Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1542: You need help now

Yes, Liu Fan also received the news.

Here you can still connect to the outer interstellar network, and the order of the killing mountain universe by him has spread all over the network.

Even people who are not only in the Blood Mountain Universe, other people who kill Liu Fan can receive a large reward.

Liu Fan knows that there are not a few people who are interested in this, but the rewards are still not generous, and some of the strongest in the realm of the world may not be valued.

"Those who are above the third level of the kingdom, if they practice the first-class rules, I am definitely not an opponent and can only escape. Those who have practiced the second-level rules should not be in trouble. Those who are below the third level of the kingdom, unless they are first-class. If you want to kill me, then you will die. "Liu Fan analyzed. Since the Blood Mountain Universe has issued a hunting order against him, he will naturally not show mercy.

He has always been a weak person.

Whoever wants to kill him kills him. This is the principle he has always pursued.

If he was given enough strength, he would even dare to destroy the entire Blood Mountain Universe for this purpose, and that crazy gene seems to have been rooted in his blood. ,

And this is where Wang Xing is more worried about Liu Fan.

When the figure flashed, Liu Fan disappeared.

Now the situation is unknown, the people who pursued him did not know which ones, and he did not need to hide.

Moving on, Liu Fan was thinking about this dimensional world.

He found that everyone entered this dimensional world, and the place where they arrived was completely uncertain, but everyone seemed to be on a spherical circular surface, constantly moving towards the center point of this spherical shape. This situation is almost like a race. At the same starting line, whoever reaches the center point first will get a generous prize.

"He, isn't he the Brahma?" A few people saw Liu Fan, and they recognized the people who would be hunted down by the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, all of whom had different eyes.

"You want to kill me, you can try." Liu Fan said lightly, full of disdain for a few people, but only a few respected lords of creation, he can kill a few people with only one move.

Now he can be said to be invincible in the realm of creation.

In the entire universe, there are not many people who can fight him in the realm of creation. There may be some guys in the college who are also evil.

"How dare we, you almost killed the nineteen emperor Mo Luo of the Demon Blood Cosmic Kingdom with one sword. We are just creations. Unless our brain is broken, otherwise we are not going to die. And, if not you We repelled Mo Luo, and we were all unable to enter this dimensional world. We still have to thank you. "The man who created the realm headed said a little sincerely.

"Thank you ... that's unnecessary." Liu Fan said, his figure disappeared quickly.

"Brother, why did you stop us just now, some of us joined forces, maybe we had a chance to kill him and receive the reward of the magic blood universe country." A woman said unwillingly.

"Be quiet." The man was startled, and said immediately, "Although we are all creatures, Brahma such a terrible murderer, even the prince of the demon blood universe kingdom, will not be in his eyes. That is undoubtedly dead. Although this reward is good, it must be fate to take it, and I feel that the strength of this Brahma must be more than that. You also saw the situation of the nineteenth Prince Mo Luo at the time. But I can also feel that the armor on Moruo is not simple, but it can't stop the Brahma sword. The strength of this Brahma is absolutely terrible. "

After hearing this, several others were silent.

"Where did you come from?" The indifferent voice sounded again, only to see that it was Liu Fan.

Several of them were dumbfounded, and the man headed by him was even more agitated. He secretly said that this star killer is back again. It would not be to hear what they said.

Could it be the rhythm to finish.

"This, this direction." The man shivered and pointed.

"Oh, you should have searched over there." Liu Fan pondered for a moment, and disappeared again, but at this time only saw where he stood, the earth suddenly disappeared a little bit, as if something had given it all Devoured, and then presented a few words, writing: Who wants to kill me, who I kill.

Several people saw this scene brushed pale and trembling.

He did hear it.


"Kakari, look at your good deeds." Amelia's face paled. "This is a terrible beast. The scale armor on his body can completely ignore our attacks."

"Now it's useless to say this now, hurry up and find a way to get rid of this fierce beast." Wu Jin hurriedly said.

"How to get rid of it, this beast is faster than any of us. Just now Aji and Aye just ran away and were eaten by this beast, unless we are sacrificing someone to hold it down, otherwise we all have to stay Here. "Amelia knew the situation.

"Sister and brother, I was wrong. I shouldn't move that fruit." Kakali was almost crying, she felt that she had hurt everyone.

The three were still running. Behind the three, it was a weird beast with a small hill and a row of fangs like sharks.

Unlike the shark, this beast has four legs.

The beast chased three people, biting it down, and the big tree and stone were directly smashed by him, and then it didn't spit out. It just swallowed into the stomach and didn't know its stomach was What can be done, everything can be digested.


A ten-meter-high tree was bitten by the fierce beast, and the tree smashed towards the three.

When Amelia saw this scene, she brushed and grabbed Kakali and hid to the side, but she knew the weight of the big tree. If it fell on a person, it would be enough to smash a Creator into a meatloaf. .

"Be careful!" Wu Jin's voice sounded.

"Sister, it's on our heads." Kakali yelled.

"Judgment of light!" Amelia also found out, she shot a bright lightsaber in her hand, and chopped it towards the fierce beast. The lightsaber cut through the void like a blade of judgment and cut everything.

However, an amazing scene appeared.

The fierce beast did not hide from it ~ ~ It had a magma furnace in its mouth, and swallowed the lightsaber into it with a mouthful.


All three of Amelia were startled, and even the attack could swallow up. What kind of monster is this?

"It's over, it's really over this time." Bian Jin clenched his fist and felt a kind of weakness deeply. Rao was unable to take this ferocious beast by the third-order cultivation of his kingdom.

"Brother Jin, I stopped this fierce beast, and you fled with Kakali." Amelia gritted her teeth and decided to sacrifice herself.



Ji Jin and Kakali exclaimed, unbelievable.

But just then, a person slowly walked over: "I think you need help now."

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