Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1537: Our family produces elixir

Liu Fan nodded when he heard this.

"The Divine Wind is a wind of space. It can blow away the material structure and even penetrate into the mysterious soul. This is the most terrifying place. There is even a saying that even the godhead will be given by the Divine Wind. The blowing becomes the most primitive particles. "The snakeman continued at this time, and Bart beside him nodded like a chicken chopping rice.

"It's really terrible. What's going on about the weaker and weaker wind that you said before?" Liu Fan thought for a while and asked.

"In the past, the position of our station at the moment was being shrouded in the wind, even a few kilometers from us are areas of the wind. But now you can see that the wind has completely contracted to the two realms. In the deep, even shrinking continuously, although the shrinkage may not be constant every day, but if you keep shrinking, sooner or later, this sacred wind will completely shrink back. At that time, we can enter another one through the two realms. Dimension, look for opportunities. "Snake said lightly.

"Oh, then you ..."

"Don't ask why I'm so clear about this, I've been here ten thousand years ago."

"This I know, in order to realize a secret technique, this guy needs to rely on the sacred wind of the two worlds. He has been here for thousands of years," Bart said at this time.

"Then we'll wait here, too." Liu Fan thought about it.

After the three sat down, it didn't take long for a man to wear a fur coat and a mask.

"Three friends, do you want something good?" The mask man whispered, still quietly looking around, seemingly afraid that others would notice him.

"What a good thing, isn't it the latest complete collection of any star from the Devil's Blood Mountain Universe." Bart licked his lips and looked forward, "Ozawa, Kurai, or Fujimura ..."

"This friend, please be disciplined. I sell serious things." The mask man was stunned at this moment, looking at Bart with a horrified look, he wondered why there was such a guy.

"Seriously, what are you doing like this?" Bart said silently.

"Isn't it because what I sell is not ordinary." The mask man said helplessly.

"Can I hehe." Bart was a little bit embarrassed. "Or what do you sell, we have no time to waste with you."

"You are all in the adventures of Two Realms. This adventure is definitely indispensable. You kill me, I kill you, and so on. At this time, you need some good potions for outbreaks, healing and recovery. I just sell this. Now I solemnly recommend to you three potions, one called Super Hercules, the main attack broke out, taking a dose, the combat power doubled, let you go to the top of your life and fight ten more This time is not a problem. One is called Super Muscle Potion, and your limbs are not afraid of being cut off by your opponent. You can take a dose to grow it again in minutes, and it will be longer, thicker and more powerful. The last one is more powerful. Now, it ’s called the Super Full Resurrection Elixir. Take a dose of it. You are already exhausted. You who have entered the sage moment can rise up and fight for three hundred rounds. "

The mask man eloquently said, even Liu Fan was stunned this time.

"Brother, are you really selling serious stuff?" Bart looked at the man suspiciously at this time, seriously suspecting that the man was selling dog meat on a sheep's head.

"Of course." The mask man patted his chest and promised, without feeling guilty at all.

"Look at you being so honest, you can give me ten copies of each of those potions," Bart said grinningly.

"Disgusting." A dissonant voice came, it was the sister of Kakali.

"I'm disgusted when I go. It's all serious medicine." Bart scorned, and quickly took the medicine from the man.

At this time, what did Kakali's sister think about: "Kakali, the sacred wind of these two realms will disappear when you don't know. When you follow in, the sister is afraid to guarantee your safety. This It was a three-turn Jindan that my sister had hardly got. You brought it with you. Maybe it will save you a life.

Three turn Jindan?

Liu Fan, who had closed his eyes and thought, suddenly opened his eyes, and his face was surprised.

He is really too familiar with this kind of elixir. This is a popular elixir among the college industry.

This elixir set repairs injuries and restores the effects of repairing. It can be taken from the emperor to the king of the realm to the king of chaos. So once the reality has caused a scramble, and the price is ten times the same price of the medicine, but it still can not stop the enthusiasm of others. It's just that this place is so far away from the Milky Way, how did this elixir spread?

"Elixir." Bart was watching some saliva, "This is a good thing. I'll tell you Brahma. You must have never seen this elixir. It is said that this is a mysterious force that spreads out. An elixir's medicinal power. It is ten times higher than the same level of medicament, which can be described as hard to find. For example, the three-turn Jindan brought out by this woman is also a boutique in Xiandan. One is said to sell ten immortal coins, and this There is still no price. "

"How many immortal coins?" Liu Fan was stunned. This immortal coin is not a universe coin. One immortal coin is equivalent to one trillion universe coins, and ten immortal stones are ten trillion universe coins. In fact, in Wuxingshan Starfield, the price of these three transfers of Jindan is only 100 billion universe coins, and even here the price has increased by a factor of 1,000.

What is profiteering, Liu Fan can be seen.

"The identity of these people is not simple to get three turns of Jindan." The snakeman became serious at the moment. He thought that Liu Fan had offended the man just now, and felt that Liu Fan was really unwise.

"Hmm, I haven't seen Xiandan, three earthworms." Then Kakali taunted the three at this time. She was already anxious about the three-turn Jindan given by her sister, not to mention how proud.

"This girl is really unclean." Bart was a little speechless. If it wasn't for the other brother and sister, he must have gone up.

"That ... Is elixir really precious?" Liu Fan said awkwardly at this time.

"That is of course. This elixir is too few. Every time one appears, it is a contention for countless people. I do n’t know which magical elixir made by them, and I do n’t want to make more. , So that everyone can buy it. "Bart muttered.

"I heard that this force may come from Shenhe. This elixir was passed over from Shenhe." The snakeman replied.

"If I said that I have a lot of this kind of elixir you said, would you believe it?" Liu Fan hesitated a moment, still not planning to hide the two.

"Oh, don't say that this elixir is produced by your family, but a lot of elixir." But Haha laughed.

"Brahma, I know you're not convinced, but this elixir is really not that easy to get. You don't even want to fake it. The bottles containing the elixir are all numbered, which can directly identify the authenticity." The snakeman followed.

"Brother and sister, that guy is bragging again." Kakali pointed to Liu Fan.

"Then what do you think this is?" Liu Fan knew at this moment that it would be useless to explain any more. With a wave of his hand, more than one hundred bottles of elixir appeared, and there were all kinds of them. Even three turns of elixir had more than thirty. .

Bart: "..."

Snake: "..."

Kakali: "..."

The scene was embarrassing, and there was no sound around.

"Brahma, must your family be the agent of elixir?" Half a day later, Bart asked with a trembling, he had just carefully turned it over, and the numbers on the elixir bottles were all true.

"No, our family produces elixir." Liu Fan said helplessly, "I said to you a long time ago that the word" xian "is the key point to be tested. I will come across the word" xian "in the future. Things may be produced by our college. "

"If this is true, then your college is really awesome." Bart said with emotion.

"It's not just Niubi, it's almost Niubi." The snakeman also had to be emotional.

"Sister, why is there so much elixir, did you really get the three turns of Jindan? I'm still young, don't lie to me." Kakali was crying, she was quite moved, She felt that she had given herself the most precious elixir, but in the blink of an eye, a guy took out a lot of elixir, which made her feel deceived.

The elixir is so precious, why this guy can have so many elixir.

"Perhaps his family really produces elixir." Kakali's world is a bit helpless. What this is all about, this **** guy is really their evil star.

Over time, Liu Fan gradually figured out the identity of several people.

This older brother and sister, the older brother is called Jin, and the older sister is called Amelia, all from the same teacher.

"It's been three years, and this **** of wind has returned a lot, and it seems to be very hopeful." Barth thought for a moment, and he was standing on the edge of the two realms and looking down. Influence, the forces of the naked eye have been blocked, but now it is easy to see the situation after a thousand feet.

"Now look down, there should be nothing." Bart thought for a while, "you wait, I'll explore the situation to see where the shrewd wind has shrunk to the end."

"What's so beautiful, I know it at a glance. Where the consciousness is blocked, it means that the divine spirit has contracted to that position." The snakeman said silently.

"Why are you so many things, I can't go peeing down." Bart snorted, and the figure flew straight down below.

"It's really sick." The snakeman was speechless.

"It's okay. If he wants to see it, let him see it. It's boring anyway. And maybe he really is going to pee." Liu Fan said lightly, which made the snakeman even more speechless.

All the way down to three thousand feet deep.

Bart stopped and continued to face down, and he could feel the presence of sacred wind.

"I don't know how deep it is, but according to the speed of contraction, it should actually be faster." Bart stood on a rock and thought about it, then he looked at no one around him, and he pulled it decisively. He put on his pants, "When you say pee, you pee. But Bart always says nothing."

Then, a water column fell towards the abyss.

But at this moment, an amazing scene happened, only to see that with Bart's urinating, the divine wind also quickly retreated.

Suddenly, a huge shock came.

Only saw the peaks of the two realms trembled, the ground shaking.

Bart was startled, feeling that he was standing still. At this moment, especially in the abyss, there seemed to be something staring at him.

"My mother, this won't be my drenching in urine." Bart was terrified, mentioning his pants, let alone urinate and run out of his legs.

"Why did you come back so quickly? Just now Liang Jiefeng didn't know what was going on, and there was a huge shock. Now, it seems that the wind of God Shen is moving backwards at such a speed ... so fast." Snake said in a hurry, And everyone around them stood up, looking towards the abyss, full of expectations.

"I did it all, I did it. I just peeed toward the Two Realms, but suddenly the mountain shook. My gosh, it wouldn't be a powerful immortal **** I offended, This is his anger. "Bart said, his body was trembling, and what happened just now was so coincidental that it gave him an illusion, which was what he caused.

"You have a lot of drama, just a coincidence." Liu Fan reluctantly said, "I guess, it should be the divine wind retreated to a certain degree, a balance is broken, then the remaining divine wind will be Disappear faster. "

"If you say that, we will soon be able to enter another dimension through the two realms." The snakeman was already excited at this moment.

In fact, more than three people, others also saw the clue.

"Feng Shenfeng has retreated four thousand feet, and is still retreating rapidly."

"It's almost five thousand feet."

"Six thousand feet!"

A group of people were monitoring at any time, and three days later, an amazing news came.

湮 Kamikaze has retreated a full ten feet.

And the Emperor is only able to penetrate ten thousand meters ~ ~ This ten thousand meters is only three thousand feet. It can be said that after ten thousand feet, it is a completely forbidden zone. Even the gods in the immortal realm can penetrate into this at most. distance.

Five days later.

"Twenty thousand feet, twenty thousand feet."

Ten days later.

"Three thousand feet, thirty thousand feet."

At this time, suddenly a greater shock came, and at the same time a huge beam of light burst out from the two realms, illuminating a distance of a million miles.

"That's another dimension of light ..." murmured the snakeman. He had seen the difference between these lights, and it was definitely from another world. "I think we've found it, the dimension lost in the legend. "

"Come in." I don't know who shouted, countless people rushed into the abyss.

"Everyone stops me, whoever dares to go in, who I kill." An angry voice sounded.

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