Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1522: Recruiting Agatha

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Cecil looked pale immediately when he saw the mark.

She is still not deeply involved in the world, and she does not know the horror of being a slave.

"It's a delusion to want to run," Crosier sneered, and he looked at Agatha when he was in the Federation of the Earth. After returning to the sky star, he tried to trick Agatha out. Then, he pursued Agatha for three days, and followed him with two Void Geniuses in the Void Realm.

"Flying three days and three nights in a row, their spacecraft can't hold it up." The man in the void licked his lips. He also lingered on Agatha for a long time, mainly because he heard that Closier was in the banquet hall at the time. What it says is that the deer girls are the best. If he can catch Agatha, Closier has promised to let him enjoy it.

"It's almost here, it's almost there," another Void man followed.

At this time, only a black smoke appeared from Agatha's ship.

All three smiled satisfactorily at this time, and it was time to harvest.

"Sister Agatha ... The engine of the spacecraft has burned out, and the speed of the spacecraft has dropped rapidly. They came over, getting closer and closer to us, and catching up with us after about thirty seconds." Cecil was so nervous, she knew I'm almost done.

"Ready to fight." Agatha also knew that there was no other way. In fact, she wanted to go to the nearest planet of life. At that time, there may not be a way to get rid of Closier, but now there is another one from the nearest planet of life. The distance of many light years is completely unreachable. At this time, it can only be desperately desperate.

"Crossier ranked 299 in the Baiyu Genius Trial. We ... could not be his opponents." Cecil's face flushed, she was flying into the sky, and in the hands of Closier Not a move.

"I know, but you can't catch it anyway." Agatha appeared in her hand. This was her weapon. She used this weapon to kill the slave-owner who tortured her and was free.

"Haha, can't escape."

"The woman of the deer tribe is really superb."

"Well, even if it was sold as a slave, it would cost tens of billions of universe coins."


Listening to this, Agatha's machete clenched tightly.

"Closier, I will kill you." Agatha resentfully said that at this moment she really hated Closier. Even if this guy is really a genius, he is not a good person. Moreover, this guy's attitude towards slaves is exactly the object she must eradicate on the road to liberation of slaves in the future.

"In the future? You won't have a chance. If you obediently become my woman, I can let you consider not selling you as a slave." Closier said lightly, she knew Agatha's talent, In fact, this woman's talent may be stronger than him. Besides, Agatha has hardly received any cultivation resources, and she finally managed to reach the top 10,000 talents of Baiyu Genius, which is very scary. . Having such a woman, or letting such a woman be his personal property, makes him also very fulfilled.

"You are delusional," Agatha sneered, looking for a turn.

"I don't know if you live or die, it's okay, I'll let you follow me." Closier said, rushed to Agatha, "After you rank five thousand, I'm in the top three hundred, Although they all belong to the top 10,000, this is already a heaven and a ground. I will let you know how vulnerable you are in my hands. "

He said, grabbing Agatha bare-handed.

A palm into the void disappeared.

Agatha was taken aback immediately and cut it out without hesitation.

But this palm was weirdly bent, and suddenly appeared in Agatha's chest, and she did not even pass in the hands of Closier. It is already obvious how far the gap between these five thousand and the top three hundred is on the Baiyu Genius Rankings. Therefore, at the time of the Baiyu Genius Trial, the minimum number of candidates that can be recruited in advance is within a thousand.


Agatha spit out blood and slaughtered towards Closier again.

She would not be a slave, nor would she be a plaything to Closier, even if she died.

One blade cut through the void, refracting countless channels of lunar arc knife gas, which rushed from all directions to Closier, and suddenly enveloped Closier. Closier, who was still a little confident, was a little surprised at the moment. Agatha's strength was not so weak. Especially, this move was obviously created by Agatha. It is even more valuable.

But the more so, the more he desires to conquer Agatha.

As a last resort, Closil had to come up with his own weapons, the key is not to bring out his own weapons, he could not take this move at all.

Several swords were cut in a row, forming a realm of sword air, blocking Agatha's attack.

The three people on the side were surprised when they saw it.


Closier found a chance and started a counterattack. He cut across the knife, Agatha completely lost his initiative, and suddenly began to retreat.

At this time, Closier went forward one by one, slashing one by one.

"Endless sword!"

Agatha, who had been suppressed by Closier, had no power to fight back, but at this moment, the scimitar in Agatha's hand flew out and cut directly to Closier's neck.

Closier froze, turned his head quickly, and easily escaped.

"That's it."

Crosier said, taking advantage of the gap, punched him in the past, as if a large mountain smashed at Agatha, a contemptuous smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

But the sound of ‘嗖’, an amazing scene appeared.

"Be careful!"

The two void men shouted.

Closil's instinct also felt a touch of danger. At this time, his hair was set up, and he saw that the machete thrown out by Agatha even flew over again, cutting along his neck. Came down.


The machete swept across his neck, making a large circle, leaving an inch of blood on it.

Closier was stunned, he touched the blood flowing down his neck, and the whole man was completely furious: "You hurt me, you slut, I want you to die."

The knife in his hand slashed madly.

If Agatha was dead, it was the best time just now, but Crosier escaped, and she would not have such a chance again.

Sword after sword, Agatha finally couldn't defend, and her body was chopped with bloodstains.

"go to hell!"

It was clear that Closier was really angry, and that a horrible stab would pierce Agatha's heart. He wanted to kill him. Only in this way could he cleanse his earlier shame.

"Sister Agatha, hide!" Cecil shouted, but if she could hide, would Agatha not hide.

"Take care of yourself." A void man had caught her, sneering at the corner of his mouth, just watching that Closier was about to kill Agatha, and he felt sorry.

But at this time, the red light was flourishing in the void.

In the light of this red light, everyone was stunned, and Closil had not responded yet, and saw his sword stabbing into another body. This was also a woman, she was blocking In front of Agatha.

At this moment, the woman was glowing with red light, and a proud true phoenix ghostly faintly appeared behind her.

"You ... who are you?"

Closier exclaimed, his face panicked. He found that his sword was stabbed into the woman's body. Not only did it not hurt the woman, but his sword was melting a little bit, as if he had entered a steel furnace same.

"Zhang Xiaomeng."

The woman smiled cutely. He said that he grabbed the handle from Closil, and a flame flashed in his hand, and the handle became molten steel.

"How is that possible? That's a fifth-order force weapon." Closier gritted his teeth and was completely shocked. He now has only one feeling. The woman in front of her, called Zhang Xiaomeng, is too strong. Strong enough to hang him with one hand.

"Cough." Zhang Xiaomeng coughed. "The first interruption, I have something to do."

After seeing her strength, several people were silent.

Zhang Xiaomeng stepped aside at this time and took out an admission letter from the college: "You may not know me. Introduce yourself. I am a second-year student of the High School of Xian College. This is my student ID. . "

With that said, she typed out a peculiar certificate, which is something unique to Xianxian College.

"Students at Immortal College?"

Several people were holding back at the moment, and they seemed to think of something.

"You seem to have guessed, yes, I was here to send the admission notice." Zhang Xiaomeng smiled, "I missed all five of you applied for our college, but unfortunately, only one of you was accepted Now. As for this person ... "

She said, watching everyone one by one.

All five people seemed a little eager. Who would this person be, and who was he?

"It must be me, it's me, I'm ranked 299, the most talented of the five." Closier clenched his fists. At this moment, he looked at the acceptance letter in Zhang Xiaomeng's hand, and looked a little bit Eager.

"It must be Brother Closier. I will also ask Brother Closier to take care of him in the future." Another man from the void came up to compliment immediately, and they naturally considered it to be Closier. Talent is the best, and when other forces in the universe recruit students, this talent is also the most important selection criterion.

"That's good, that's good." Closil was a little proud.

"If this guy becomes a student of the Immortal College again, we will have no way to live." Cecil clenched his teeth, full of despair for life.

"God is unjust." Agatha snorted and turned her head.

"This school sister, I am Closier, and ranked No. 299 on the Baiyu Genius List. This admission notice must be for me." Closier voluntarily walked up and looked at Zhang with a charming look. Xiaomeng, his hands are stretched out, and looking at Zhang Xiaomeng's appearance, it seems that he is about to pass the admission notice to Closier. At this time, several other people also think that this is indeed the case.

"Wait." Zhang Xiaomeng stopped suddenly, "Closier ... what Closier, the students admitted to our college are not you."

"What, it's not me?" How could it be possible for Crosier to be struck by lightning? The other two men in the void were dumbfounded, and it wasn't them that they were.

Even Cecil had a desire at this moment, and maybe she could.

"Agatha, who is Agatha?" Zhang Xiaomeng slowly shouted a name at this time, and when he heard the name, the faces of the three Closiers immediately changed, and they only had one idea. How could it be her, and then there was another thought, that they were finished.

"Me, my name is Agatha." Agatha was unbelievable.

"Congratulations, you have been accepted by our college. This is an admission notice. You only need to sign on it and the admission will take effect. You will officially become a student of our college." Zhang Xiaomeng looked at Agatha, In fact, she really didn't know Agatha, but just determined that Agatha was here.

"It's really me ..." Agatha muttered, still unbelievable, because even among the five, her ranking was the lowest.

"Why is she, why, my ranking is 299?" Crosier yelled, full of unwillingness.

"Ranking?" Zhang Xiaomeng laughed. "What do you think your ranking means to our college? Also, go back and find out about our college's admissions standards. Even if you are ranked first in this way, our college is not Probably recruiting. By the way, Agatha is now a student of our college. You just wanted to kill our college student. What do you think I should do with you? "

"You, don't come over ..." Closier was frightened, and trembled back toward the back, especially when he looked at the flame in Zhang Xiaomeng's hand, making him feel palpitated.

"Sister Zhang Xiaomeng, he ... he still left it to me, and I will kill him with my own strength in the future." Agatha stopped Zhang Xiaomeng at this time, and she really wanted to avenge herself. .

"This ..." Zhang Xiaomeng groaned, as if thinking.

"Yes, yes, let Agatha find his own revenge in the future." Closier also panicked. Agatha did not know what to do in the future, but he was definitely not Zhang Xiaomeng's opponent at this moment.

"Let's go." Zhang Xiaomeng didn't seem to want to bother, and released his own spaceship. "Let's go up, and this little girl, is your companion."

"Uh-huh." Cecil was very excited.

The three got on the aircraft, and Closier over there shouted a cold sweat, feeling that they had walked around the gate of the ghost, and at this moment also returned to the spacecraft with the other two men in the void.

"Go ~ ~ and get out of here," Closier urged.

But at this time, a blaze of flames flew over, landed on the aircraft, and then bombarded, the entire spacecraft was burned to ashes.

When Closier was dying, there was only one MMP in his heart.

Agatha, who was about to leave, looked back, but also lost her voice: "Sister, you ..."

Zhang Xiaomeng showed a demon-like smile: "Sister, this is the first lesson I have given you. It is free. The content of this lesson is to deal with the enemy to kill everything. Do n’t leave it for him. A chance. You don't want to think about it, waiting for you to kill him, who knows if there will be any adventures in the middle, but finally kills you. Besides, such a guy, live another day, maybe it will More people like you are bullied by him. "

Agatha froze, completely speechless.

At this time, August returned from the stars to the world.

He found Wang Xing, and the first sentence was: "Dean, Hong Meng and Lin Meng invite you to take a trip to change the world."

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