Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1532: Please dean? Call a teacher

A woman next to the man nodded: "It shouldn't be wrong, this is where the ancestor was born. I didn't expect the ancestor to attach so much importance to this place, so he sent us the three gods up."

"Yeah, even the deputy palace master hadn't thought of it, otherwise there would have been only one Wugu sent over." Another man said.

The two men and one woman are the people of Wushan Jingu.

The two male gods are called Amis and Jecox, while the female gods are called Crescen.

The three of them are among the top gods, and their strength is also top.

"Go, first go to Wuxingshan Space Country to find out the situation." Amis thought for a moment.

"Good." Crestec nodded.

"Let ’s go, I just learned about the situation from the interstellar network, and got a detailed star map by the way. According to the star map, the kingdoms of the Wuxingshan universe are in this direction, about 100,000 light years away. Distance. "Said Jacox, and the three flew towards the kingdom of Wuxingshan Space Country.

An hour later, the three arrived at Wuxingshan Space Country.

"I received a message from my ancestors." Amis paused. "They are hiding in a space and are waiting for us."

"I didn't expect the ancestors to be regarded as awesome in the Shenhe River, but his descendants were so reckless." Creschin actually looked down on these ancestors of the ancestors.

"Krezchen, pay attention to your words, and the descendants of your ancestors cannot be evaluated by you," Amis chuckled.

"Huh." Crestec didn't bother to say anything.


In the hidden space, a man smiled excitedly: "Responded, I received their news, and they will come immediately."

"What, come here immediately?"

"That's great. We are saved this time."

"The ancestor did not forget our descendants, haha."

"Wuxing Mountain Space Country is still our witch family, not his immortal college."


While several people were talking, three figures suddenly broke into the space and broke in.


Someone found it immediately and drank it immediately.

"Aren't you just waiting for us?"

"God make it!"

Suddenly, someone had blurted out.

Others also responded, all of them were extremely excited.

"God make you look forward to it."

"God, we must help us recapture Wuxingshan Universe."

"God, please sit down, please sit down."

The three of Amis nodded and sat down politely.

"We came here by the ancestors. This visit will help you to destroy the Immortal Academy and regain the power of Wuxingshan universe." Amis said directly, "Not only that, the ancestors intentionally selected some talented ones from you. People take to Shenhe, and these days have compiled out the information of your royal family members, and when we leave, we will take ten people. "

"What, can we enter the Shenhe River?" A man showed an expression of great surprise. We must know that in general, only by becoming immortal will we have the opportunity to enter the Shenhe River. For Shenhe, they have long been full of longing. After all, they have entered Shenhe, and it will be easier to become a **** in the future.

"Of course, but there are only ten places." Amis said lightly.

"Well, let's talk about the current situation first." Crestec interrupted the fantasy of a group of people. "The ancestor sent us over this time, but paid a huge price, thanks to the ancestor's breakthrough into the realm of the Lord . "

"Yes, yes." Someone answered, and immediately began to speak.

After half an hour, all three of Amis were shocked.

They had long heard that the Wuxingshan royal family had been persecuted and turned into a puppet, but now it still sounds strange.

The lord was killed?

Secret was stolen?

The newly-founded lord is completely a running dog of Xianxian Academy?

The three seemed to be able to understand why the ancestors cost so much and wanted to send them over.

Shame, this is absolutely shame.

"We already know what happened, this immortal college is really too crazy, and we haven't put our Wushan Jinggu in our eyes at all." Amis groaned. "What about the strength of this immortal college? "

"The dean of Naxian Academy should have the realm of the middle god. Others, including Wugu, have about three lower gods." The man headed by that.

"It's just this strength that dares to be so arrogant. It's really death." Amis clenched his fists, and the divine power caused the space to burst apart.

"I just checked it from the main **** space, and it is true. The strongest of the Immortal Academy is at most the higher **** realm, and the three of us are all upper gods and come from the river of God, whether it is treasure or battle The experience must exceed the dean and teachers of Xianxian Academy, and it must be enough to destroy Xianxian Academy. "Kressien analyzed.

"What are you waiting for?" Jakex had stood up. "My whale-knife hasn't seen blood for a long time. Let's kill now."

"Not in a hurry, it's already here, panic." Amis thought for a while, "temporarily help the descendants of the ancestors to recapture Wuxingshan Space Country, Immortal Academy is in the Federation of the Earth, can not run away."

"Haha, it makes sense. We don't take any action, but once Xianxian knows that the three gods are coming from Shenhe, they still have to deal with them, I think they must be suffering." Crescen thought of something, endure Can't help laughing.

"It is exactly this reason that the three gods came down, and the dean and teacher of the Immortal College felt a little bit about the destruction, and did not know what it would feel like. Death is not terrible. The terrible thing is the kind of suffering before death. "Amis nodded, and that was exactly what he was thinking.


Wuxingshan Space Country, Capital.

Originally, only the witch of the kingdom, who was cultivated in the flying realm, also practiced in the realm of light.

With so much time, Xiuwei has made such a major breakthrough, naturally it took a lot of information.

However, for a cosmopolitan state-of-the-art leader, this practice is far from perfect. For a cosmic state like this, the state-owner should at least be an emperor.

Although Wu Gu was weak, no one dared to despise him.

Behind Wugu is Xianxian Academy, who doesn't know that Wugu is recognized by Wuxianshan Universe Landlord.

"Well, the economic theory of the economist of the Earth Federation really makes sense." Wu Ge is reading in the hall at the moment. This is a task he arranged for himself, and every time he read the book comes from the Earth Federation. .

But at this time, hundreds of people suddenly appeared in the hall.

"Who is it?" A guard yelled immediately, and this guard was a realm of emperors and kings.

"Go to the side." Amis sneered and waved his hand gently. The guard of the emperor's realm lost his resistance and was pulled out of the hall by a force.

"You ..." Wu Ge saw the familiar Wuxingshan royals, and all of them were very opinionated on him, and many of them had even been expelled from the Wuxingshan royals.

"Wuge, your good days are over." A man shouted.

"Wu Lengyun, you want to be rebellious." Wu Ge Leng yelled, "Don't think that you can turn the sky without knowing where to find three people. You have to know who is behind me and my country's position as the landlord of Wuxingshan Universe Who gave it. "

"Haha, Wuge, it seems that you haven't figured out the situation yet. Know what these three people are, they are the ambassadors sent by the ancestors from the river of God, and all of them are in the realm of higher gods. You thought the last **** The palace sent people over, and the plan failed. Will you not send people again? You are wrong. The ancestor broke through the realm of the Lord now. The key is that the ancestor did not forget our descendants. He rescheduled three The higher **** came here to help us regain power. "

"How is this possible?" Wuge was shocked, how strong the three gods should be.

"Now I'm scared. When you drove me out of the Wuxing Mountain Royal Family and confiscated the property, why didn't you expect it to be today?" Wu Lengyun said, grabbing Wuge's hair and holding on. "Drink, I haven't seen you for so long. It ’s actually practiced to the realm of cosmic light, it was piled up with the resources of Wuxingshan Space Country. "

Talking, Wu Lengyun's creation of the realm broke out and gave Wu Ge three slaps in a row.

That crisp voice made other people laugh.

They all felt relieved.

"Wuge, being pinched in your hand, isn't the feeling of wanton insult?" Wu Lengyun sarcastically.

"Wu Lengyun, I really regret that I cared for my fellow kinship at that time, and did not kill you." Wu Ge's eyes flashed with an astonishing killing intention. After he became the lord of the country, he had not suffered such humiliation.

"You dare to say, find death." Wu Lengyun heard these words, and was not furious. He punched Wuge out with a punch, and hit the wall of the hall directly. All the hanging pictures on the wall were lost as many as six or seven pairs.

Wu Ge collapsed to the ground, and a blood spurted out.

In the boxing of the Creator, he lost most of his life.

"Well, grab this witch first," Amis said lightly. "Then, put it in a prison cage and place it in the capital of Wuxingshan Space Country."

"Observe." Wu Lengyun was overjoyed, LANXESS answered.

"This trick is high, is Wuge selected by Xianxian Academy, and we are dealing with Wuge like this, we are playing the face of Xianxian." Kressin laughed, "If the dean of Xianxian is a little bloody, maybe They will rush over to die. "

Next, Wuge was arrested.

She was **** in a cage and her hands and feet were hung, which was miserable.

Some keen nationals of Wuxingshan Space Country have already known that something has happened.

The three of Amis continued to shoot, and soon controlled Wuxingshan Universe in their own hands.

In this way, it only took three days.

During these three days, the news finally spread.

Among immortal colleges.

"What did you say, Wuge was abolished and hung up, and Wuxingshan Space Country returned to the hands of the Wuxingshan Royal Family?" The Qing emperor was still a little shocked when he heard the news. "Who has the courage to dare Enemy with us. "

"There are three people in Wushan Jinggu, from Shenhe." Huang Rong said, "What should I do now, should I ask the dean?"

"This dean invites any dean, isn't it the **** that came from among the three rivers of God? We haven't reached the last moment, you also know how long the dean has closed this time and prepared." Qingdi shook his head. "Don't worry about it, isn't it just the gods in the immortal realm, and there is no shortage of our college. But just in case, all the teachers in the **** realm that the college can call are all called up."

"It makes sense that our immortal college is not short of gods." Huang Rong suddenly realized, especially before the dean's retreat, that he had recruited eleven immortal gods from the stars to the world, four of which were gods.

In the academy, in preparation for this upcoming battle, preparations began.

Even Jiang Lan came to the academy because of this.

"This little thing is also worth asking me to come over?" Jiang Lan was speechless. "This is for you. I thought about it after I went back last time. Isn't it that I can't take any more shots, but I haven't made a few of them? Question. "

"Well, like Qin Yu's sword fairy?" Qingdi thought of something.

"Almost, but higher than Qin Yu's, this sword immortal merging part of my way of space, can play ten attacks of the perfection of the realm of God, three attacks of the perfection of the realm of God, a record of The attack of the realm of the Lord God. It also represents that I am almost at the highest level of refining equipment. "Jiang Lan said lightly, but listening to everyone's ears was no less than sunny thunderbolts.

"So powerful?" Qingdi could not help but took a breath.

"Unfortunately, this sword immortal can't bear more energy, otherwise it is not impossible to play the attack of the **** king realm." Jiang Lan is somewhat pretentious, "Well, I ’ll go back to the stars to change the world. Do n’t be okay in the future. Come to me, I'm also very busy ~ ~ I just found out that our previous thinking was limited. Although the teachers will be locked by the origin of the universe, they do not represent the treasures made by the teachers. You ca n’t take it out for use. ”Huang Rong patted her head at this time, and she felt a little suddenly realized.“ Teacher Wuji, do you have any means to get out of the air, do n’t hesitate, take it out? ”

"This ... just a practice of distracting spirit, still draws on the dean's thinking. It can consolidate one-tenth of my strength, form an incarnation, and launch three attacks on the outside." Fengyun said without fear, A similar situation was removed from the body, but this situation was completely an incarnation.

"Ahem, we also have some means to attach to other people and shoot." Dugu Wuju can't help but say at this time, don't show it at this time, let's wait, "" Although we can't play without fear That kind of strength, but the strength of perfection can still be achieved. Of course, it is not very durable. "

"Well, I don't know if I should say it inappropriately. The other party is three superior gods, and the three of us seem to be enough." Huang Xu was embarrassed at this time, did you ignore me?

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