Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1523: 1 flicker

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When Wang Xing heard this, he was a little surprised: "Who do you say?"

Really afraid of what came, Wang Xing had headaches when thinking of Hongmeng and Linmeng. The cultivation of these two men was too strong. He couldn't resist it.

"Hongmeng and Linmeng are the two gods of the universe in the ninth order of immortality." When Wu Gu said here, he was sweating coldly, and he never expected that he would encounter the universe when he went to the stars to change the world. God, what a joke is this. Although he came from the Shenhe River, he also knows that there is a Cosmic God in this universe, but knowing it is one thing, and seeing it with his own eyes is another.

"I see." Wang Xing was in deep thought, and now Hongmeng and Lin Meng named him to see him, unless he gave up the stars to change the world, otherwise he must talk to these two cosmic gods.

Give up the stars to change the world?

This is certainly impossible, because the world is really important.

Not to mention anything else, Qin Yu is in this world. According to the development of history, Qin Yu must be the master of Hongmeng in this world, that is, the universe god. If he abandons the world, what will Qin Yu do, and this is not his style.

"System, last time you took me silently from under the eyes of Hongmeng and Linmeng, can you still do it now?" Wang Xing immediately communicated with the system, which was his last reliance.

"Yes," the system replied.

"That's good." Wang Xing nodded, so he had enough confidence to at least retreat from his whole body.

"The system's friendship reminds that before the strength of the host does not reach Jinxian level 6 mixed Yuan Daluo Jinxian, it is best not to use an unlimited contract to sign a contract with a power of Jinxian level 7 mixed Yuan Wuji Jinxian. To some extent, they have begun to understand the real mysteries of the universe, and they are likely to let them peek into the secrets of the host. The object of the unlimited contract is better not to be higher than the two small realms of the host. "The system slowly said .

Wang Xing nodded secretly when he heard this.

The contract itself is mutual, and it is also a kind of strength. If one party of the contract is too weak, it will make the other party available.

Wang Xing's biggest secret is naturally the system. If it exposes the existence of the system, it will undoubtedly be a huge loss to him, and it may even threaten his life. After all, who knows if there is any way to kill him and seize the system. It seems that the safest thing in the future is to come step by step. If you want to sign a cosmic **** or something directly, don't think about it.

But Wang Xing also remembered another thing: "System, to say so, but I also bookmarked Jiang Lan as a teacher with an unlimited contract, and Jiang Lan is a real seventh-order **** king realm of immortality. , Equivalent to Jinxian seventh, has he already discovered your secret? "

At this time, the system was saying: "Jiang Lan or a teacher who has been systematically summoned to the academy, for example, came over with a character card, and an external card summoned. In fact, the system signed a contract with them first. They put some information in their heads so that they don't threaten the existence of the host. "

Wang Xing was right, Jiang Lan was not an external teacher at first.

For an external teacher with such a system reward, the system must have done a good job of keeping the information secret, otherwise he might have pitted himself.

Knowing this, Wang Xing was completely relieved.

The next step is to enter the world of stars. His only advantage now is mystery.

He knew everything about Lin Meng and Hong Meng, but they didn't know much about him. This was the inequality of information, so that he could take the initiative to a certain extent. To put it simply, whatever he says, Hongmeng and Linmeng don't know if what he said is true or false. Yes, the solution that Wang Xing can think of is to make a violent meal and let Hongmeng and Linmeng know that he is not easy to mess with.

"Dean, those two people are really terrible, you really want to go in?" Wu Gu said with some dignity. Anyway, he was facing Hong Meng and Lin Meng anyway, and he felt like an ant. These two people wanted to kill him. It's too easy.

"Well." Wang Xing nodded. "Whoever is going to **** if I don't go to hell, since they want to see me, I naturally want to go, otherwise if they embarrass our college teachers and students in the world of stars, wouldn't it be me? Dean's failure. "

Hearing this, Wu Gu was moved for a while.

See, this is the dean's consciousness, which is a lot higher than his teacher.

"I went."

Wang Xing said, Shining body came to the world hall, resolutely entered the stars to change the world.

Through a long and long space tunnel, Wang Xing came to a familiar place, which is entirely Hongmeng Space. The familiar stone table and chair are still there, and the two familiar people are Hongmeng and Linmeng.

They seemed to be waiting for Wang Xing, and it was not surprising to see Wang Xing come over.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, and it's been good recently." Wang Xing froze, haha ​​said, and then sat down in the remaining empty space, "I have to say, you will enjoy it, one person controls a universe, and then sit and watch All beings live and die, but you are aloof. If you do n’t say it, no one knows that you are the master of the universe. "

"Don't Director Wang know?" Hongmeng slowly said, staring at Wang Xing with a burning look.

"Haha, I know it ’s not strange, remember what I said to you last time. You can imagine me as a higher-dimensional creature, in which I can clearly see everything you have experienced, know you and The past and future of your universe. "Wang Xing said faintly, he knew that the two did not believe, and at this time two books appeared in his hand, one was a star change, and the other was Panlong.

"This is it?" The two were holding back, not knowing what the king was selling.

"Look at it, these two books can actually explain your doubts." Wang Xing said, and handed the two books to two people, one for each person, and Lin Lei was looking at that Panlong. Lei is somewhat unconcerned, but the more he turned, the more shocked he was, because it was his experience, and many of the contents were not mentioned to others.

But now, his experiences are recorded in a book.

Hongmeng is the same. Although there is nothing in him, the incident of Lin Lei happened in his Hongmeng universe, and Qin Yu in front of him is in the Linmeng universe. He is familiar with both universes.

"Lin Meng and Qin Yu are both people with uncertain fate, but in fact their fate is recorded in these two books." Hong Meng thought of more, even they think that the fate is uncertain, But it can be accurately predicted or recorded by these two books, who should be the one who wrote the two books. Well, Hong Meng came preconceived and thought that someone had predicted the destiny, and she was completely off.

"How?" Wang Xing looked at the two with a smile, full of pride. You also want to give me a kick and want to scare me. I first scare and scare you, especially Lin Meng. You see that your own things have been written So detailed, ask if you are afraid.

"How is this possible?" Lin Meng held Panlong's books tightly, his face paled, he felt scared, which was an emotion he hadn't had for many years, and this fear was caused by the uneasiness of the unknown.

"Who actually edited these two books?" Hongmeng looked at Wang Xing at this time, and he seemed to have found something, and that was the source.

"A pit product called tomatoes, you don't know, he is in our world." Wang began a more and more crazy flicker pattern, "Yes, it is in our dimension, that dimension."

"What dimension do you have?" Hongmeng heard the word again, "Is it a higher level dimension, just like our current universe, divided into the realm of cultivation, the world of immortality, and the world of God, such a level is actually in us There is a higher dimension above this universe, and if we meet certain conditions, we can also take off. "

"That's great." Wang Xing couldn't help but praise Hongmeng. He didn't think of such a good explanation. He didn't expect to be answered perfectly by Hongmeng. "Yes, if you practice to a certain level, Break the shackles of this universe and reach my world. "

When Hongmeng and Linmeng heard this, both of them were a little horrified.

In fact, they already have this speculation. There must be a larger world outside their universe.

And Wang Xing said this, in fact, it is not false. This is a world created by the system. If they can break away from this world and break the **** of this world, they can really enter Xianxian Academy and gain insight into the true nature of this world.

"I have carefully observed the people who entered our universe. They called you Dean Wang. The fairy college they came from should have been founded by you. It ’s just that I was a little curious if people in your college can enter our universe at will. "Lin Meng asked a little bit at this time.

"Yes, in fact, it ’s not just your universe. Our Xian Academy is connected to Wanyu. Many other universes also have students and teachers of our academy. In addition, we will also recruit teachers from the world of you, as if you also discovered Teacher Jiang Lan in your world, now the three brothers Qin Yu, are already teachers in our college. "Wang Xing said lightly.

"It turned out to be such a really awesome college." Lei said, then looked a little eager, "then ... can you let me also enter your world to see? I want to see this and write me all my life The guy in the book. He can set my destiny, and I want to know what kind of existence he is. "

"What? ... a little bit difficult." Wang Xing was a little speechless. You said what you saw about this. If I tell you, your world is actually derived from this book. You do n’t have to look at the author. He Just an ordinary person, would you believe it?

After Wang Xing imagined himself as Lin Lei, he found that he really had some unbelief. This kind of thing emphasized seeing is believing.

"Can't it?" Lei looked a little eager.

"It's not impossible, it's conditional." Wang Xing's eyes lighted up and he immediately reacted. I go, this is not a good time to mention the conditions, now Hongmeng and Linmeng want to go to his world to see, it is better to take this opportunity to make an agreement with them.

"What conditions?" Hongmeng spoke this time.

"It's very simple. The students and teachers of our college can't interfere in your world experience. Then, after 100 million years, I personally invite you to visit the college." Wang Xing thought for a moment, and said solemnly .

"One hundred million years?" Hong Meng and Lin Meng were stunned.

"That's right, it's 100 million years." Wang Xing must say incomparably. In fact, he is also giving himself a buffer time. This is like a gamble. After 100 million years, he has the ability to sign the universe **** Strength, that is, he has Jinxian level seven mixed Yuan Wuji Jinxian Xiuwei. At that time, even if Hongmeng and Lin Lei were recruited as teachers of the college, there would be no problems.

Seeing the two still hesitating, Wang Xing continued: "In fact, for you, 100 million years is just a blink of an eye. Why rush for a moment?"

Hongmeng and Linmeng nodded.

"Well, after 100 million years, you take us to the higher dimension you say, your world."

"Are you going to see that tomato in a year? I'll see what the person who can set my destiny looks like."

The two said, and agreed to Wang Xing's condition.

At this time, Wang Xing blossomed in his heart, and after a sudden flicker, he finally got the two men together.

However, when they entered Xianxian Academy, they knew that Wang Xing was totally nonsense now, and I hope not to fight desperately with Wang at that time.

"That's the case, I'll say goodbye." Wang Xing smiled and looked at Hongmeng with some resentment. Hongmeng also prepared wine last time, but he benefited a lot this time, but Hongmeng didn't even have a cup Preparation, this makes Wang Xing full of resentment, can only breathe a few mouthfuls of Hongmeng gas, it can be considered a trip.

After Wang Xing left ~ ~ Hong Meng and Lin Meng looked at each other, but they both looked quite dignified.

"Do you think what he said is true or false?" Hongmeng thought for a moment and asked.

"Half-true and half-false, but the larger world we feel must be real." Lin Meng thought for a while, "Go to that world one hundred million years later, and everything will be clear by then."

"It can only be so now." Hongmeng nodded.


Wang Xing, who returned to Xianxian Academy, hummed in a minor key with excitement.

For a while, the operation was as fierce as a tiger. Eventually, he hovered the two Hongmeng masters, making him uncomfortable.

The time passed in this way, and it was another half a month. All the admission notices of Xianxian College were issued, and a group of freshmen have come to the college.

Agatha came here again, with more awe in her heart.

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