Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1533: It's terrible outside Shenhe

A group of teachers from Xianxian University spoke a few words, and the disaster in front of them seemed to be nothing.

Huang Rong was embarrassed.

The Qing emperor wiped his sweat too, and it really was not enough.

In the Witch Mountain Country, the three of Amis received a call from Shenhe.

"Our ancestors, we have helped your descendants recapture the Wuxingshan universe. Next, we will go to the Earth Federation and destroy the Immortal College in one fell swoop."

"Good job, I have a big reward when I return."

All three were thrilled to hear this.

The ancestor said that there is a heavy reward, then the reward will certainly not be bad, think about it all to make the three a little excited.

This trip really did not come.

Subsequently, the ancestors of Wushan cut off the call and were completely assured of the three.

Outside the Shenhe, the three gods are absolutely invincible, and he doesn't think there is any problem with it.

"Now Xianxian College should have received the news. I think their dean and the teachers in the college must have been unable to sleep all night and could not sleep." Kressin thought of something, with a smile on his face. meaning.

"Whoever has a knife on his head that will fall off at any time, he must not eat well or sleep well." Jacox said indifferently.

"After they're completely desperate, we'll go and give them a fatal blow." Amis thought for a while, "It's so easy to get outside the river of God, and we don't have to hurry."

"Yeah, it's still here, and every day in the Shenhe, I'm in a state of fear, always guarding against aliens, and being selected to participate in the war with aliens, maybe one day I will die on the battlefield. But here, We are the strongest beings and there is absolutely no danger to life. "Crescin followed," but if we want to become stronger, we must enter the river of God. "

"No way, Shenhe is indeed much more dangerous than here." Jakex had to admit that his eyes were dignified.

Time passed slowly.

In an instant, three months passed, and the three of Amis didn't even do anything.

They thought that the Xian Academy must be in a kind of suffering, but in fact, a singing and dancing life on the Xian Academy side, and even the Academy held a primary school sports meeting.

Moreover, even the Earth Federation has not been affected much.

"Have you heard that Wushan Jinggong has sent people from Shenhe again? The next step is to destroy the Immortal College."

"Oh, now whoever says annihilation college, I don't believe it."

"I don't believe it. After so many years, I can see it clearly. Those who shouted that they would destroy Xianxian but destroyed them one by one and ran away, but Xianxue was still good."

"Yes, no one knows how powerful Xianxian University is until the last minute."

"Which of the three gods, I'm hehe. I have the ability to come to Xianxian College just now. It's been three months. Why can't I come? I pay attention to the federal news every day, and I thank the flowers.

Well, this is what the Earth Federation thinks.

After the smashing of the crisis by the Xian Academy, they have unconditionally started to trust the Xian Academy, and regard the Xian Academy as a belief.

So, this is more awkward.

The three of Amis thought that there must have been a chicken and a dog jump at Xianxian College, but in fact there was a level of singing and dancing.

No threat was taken seriously.

The only time when it may have an impact on Xian Academy, in order to prevent these three gods from engaging in the students in Wushan's mystery, they led the students back.

"It's almost there, you can do it." Amys decided on this day, and he felt that it would be almost the same three years of suffering for Xianxian College, and then they had a great strength. Pushed the immortal college.

"Three ambassadors, are you going to do this now?" Wu Lengyun was so excited, he was not like the three, he had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Well, do it." Amis nodded.

"Three ambassadors, our Wuxingshan royal family has been oppressed by Xian Academy for so long, you went to destroy Xian Academy, can you let us watch it, and let us take a good breath." Wu Lengyun thought about this time Tao, and this proposal immediately received the response of other ethnic groups.

"Yes." Amis nodded.


Immortal College.

"Come here, who's here?"

"The three higher gods sent by Wushan Jingu!"

"Sorry, I almost forgot about it. They rushed over to die? Why are you so anxious."

"Maybe I want to get a baby sooner."


Emperor Qing and Xing Yuan were chatting, leaving the teachers on the side speechless.

"There are only a thousand large galaxies from the Milky Way."

"Isn't this far away, wait till they get outside the Milky Way."


The three of Amis took a spacecraft and approached quickly.

There are hundreds of members of the Wuxingshan Royal Family in the spaceship, all of them are full of expectations.

"Near the Milky Way, that fairy college is in the Milky Way Earth Federation."

"Xian Academy will soon be destroyed."

"Well, this is the consequence of offending our Wuxingshan royal family."

A group of people are full of hatred for Xian Xue Academy. Without Xian Xue Academy, they would still be all the precious children of Wuxingshan Royal Family.

"To the Milky Way."


"Target Earth Federation, Fairy College."


"Come here, come here." Qingdi smiled, and can't wait for a long time. "After they arrived, they saw the lineup of Xian Xue Academy, hoping not to cry."

"Haha, they are still dreaming." Zi Futian smiled.

Earth Federation, many people feel it.

So did the three higher gods from the Shenhe River come over? Is there a good show next?

Well, every federal resident is incarnate in order to eat melon.

"We have entered the territory of the Earth Confederation. It is said that the Earth Confederacy is shrouded in a will called the Emperor of Heaven, but now what will is quietly hiding." Kressin went crazy.

"Heavenly Will? Running fast with his tail in his hands." Jakex followed.

The Emperor of Heaven hidden in the void is speechless. Who am I to provoke? Who are you to sneer at first?

A group of Wuxingshan royal family also began to go crazy.

They came here all the way, and there was no one to stop it. It seemed that the immortal college had given up to resist.

"No wonder, in front of the three gods, there is nothing to resist at Xianxian Academy." Wu Lengyun thought for a while, and thought that this was perfectly reasonable, and even he thought that everyone in Xianxian could run almost.

But at this time, Crescen discovered that something was wrong: "What's going on, the news that we are coming to wipe out the immortal college should have arrived here long ago, but you look at the people of the Earth Federation, as if they were a little worried. No, hell. "

"It's a bit weird, don't they worry that after the Xianxian Academy was destroyed, we destroyed the Milky Way in an instant." Amis also showed a doubtful expression, which is really a hell.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in the void, but it was Ziyun.

"Wushan Jingu came from the Shenhe, is the **** you threatened to destroy the Immortal Academy?" Zi Yun said slowly.

"It turns out to be a lower god, are you a teacher of Xianxian College?" Amis sneered.

"Yes, the third-year teacher at Xianxian College," Zi Yun replied, "saying that it was going to destroy Xianxian, I wonder who gave you the courage?"

"Haha, your next **** still wants to stop us from succeeding, let the dean of the Immortal Academy come out." Jakex laughed, not taking Zi Yun seriously.

"Wife, what are these three nonsense nonsense." Xing Yuan's figure appeared.

"Another lower god?" Amis stunned, but then he laughed. "In the face of the upper god, there are no more lower gods, let alone three upper gods at the same time."

"Ahem, daughter, son-in-law, you still go back to college." Another person showed up, it was Zi Futian.

"This is ... the upper god!" Emile didn't feel his body tremble, he felt the practice of Zi Futian, he reached the realm of the upper god, but in fact, Zi Futian was only the middle **** before entering the college. The pinnacle state, but less than a century after entering the college, this broke into the higher **** state. "It's okay, it seems that it is just a new higher god, and we have three higher gods."

"Well, what are the three gods, a little interesting." Another voice sounded, only to see the two men showing up, it was Huang Xu and Liu Fei.

The presence of two of them made the three of Amis apparently look different this time.

"Another god, and another god." Amis felt the breath of Huang Xu and Liu Fei. "Fortunately, they only have two gods, and there is one that has just broken through. The three of us still have the absolute advantage. "

At the same time, many people in the Earth Federation are watching this scene.

They saw a teacher from the immortal realm of Xianxian Academy appearing one after another, knowing that this was definitely about to do something.

"Aren't they just three superior gods, plus my superior god, are we three to three?" There was a voice in the void, only to see the head of the village of Fanjue Village appear. Now, this fan Ye is really a real superior **** realm, or the one with relatively strong strength, otherwise where can be the village head.

The moment they saw Fan Ye, the three of Amis were dumbfounded.

A group of people in the Wuxingshan royal family were dumbfounded.

Three gods, when did the Xianxian Academy come up with three gods, this daddy.

The information they received did not have this at all, and you are deliberately hiding strength.

"Three to three, even if one of them has just broken through to the higher **** realm, we don't have it now." Amis preached, "What the **** is going on, not to say Is the strongest person in the Immortal Academy the higher **** realm, but why didn't it say that there are so many superior gods in the immortal college. Also, this is how the three upper gods came from outside the Shenhe.

"You find out that the dean of Xianxian Academy doesn't seem to have appeared." Kressin said something that made the two more panic. They were really worried. The teachers of Xianxian Academy were so powerful. The dean was Not more powerful.

"How do I have a feeling that the reason the Earth Federation is like this is because the immortal college didn't take us seriously." Jacox said slowly, and if this was true, they were really hurt and lost They thought that there must be a lot of suffering in the Xian Academy, but who knows that they have completely ignored their threat, just as a joke.

"This ... what the **** is going on?" Wu Lengyun murmured. He had noticed that the faces of the three gods had changed. He was absolutely scared. Where could he relax before he came.

But at this time, the gods of immortality appeared one by one.



Gao Xia Banner!

Song Hui!


Zong Yan!





These people appeared one by one, and they were filled with void for a long time.

The three of Amis have only one idea at the moment. You have such strength. You don't enter the river of God, what are you doing here?

Is it waiting for us, so as to put a big force in front of us?

Well, if that's the case, you have succeeded.

Because, Amis, they were really frightened, so many immortals in the realm of spirit are no longer able to deal with them.

"Is it the three people who want to destroy the Immortal Academy?" But at this time it was another voice, which turned out to be the uncle's clone of late injury.

"This is it?" Suddenly Amis trembled. He felt the scent of a late injury. It was simply too scary. It is definitely not something God can possess. "Perfect God, this is the breath of perfection ... The Immortal College has a perfect God !!! "

"Damn, I feel like a shame. There is such a teacher in Xianxian College, and we want to come and destroy Xianxian College. It's just killing me." Jacques couldn't help but curse, this immortal perfection , Even in the Shenhe can sit on one side, Rao is their Wushan Jinggu were unwilling to provoke such people, but who thought that they encountered them outside the Shenhe, and also just hit the muzzle , Who to talk to.

But is that over?

At this time, ~ ~, two figures appeared again. This is the avatar of Dugu Wuju and Ximen Yibei.

At the same time, a terrifying breath came out, and the souls of the three of Amis were shaking.

"This ... what is this?"

Amis trembled, and he wasn't comfortable talking.

Because the realm of this breath may have exceeded the realm of perfection.

What is the state of being above God?

Great fulfillment!

Even in their Wushan shrine, there were several immortal gods who fulfilled the realm of the gods, but two of them suddenly appeared here.

They now have only one idea. It's too scary outside of Shenhe, we want to go back to Shenhe.

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