Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1535: Wushan Treaty

The three of Amis huh.

Sweeping the ground, God TM's five insurances and one gold, ancestors, you must not agree.

"Why do I think it ’s a big deal, this is good to say ... good to say." Wushan ancestors didn't take it for granted, were n’t they the three higher gods? They do n’t lack Wushan shrine, and they have three higher gods in the Earth Federation. In the future, maybe you can listen to the situation of Xianxian College.

But in the eyes of the three Amis, they already thought that they had been abandoned.

Is the ancestor mad to such an extent in order not to blame the immortal college?

"Well ... can I go now, there is something wrong with my God River." Wushan ancestor said carefully.

"What can you do?"

"I just boiled a pot of porridge and it will be cold if I don't go back."

Everyone: "..."

Can you find a more outrageous reason?

Do you think anyone will believe it?

"Do you know how to make porridge?" Molong licked his lips at this time.


Well, some people really believe it.

"Don't worry, there is one last thing. This time, in order to win this self-defense counterattack of Xianxian Academy, it can be said that the consumption is very large, so you can barely compensate the billions of immortal crystals." Fengyun thought for nothing.


Wushan ancestors were stunned, shameless and shameless.

We didn't fight each other. Where are you spending so much? This is simply extortion.

There are also hundreds of billions of immortal crystals. You really think that immortal crystals are Chinese cabbage. There are not so many immortal crystals in the treasure house of Wushan Shrine.

"If you don't want to ... I'll ask the Dean." Feng Yun Wu Ji again offered the 'Dean Dean' magic weapon, which is an invincible artifact. "Will the Dean bring some of our colleges?" God King, go directly to you without Wushan Temple? "

"Don't, don't do it, how can I be sorry for the Dean. But there are too many 10 billion **** crystals, we can't get them out." Wushan ancestors started crying poor.

"Then how much can you take out?"


"A billion words, I think it's OK."

"No, it's 100,000."

Wushan ancestor gritted his teeth and said that the 100,000 immortal crystals were reluctant to him.

"One hundred thousand, how about you send a beggar?" Feng Yun hummed.

"Or I'll add more," Wushan ancestor hurriedly, "how about 100,000?"

"Notify the Dean."

"Don't, one million, I'm willing to compensate one million **** crystals at Xian Academy."

"Where is the Dean, you should be able to contact now."

"I'm going, what is this doing, let's talk about it, ten million, ten million." Wushan ancestor hurriedly.

"One hundred million, don't say that you are so big at Wushan Jinggu, you ca n’t even get this immortal crystal." Fengyun Wuji said a number at this time, "Of course, if you really ca n’t get it, you can do it in stages. . Anyway, it's 100 million, not one less. "

"One hundred million ..." Wushan ancestor's heart is bleeding, this is simply taking away at least one-third of the immortal crystal reserves of Wushan Jingu, which is only accumulated by Wushan Jingu for many years. Immortal crystals, "Well, when will Immortal Academy want these immortal crystals."

"Someone will ask for what you want in the future." Feng Yun thought for nothing, it is that no one at Xian Academy will go to Shenhe now.

"Well, one hundred million is one hundred million. This matter is even taken over." The ancestor of Wushan gritted his teeth, and finally set his heart, in order to calm the anger of the Immortal Academy, what are these immortal crystals.

A group of teachers and students from Xianxian College couldn't help but be excited at this time.

This is a hundred million pieces of immortal crystal!

To know the general god, even if the upper **** can have a million pieces of immortal crystals, it is a little rich.

Just this one compensation made Xianxian Academy make a lot of money.

"I can go now?" Wushan's ancestor didn't want to stay here at all. His distraction wanted to go back immediately. He felt it was more terrible than Shenhe.

"Yes, but I signed this before I left." Feng Yun said without fear, flying out of the college a golden scroll with the four characters "Wushan Treaty" written on it. "The conditions I just said have already Written on the 'Wushan Treaty', if you have no problem see it, sign it. "

Wushan Treaty! !! !!

The people of the Earth Federation are stunned this time. How can this be so similar to the unequal treaty signed when China suffered an invasion before.

If you think about it, it's really the same thing.

Mowing, compensation!

This is really awesome. Can you sign such a treaty like a force with the main god?

"Since I promised, how could I still owe my account." The ancestor of Wushan was anxious, and originally promised verbally, but this sign has even written evidence, and he won't be able to wash it afterwards.

"Just in case." Fengyun smiled wistfully.

"Then why is it called the 'Wushan' treaty, and you can't change it?"

"The treaty signed with the ancestors of Wushan is called the Wushan Treaty." Feng Yun replied wistfully, and there were no strange reasons for it.

"I'll sign another name."

"Yes, but for the price, the name change fee is ten thousand gods."

Wushan's ancestors were so anxious that he didn't want to talk anymore, this is definitely the most pit college he has ever seen.


In the end, the ancestor of Wushan, who lived by the door, did not change its name.

The treaty is still called 'Wushan Treaty', he left his signature on it, and the treaty entered into force.

Wushan ancestor's distraction finally returned, and he was finally relieved. But God knows what he has gone through, and he was happily going out, but who knows that in the blink of an eye, he provokes an existence that should not be provoke. The point is that this existence is not in Shenhe, but it is outside of Shenhe. The old driver drove, this overturn was unexpected.

"I relied on my own wisdom to make Wushan Jinggu escape a disaster. It didn't hurt, it didn't hurt at all ..." Wushan ancestors hypnotized themselves, and this spiritual victory method always worked Make him feel better.


Wuxingshan Universe.

"Come on, come down," the man shouted.

"You are suffering, Lord."

"Lord, we are late."

Wu Ge looked at the people who appeared in front of him, and had no idea what had happened.

"Don't you take refuge with them in the cold?"

"How is it possible that we are cold-dealing with the witch against them? After all, they have three superior gods from the Shenhe. If we confront them directly, we are totally dead. So we chose to save our strength and then look for opportunities. Save the Lord. "

"Yes, that's what we think."

When Wuge heard this, he nodded secretly: "Good job, you are loyal to me."

But at this time, a voice sounded through Wuxingshan universe.

"Wushan Jingu and Xian Academy signed the 'Wushan Treaty'. The contents of the treaty are as follows. The Wuxingshan Space State will exist as a affiliate of the Earth Federation." Wugu's figure appeared in the void, and the content of the treaty spread instantly. The whole planet of life in Wuxingshan Universe, everyone was stunned when they saw this.

How did the Big Witch Mountain Space Country become a subsidiary country of others?

The key is the Earth Federation, God TM affiliate.

But looking at the signature of the treaty, the four characters of Wushan's ancestors were nothing short of irritating.

"Bitch!" Wu Ge couldn't help but make a **** at the moment. He wasn't surprised that Wuxing Mountain Space Country became a affiliated universe country of the Earth Federation, because it was almost the same, just looking at the group of guys in front of him. Those who are loyal to him must have seen this treaty before they came to rescue him.

A bunch of wall grass, where is what loyal minister.

"Three gods from the Shenhe River were all dispatched to the Qingshen Army to sweep the ground. The ancestors of Wushan even signed such an unequal treaty. This immortal college is really terrible." A man muttered, And this man is the Emperor of the Star. He is still in Wuxingshan Universe and has not left.

"Master, you have a voicemail."


"Brother Tianxing, I'm Su Yu. Now that I have won a great victory over Wushan Shrine, the teachers of the college rolled Wushan ancestors and forced the Wushan ancestors to sign the" Wushan Treaty ", which shows the strength of the Wuxian Academy. The country will eventually become a affiliate of the Earth Federation. The older brother should also think about it for himself. The younger brother is not talented and still has some status in the Qings Army. He wants to invite his brother to serve in the Qings Army. "

"The Blue God Army ..." the Star Emperor muttered. He knew this place, and the treaty clearly stated that even the three superior gods of Amis went to the Blue God Army to sweep the ground. The development of the Blue God Army can be seen in the future. One spot.

He said, and checked the Qingshen Army in detail.

The more he checked, the more he was shocked. The Qingshen Army was the first training base under the Earth Federation, and the inside was also the fairy magic power of Xianxian Academy. Some of these geniuses can even enter Xianxian Academy. If he went to the Qingshen Army, he would be able to come into contact with the mysterious immortal magical power of Xianxian Academy, and it would not be a problem to go further in the future.

"I helped a handful of Su Yu in the first place, but I didn't expect to have such a good fruit. The Wuxingshan Space Country has been getting thinner, and I really should think about it for myself." The star emperor thought, and had a plan in his heart, "Gather up Just a moment, we go to the Qings Army to report. "

The floating mountain at this moment, the Qingshen Army base camp.

The three of Amis were sent here, and the Human Resources Director of the Qings Army was going through the entry formalities for the three.





The three answered honestly, but they didn't dare to put it on the shelf.

"Well, the three of you will be the back-office employees of the Floating Mountain Qingshen Army Training Base, mainly responsible for sweeping the ground." The Minister of Human Resources said, and took out three contracts. Although he knows that these three people are superior gods, However, the contract signed between Xianxian College and Wushan Jinggu was for the three to sweep the Qingshen Army, and he did not dare to disobey.

When it comes to sweeping the floor, sweep the floor.

In the future, Xianxian College promoted the three to be faculty members, and even college teachers.

"Really let us sweep the floor?" Kresschen frowned, some unbelievably.

"Yes, if there is no opinion, sign this contract. All in accordance with the rules and regulations of the Youth Army, the internship period is six months, 80% of the salary is paid in the first three months, and the official is issued in the next three months. Salary, one month after joining the service, you can enjoy benefits such as five insurances and one fund. "The Minister of Human Resources said slowly," Although it is sweeping the ground, but because it is the Qingshen Army, the treatment is already comparable to ordinary federal civil servants . "

Three of Amis: "..."

They are really crazy now, but we are the higher gods, who seldom treats you like this.

"By the way, your monthly salary is now 10,000 universe coins per month." The Minister of Human Resources added.

"What benefits, what wages, we don't need." Jacox said angrily, he thought it was a shame.

"No need? Do you think our Qingshen Army cannot send out your salary, or what? If you work at the Qingshen Army, the wages must be paid. Don't sue you to Xianxian College and say that our Qingshen army owes migrant workers. Pay, then hit the rake. "The Minister of Human Resources hummed. He was not afraid of the three, and when he came, he was accounted for, and they were treated as ordinary employees.

"You ..." Kressien was even more angry now.

"Don't, we don't have any opinion. We signed this contract." But Amis stopped both of them and preached, "Surely, someone at Xianxian is staring at us. If we resist a little, it is estimated that we are really going to die. Here. Now is not the time to be emotional, everything is still life-saving. "

"That's right. In fact, you are still very promising. After all, they are three higher gods. If you have the opportunity, you can be promoted to the teachers of the Qings Army. Maybe you can go further and break through to the state of perfection." The Minister of Resources slowly said, but how did it feel so awkward, "If you make more effort and become a teacher of Xianxian College, then it will be even more powerful ..."

Three people stunned what it was.

Hit a stick and give a sweet date.

"I'm optimistic about you, and do your best." The Minister of Human Resources said, greeted someone over, "take them to the dormitory, arrange them to live."

"Yes ~ ~ Minister."


After a few people went out, the finger of the Human Resources Department of the Qings Army trembled, and the pen could hardly hold it: "Nima, talking to the three gods like this, I am really mad Now, this cow, I can blow for ten thousand years. "

Among the immortal colleges at the moment.

Simon Wuji went back, but four came.

Fazu: "Why didn't I be notified of such a thing, and I want to contribute to the college."

Jun Qianyi: "Why can the teachers who change the world can participate in the whole staff, you are treating them differently, I want to complain."

Blood ancestor: "I missed such a good opportunity to pretend to be a pity. It's a pity."

Lucifer: "Resolutely protest against this unfair resolution of the Academy. We want demonstrations. We want human rights."

Seeing these four people, even Qingdi had a headache.

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