Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1521: Admission results, distribution of admission notices

Next, Huang Yaoshi sent a group of talents from Baiyu to the academy. He also stated: "About the admission results for you, they will come out within a month. You can wait for the news after you go back. If you have not received your admission after one month, The news is that it was not recruited by Xian Academy. "

Hearing this, the geniuses of Baiyu were extremely nervous.

Will they be recruited?

"Sure, I must be a student of Xianxue College." A man clenching his teeth, he has seen the magic of Xianxue College, and now naturally wants to join Xianxue College very much.

"I'm the top of these 6109 people. I can't get into the Immortal Academy for no reason." Crosier thought to himself, still a little confident about himself.

"It is estimated that those top 100 geniuses did not expect that they had missed such a powerful cultivation force." Agatha could not help but sigh in her heart. She naturally wanted to join the Immortal Academy, but she ranked in the ranks of Zhou Guangjing Among them, she ranked behind five thousand, and she didn't have much confidence.

The geniuses of Baiyu left, and a spaceship sent them back to Tianlan Star.

As for staying on the earth, I'm sorry, here need to go through the special approval of the Earth Federation to stay for more than three days.


Among immortal colleges.

Wang Xing is back. In fact, he has been with his parents these days. This is the last thing before his retreat.

"Dean, Bai Yu's genius has been sent away, and now I can guarantee that each of them will treat them as a sacred place in our college, and want to become a student of our college if they break their heads." Huang Yaoshi said confidently.

"Good job." Wang Xing couldn't help but feel proud, just to show the strength of Xian Academy, and then relentlessly reject some people, let them regret, let them know that Xian Academy is not so easy to join, "specific recruitment The list, wait for me to think about it, but the number of people who can be recruited is certainly not many, one tenth is almost the same. "

"One-tenth ... this refreshed the lowest admission rate of previous hundred-domain geniuses. These hundred-domain geniuses were killed from the billions and entered the top 10,000, each of which can be said to be billions It ’s not surprising that the general practice forces accepted all of them. ”Huang Yaoshi smiled, and then remembered another thing,“ Yes, dean, something happened in the world after the ascension. The situation came without fear, the west of Yimen, the independence of Dugu and the late injury all came. "

"Come here, OK." Wang Xing nodded. "Let them come to the office, I'll wait for him here."


A few minutes later, the four arrived.

Feng Yun Wuji immediately said things again, and it was not strange that Wang Xing heard that the Lord God was about to destroy the plane from which Feng Yun Wuji came.

There is also this plot in the original book, but the ancient humans in the original book are still in absolute weakness, so the reactions of the gods are not so strong. But now it ’s different. With the establishment of the invincible sword domain, and the help of students and teachers of Xian Academy, nowadays, there are many ancient people seeing hope. Heaven, demons and demons have begun to sit still. Live, at this time finally plan to start with fearless situation.

Even among them, traces of the gods have appeared.

Fengyun Wuji now even if the strength has reached the emperor level, but to say against the gods, that is far from enough.

Teachers and students in the world after the college entered the sky have naturally not been so capable.

At this time, Feng Yun thought about what Wang Xing had said before. There was also a teacher named Jiang Lan from the Academy, who was a teacher from the stars to change the world, and was a real God King. If Jiang Lan enters their world, it must be invincible.

"I understand what you mean. You want to ask Teacher Jiang Lan for help." Wang Xing muttered, just thinking of Jiang Lan, Wang Xing thought of Hongmeng and Lin Meng. These two people are really terrible. He is now There is no desire to enter this world. However, at present, the situation is pretty good. At least the students and teachers in the college, the two Hongmen controllers have not been in a difficult situation.

"Yes." Feng Yun looked at Wang Xing with expectation.

"Come to pass the ancient times." Wang Xing said to the intelligent robot Xiaoxian.

"Okay, Lord Dean." Xiaoxian immediately started sending messages, and Wu Gu soon came to the Dean's office.

"Dean, are you looking for me?" Wu Gu was a little strange. Since he joined the academy, the dean has never called him.

"Well, I plan to send you a trip to the stars to change the world. Teacher Jiang Lan, you also know, find him, and tell him to come to the college." Wang Xingdao said, taking out a token, "This is my change in the stars The world, the thing that represents my identity, if you ca n’t find Teacher Jiang Lan, just go to a point of contact of the Divine Alliance and show this to the members of the Divine Alliance. Someone will naturally lead you to find Teacher Jiang Lan. "

"I see, Dean, I'm going now." Wu Guying said, he was full of expectations for entering the world of stars. The gods of that world of stars are said to be filled with immortals. I want to excite him. However, if these worlds are not approved by the dean, their teachers cannot enter and exit at will.

"Thank you, Dean." Feng Yun was very grateful.

"Just wait for a while at the college." Wang Xing said, letting them back down.

After half a month, Wugu had not returned.

Wang Xing compiled the materials of 609 hundred domain geniuses and finally determined the admission list.

Six hundred and nine people, only 59 people were finally admitted.

This ratio is not even one tenth, and it will definitely cause a sensation.

"Pharmacist, this is the list of students I plan to recruit." Wang Xing said, and the list appeared in front of Huang Yaoshi. "You arrange the students of the college, send them the admission notice, and let them come as soon as possible. College reports. "

"Yes, the dean." Huang Yaoshi glanced over the list. The first one to look up was Agatha, and there was a parenthesis behind Wang Xing, which wrote the training direction: the universe revolutionary, the main **** of the Yin rule. (Mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian), Master of the Formation Law. The second student's name is Galen. The training direction is to write: boxer, giant axe and other heavy weapon fighters, and the main ruler of the law of strength (mixed Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian). There are still more behind, but only half of them write about the training direction.

Huang Yaoshi arranged it very quickly. Those who are closer will receive the admission notice on the same day. Those who are farther away will surely receive it within one month.

Sky Lan, Galen did not choose to leave, but chose to wait here for a month.

In the Taobao street where Wang Xing once stalled, Galen even set up a stall here.

It is not to say that only Galen, who is repaired by Feitian Realm, is indeed very poor. It is said that he participated in the Baiyu Genius Trial, so that their entire planet was ruined. What's more funny is that apart from his brute force and rough meat, he doesn't seem to show any special talents, and his ranking is still seven thousand, until the end of the game, no force is willing to recruit him. Otherwise, he would not wait for Xianxian to come, but would have chosen a force to join.

Jing Yun came here and gave him the task of sending an admission notice to Galen. There was a task point to take.

Riding a unique Xian Academy aircraft, Jing Yun was looking for Galen.

Finally, he found it.

On Taobao Street, Galen was bargaining with someone.

"This broken shield can no longer have 10,000 universe coins."

"One hundred thousand universe coins, no less."

The two refused to give up, and the buyer was an old man, and now he was anxious: "Young man, do you know what this shattered shield is, if I don't bid, I don't think anyone will buy it."

"Then I also sell 100,000 universe coins." Galen scratched his head and said definitely.

"How are you so stingy?"

"I will live for another half a month with Tianlan Star. During this half-month, I will need 100,000 cosmic coins to eat and live together." Galen finally said the reason, and the old man couldn't help crying when he heard this. Because you need 100,000 universe coins, do you have to sell 100,000 universe coins for a piece of broken copper and iron?

"I won't buy it, okay." The old man turned his head and left, and many people around him couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Jing Yun's aircraft flashed in front of Galen.

Many people looked at the aircraft and aimed at the fairy mark unique to that fairy college.

"It's a flying device for the students of Immortal College." Some people have exclaimed, everyone's eyes have come together at this time, and Galen is no exception.

"Ahem." Jing Yun stepped out of the aircraft. "It seems a bit too high-profile, but in order to complete the task as soon as possible, high-profile once. Then, is it classmate Galen? I go, I have not found it before That's a great name. "

"I am, is there a problem with my name?" Galen froze, a little confused.

"Have you heard of Demacia ... People are in the tower! Long live Demacia! Endless life, more than fighting ..." Jing Yun excitedly said a bunch of things, but it was all in his time Memories.

"De Marcia, never heard of it." Galen shook his head. "But when I was thinking, I felt full of strength."

"Well, that's right, when you fight with others, shout‘ Long live Demacia ’, to ensure that you are invincible and invincible.” Jing Yunxin said swearingly.

"I remember." Galen nodded, and it still made sense.

"That ... let's talk about the business." Is Jing Yun a little embarrassed? I didn't expect to distort a pure boy like this. "Introduce yourself, I am Jing Yun, a second-year student at Xian College, and officially represent Xian College. I inform you that you have been accepted by our college. This is your offer letter. If there are no problems, please sign your name on it. "

"No problem, no problem." Galen was so excited, didn't he just wait for this, "Where to sign? This?"


"But I'm going to name the Chinese nation of the Earth Federation. It's not good yet. I actually want to sign this name."

"Did you name a Chinese people, don't think about it, I suggest you call it Ge Xiaolun, don't ask me why, Galaxy Power has not heard of it?" Jing Yun said very seriously at this moment.

"The power of the galaxy ..." Galen was confused.

In the end, Galen signed his real name on it. As for Ge Xiaolun, he felt that he had to think about it carefully. In fact, he was going to ask the dean to give him the name.

"Hurry up and report to the college." Jing Yun finished and turned away. "Don't sell these broken things anymore. The college will pack and distribute it, and you will also be able to distribute it later. You will not be short of money in the future."

"Well, okay." Galen heard this and was about to settle.

"Don't." The old man who wanted to buy Galen's shield stopped Galen. "I want this shield, and 100,000 cosmic coins are 100,000 cosmic coins. I'll transfer them now."

"Don't you still disagree?" Galen wondered.

"You weren't a student of Xianxian University just now ... I really missed you. I didn't expect you to have such potential." The old man said, his eyes looking at the shield glowed green. When Galen became famous later, the price of this shield Can soar thousands of times.

"One hundred thousand universe coins would like to buy the shields of the students of Xianxian College. I have one million universes."

"Two million."


Galen saw the chaos and did not respond for a long time. But in the end, he still sold the shield of 100,000 universe coins to the old man, which made the old man happy, and felt that he had picked up the treasure today, and the fact is true. When Galen rang through the galaxy one day, this piece The shield from his hand was also auctioned to sky high prices.

Far away from the Milky Way already three large galaxies, Agatha's situation is not very good.

~ ~ with Agatha and a woman.

This is the hundred-field genius in the immortal realm behind Agatha in Immortal Academy. Her name is Cecil.

"Sister Agatha, that Closier is about to catch up, we can't escape." Cecil said, almost crying, "Crossier said that he would only sell us as slaves, It won't kill us, or we surrender. "

"Surender?" Agatha gritted her teeth. "Cecile, you may not know, in fact, I was a slave before. When you saw the zoo of the earth's humans when you were in the Earth Federation, every slave was like They are animals in that cage, which are appreciated by those who buy slaves, but in fact slaves are more pitiful than those animals. The animals in the cage can still eat well and have no life. Threat, but the slave might one day be killed by a slave owner who bought him. I know the consequences of becoming a slave. After I get rid of the slave's fate, I swear that I will never be a slave again, even if it is dead. . "

Speaking, Agatha pulled off her collar, and there was a deep red mark there, all of which seemed to penetrate into her bones: "Seeing it, this is what the lock ring left on me trace."

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