Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1529: Re-hiring

Xun Qun approached Mo Gang at this time and stretched out his hand.

Mo Gang is extremely excited. Who knows that the Qun group is the high-level of the God Union, although it is only the cultivation of the superior god-man, but there are no more than ten thousand or eight thousand of the superior god-man in Mo Gang's life. Even if he is no better than Mo Gang, he is still incomparable with the Qi group. Moreover, now that the Qun Qun wants to shake hands with him, it is an act of self-denial for him.

"General Manager, what a ..."

Mo Gang held out his hand. This kind of handshake represents a good way, he still knows.

This is a unique way of greeting and condolences.

However, at this time, I saw that Qun Qun walked past him, completely ignored him, and walked towards a person behind him.

Mo Gang stretched out his hand and held him in the air. He didn't respond for a long time.

This is what he wants to do, it seems that he is wrong.

He looked back, only to see that Qun Qun had come to Qin Yu's side and grabbed Qin Yu's hand with one hand.

"Comrade Qin Yu, finally waiting for you."

Xi Qun said with great excitement, and the other senior leaders of the Alliance also walked over one by one.

Qin Yu hadn't responded at this time. These people seemed to know him, and they seemed to look strangely.

"How could it be him, and how could the Qun group shake hands with him?" Mo Gang was a little lost at this moment, and then he was a little apprehensive. "This Qin Yu's identity is definitely not simple. I just threatened him. "

"Comrade Qin Yu, I am the current acting chairman of the League of Gods Zhou Buer. I have been waiting for you for a long time after receiving instructions from the chairman." Zhou Buer also came out from behind the crowd at this time.

Acting Chairman of the League of Gods?



Mo Gang, who was a little bit lucky, only felt completely cold at the moment.

Those who the President of the Union of God wants to wait, where can he threaten.

"President of the Union of God?" Qin Yu thought a lot, which teacher of the college should he be, or uncle Lan.

"The chairman's name is Wang Xing." Zhou Buer's voice came into Qin Yu's mind, and he was sending a voice to Qin Yu. "The chairman said that when you hear this name, you will understand everything. According to The meaning of the president, when you come to the divine realm, you will automatically accept the post of chairman, and our entire 200 million president of the League of God is waiting for your arrival. "

"Dean!" Qin Yu was a little lost, and could not help shouting a title.

"President feels that you need the God Alliance, especially the things you are going to do next. It will be easier to succeed if you have the God Alliance to rely on." Zhou Buer continued, and Zhou Buer only conveyed Wang Xing mechanically. Meaning, I do n’t know if Qin Yu may soon face the Zhou family of the eight major families in the **** world. But Qin Yu knew it well, and he was even more moved.

With the strength of Shenlian, he will not be so passive when dealing with the Zhou family.

In particular, the development potential of the Divine Alliance is huge. If he manages well, this will be his life-saving sign in the future. Even if the Zhou family has a strong respect for the sky, he may not dare to touch him.

After realizing these things, Qin Yu's heart was stunned.

At this time, he clenched Zhou's hand and responded, "Let you wait for a long time. In the future, I will continue to uphold the idea of ​​the president, and let the League of God truly become the first god-man organization of the divine realm, for the whole The gods and humans in the divine realm seek welfare and realize the common prosperity of the gods and humans in the divine realm. "

Zhou Fuer was amazed. It was indeed the successor chosen by the chairman.

Other high-level leaders of the League of God have watched this when they heard this.

Xing Yuan and others on the side are all aggressive at this moment. What do you mean, how did you become the new president of the Union of God.

I'm going, this identity changes a bit fast.

The sales lady was even more surprised. The person she just greeted turned out to be the new chairman of the God Alliance, the successor designated by the chairman, and the leader of the God Alliance in the future.

What a pleasure it is enough to go out and brag about her life.

If there is any circle of friends, she must brush it thousands of times, so that everyone knows that she has a leg with Xinhui. No, I have met.

The Purple Futian family is also the same at this moment, it took a long time to react.

This friend of Xing Yuan was a bit brave. In a blink of an eye, he became the leader of the Union of God. This status only made them look up.

Think about Xing Yuan's marriage with their daughter again. This doesn't seem to be a problem. Xing Yuan has such a friend. This is because he has his golden thighs and will not say anything else. I have nothing to worry about in this life.

As for Liu Qiyan, he just wants to go home now.

He felt that he had been given a routine by Qin Yu. Do you have such an identity, hiding it, deliberately going to the countryside to experience life, and hit my face?

"What happened just now?" Qiu Qun was very colorful. He had noticed the conflict between Qin Yu and Mo Gang for a long time, and now it was time to perform something.

"Mr. Xie, this is the case." The sales lady knew that the opportunity for performance was coming, and she said the cause and effect immediately. Although there was not much jealousy, but listening to the ears of Mo Gang and others, it was like a lifeline.

"General manager, I was wrong, I really don't know this little brother ..." Mo Gang immediately begged for mercy.

"Did you call your little brother?" Hu Qun hummed. "You dare to threaten our young president, your courage. Your courage is a little bit big. If our **** union doesn't respond a bit, wouldn't it be human? It's a joke. I can't reach you, Mr. Heilongshan's Heilongshan, but Xionghei, I still have his contact information. I just notified him, I hope he can give me a satisfactory explanation. "

Hearing Xiong Hei, Mo Gang trembled.

Because Xiong Hei is a **** in Heilongtan, it can be said that he is the second leader of Heilongtan, and also holds a heavenly artifact.

"It's over, this time it's over." Mo Gang said, and suddenly felt that his body was out of control, and a force invaded his body. That was the power of God, and at the same time he spoke out of his mouth. A word.

"General Manager, this Mo Gang is still dead. I hope that it will not affect our relationship between Heilongtan and Shenlian. For the project in the west of the city, we are very sincere in Helongtan." An obvious one from Mogang's mouth The man's voice, then saw that Mo Gang's eyes were bleeding, and he fell straight behind him, so he died.

Everyone was shocked, and Mo Gang, a superior man, died like this.

Seeing here, Liu Qiyan was shocked to kneel in front of Qin Yu, and said in his mouth, "Master Qin Yu, I was wrong, please forgive me this time."

Then, he climbed up to Zi Yun again: "Xiao Yun, let's grow up together, you will let Brother Xing Yuan to intercede me, I don't want to die yet."

Zi Yun saw here, although she was annoyed by Liu Qiyan's actions, she really could not bear to watch him punished.

Xing Yuan looked helplessly at Wang Xing: "If not, just let him go?"

Qin Yu nodded and looked at Liu Qiyan: "Get off, don't let me see you again."

Heilongtan dealt with the two, and then only the salesman in the sales department was left. Wu Qun fired him in a single sentence, and at the same time, he was also fired by the Shenlian. He finally scrapped the Shenlian joined by the power of Jiu Niu Er Hu, and now all of it is gone.

Next, Xun Qun directly gave Xing Yuan a way of selling and selling this townhouse. He even invited Xing Yuan to join Shenlian, so that everyone around him was happy for Xing Yuan.


Qin Yu thus entered the Divine Alliance, becoming the young president of the Divine Alliance, and in the substantive sense.

However, he knew that he had to make some achievements, otherwise he would feel comfortable using the resources of God Union to cultivate, and he was really embarrassed.

Fortunately, for him, it is not difficult to make achievements. The business model of the Earth Federation, he will. Not only that, he is even more advanced than Wang Xing. He intends to introduce some of the science and technology on the planet into the world of stars, and completely transform the world of stars into a semi-technological and semi-cultivating world. Some scientific and technological items have completely opened up the situation in the divine realm.

After half a year, Qin Yu used his ability to conquer most members of the God Union.

At this time, two people found him.

One is Wu Gu, a teacher of Xianxian College, and the other is Chang'e.

"Two teachers, why are you here?" Qin Yu was a little excited, and hurriedly welcomed them to the room.

"This time I came here, mainly on the order of the dean, to recruit some teachers to fill the academy in the changing world of the stars." Wu Gu said, "but these teachers who can recruit must have names in the original work, so You can't recruit casually. Here are some lists drawn up by the Dean. You can take a brief look. Next, you need to cooperate with us to recruit. "

"Okay." Qin Yu nodded and found that there were a large number of names on it, more than a dozen of them, "No problem, most of these people have met with me and are very recruiting."

"Then let's get started, we will wait to return to life." Chang'e said at this time, she was still a bit repulsive to come to the stars to change the world, there are too many strong inside, making her very insecure.

"Um." Qin Yu nodded.


Xing Yuan's home is the site of the townhouse he bought six months ago.

Xing Yuan, Zi Yun, and Zi Yun's parents are all there.

"Qin Yu!" Xing Yuan heard someone knocking on the door, and was a bit surprised when he opened the door, since Qin Yu became the chairman of the League of Gods. However, Qin Yu appeared here at the moment, which made him somewhat flattered.

As he spoke, he also noticed two teachers, Wugu and Chang'e, wearing the clothes of Xianxian.

Chang'e, in particular, trembled him.

"The whole family is here, that's the best." Qin Yu nodded. "Zi Yun bitch, uncle and uncle, there is something next, I hope you can agree."

"What is it? If we can help, we must agree." Zi Futian knew Qin Yu's identity, and heard Qin Yu's words with some sincerity.

Zi Yun is the same, but more curious.

"That's it. The two teachers behind me are both from a college called Xianxian College, and the chairman of our Divine Alliance is actually from this college or the dean of this college. Not only that, even me A member of this college is a teacher in it. Now with the development of this college, we need to recruit some teachers, and you all meet the recruitment requirements. "Qin Yu simply said.

"Are we recruiting teachers?" Zi Futian said suddenly, "We are just ordinary gods. If this college wants to train students, should we also look for those gods?"

"Yes, our cultivation is too low, and it is not enough to teach the gods and humans." Zi Yun also said.

"What you want to teach is not a god-man." Qin Yu smiled at this time. "Maybe you would not believe it. If you promised to be teachers in this college, you would teach some ordinary immortals, or even some. Everyone is possible. "

"How is this possible? How can such a person gain a foothold in the divine realm?" Xing Yuan shook his head. Even a newborn baby in this divine realm cannot be an ordinary person.

"Who said this college is in the Divine Realm?" Qin Yu laughed.

"Not in the realm of God? Is it in the realm of fairy demon and demon, have you mastered the way to the realm of fairy demon and demon?" Xing Yuan lost his voice.

"No, you can't even imagine where this college is ~ ~ But I'm sure you signed the college's contract and promised to be the teacher of the college, there is no harm to you," Qin Yu promised. It can even be said that this is an opportunity for you, the greatest opportunity in your life. "

"Qin Yu, I want to believe you." Xing Yuan said first. He didn't think Qin Yu was going to plot him.

"I still believe in the reputation of the Chairman of the Alliance of Gods." Zi Futian smiled and looked at the contract book in Qin Yu's hand. "But since I am going to be a teacher, why should I be paid a little? Are the employees of the company under the union paid? "

"This salary naturally has a lot of benefits." Qin Yu nodded.

"Then we also sign." Zi Futian said.

"Why are there only three?" Ziyun found something wrong at this time. There were obviously four people in front of her.

"I'm sorry, your mother can't be recruited by our college." Qin Yu reluctantly got up, which is also relatively embarrassing, it is obvious that they want to break up the family.

"Why?" Zi Yun was puzzled, and Xing Yuan looked at Qin Yu with curiosity.

"You have to ask a guy named Tomato. Why didn't he write your mother's name?" Qin Yu said in a serious way. This is the name of the book. You can only sign a contract with a name. You ca n’t sign it. Whoever you want to talk to, just look for the original author. We are also very innocent.

Zi Yun's mother looked very bad and went straight out.

Next, the three signed a contract, and the three new teachers were identified.

Xing Yuan and Zi Yun are both lower-level gods and men, and they are equivalent to ordinary Jinxian in the college, but Zi Futian is an intermediate god-man, which is equivalent to Jinyi second-level Taiyi Jinxian.

Recruitment continues.

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