."

"What are you planning to do over the weekend and are you interested in a Star Football match?"

"Miss Lal's tour has begun, just on Mars. Let's go together at that time."

Listening to other people's discussions spreading into their ears, the geniuses of the genius really shattered a little.

This is definitely a scene in the universe that they dare not imagine.

It's too peaceful here, like a paradise.

"Let's go, I will take you to the first stop where you are going." Huang Yaoshi slowly said, "If you want to understand Xian Academy, join Xian Academy, first of all, what you need to understand is the Earth Federation and human beings. . So the place I'm taking you to is the Museum of Human History, which contains a detailed record of human history. "

"Museum of Human History?" All the geniuses were stunned. They were not interested in this, but Huang Yaoshi would take them there. Where would they dare to refuse? Now that they have come to Earth, they can only obey the arrangement of Xianxian College .

Soon, the museum arrived.

This is a seven-story museum covering an area of ​​more than a thousand acres and the gates are sixty meters wide.

At the door, many people looked here full of reverence, and some people came here to take pictures.

"Children, do you know where this is?" A voice sounded. It was a very beautiful female teacher. It looked like she was twenty or thirty years old, but she also had the cultivation of Zhendan Realm.

"Know, this is the Museum of Human History. My dad brought me here before." A four-year-old boy was excited, and now the age of enrollment in the Earth Federation has been lowered from six years ago to four years old. Mainly, most human beings on the earth are cultivators now. The children born have greatly improved genes, which also represents the improvement of wisdom. Many children may already be aware of the existence of cosmic energy when they are three years old. It is actually too late to enroll at the age of one.

There have even been recent proposals to change the school age to three, but it has not been passed by the Federal Parliament.

However, this is the case. Some experts have made bold predictions. As human beings become more and more powerful, the offspring of humans will continue to be optimized for genes. When these genes are optimized to a limit, qualitative changes will occur at that time. Maybe there will be children with innate wisdom, and even some children may have fairy cultivation as soon as they are born.

But these are too far away.

"Yes, this is the Museum of Human History. This is the first summer vacation after your enrollment. The school teacher must bring you here." The female teacher said slowly, "Now we go in, the teacher will focus on the history of human beings, and You want to know the history of Xianxian Academy and give you a detailed introduction. "

Hearing this, a group of children were very excited.

Looking at the performance of these children, the geniuses of Baiyu seem to understand the idea of ​​Xianxian College. They want to become students of Xianxue College, and they must understand the history.

After entering the museum, it looked very solemn.

Huang Yaoshi gave almost no explanation, followed the female teacher just now, and let a group of geniuses of Baiyu listen to this female teacher.

A group of Baiyu geniuses were speechless.

The female teacher was very serious. She pointed to the albums and said, "First of all, the history of humanity mainly includes the history of human development and the history of human civilization. The history of human development has gone through about three million years. Eventually, it evolved from the early Ape-man, the late Ape-man, the early Homo sapiens, and the late Homo sapiens to the new human beings now. The history of human civilization has gone through the Stone Age, Bronze Age, Iron Age, Steam Age, Electrical Age, Atomic Age, and Information Age. And the current interstellar era. The history of human development is currently only of research significance, and the time mentioned above is only speculation, and has little practical significance, but the history of human civilization is truly a reflection of our human wisdom and our humanity. "Because from the evolution of humans to the new type of humans today, the end of the Stone Age to the current interstellar era, humans began to stretch the starry sky, maneuvering warships and mechs. It only took us 10,000 years."

As soon as this was said, the children flushed with excitement.

They are proud of being a member of humankind, but the geniuses behind them are completely shocked.

After the end of the Stone Age, it only took 10,000 years for humans to enter the current interstellar age. What is this concept?

"It's impossible." Closier finally couldn't sit still at this moment. "How could it only have a history of 10,000 years. Are the emperors of the Earth Federation now, the students of the creation of immortal college, and even the Soviet Union of that emperor? Jade, it took less than 10,000 years ~ ~ to have the current practice? Liars, you are all liar. "

"Ten thousand years, what a joke." Someone sneered, "Xiang Academy brought us here just to show me this. To be honest, I didn't believe a word."

"Yes, our race is actually strong, but from the beginning of civilization to the interstellar era, it took almost 12 million years. Humans only use 10,000 years, wouldn't they say they are smarter than us? More than a thousand times, I can't accept this fact. "The latter man clenched his teeth. He was proud of his race, but now he feels only humiliated.

"You don't believe it?" The female teacher said slowly at this time, "Don't say anything else, Su Yu, a student of Xian Academy just mentioned by this guy, it took him less than 3,000 years to cultivate to the emperor realm, and This is something that all humans in the entire Earth Confederation know, and you just know if you go out and find out, it can't fool people. "

All people on earth know?

Three thousand years!

A group of geniuses from Baiyu looked affirmed by the female teacher, and were a little apprehensive. If this is true, it is really terrible.

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