Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1541: Milky Way? Have not heard!

The dragon demon and others were shocked at this moment.

They guessed that this dimensional world is not simple, but did not expect it to be so amazing.

The Great Perfection God, that is, they can only look up, and this Great Perfection God has killed the Lord God, it is even more horrible.

"Who is this great consummation god?" After half a day, the pale woman asked, her eyes burning hot.

"The Lord of True Dragons." Haig said a name. "Maybe none of you heard his name, after all, it was hundreds of millions of years ago. But in the records of our universe arena , The Lord of the True Dragon ’s combat power is amazing. He has killed at least three masters of the alien race. Later, an alien **** king personally shot and killed him. The two fought against each other in a hundred strokes. Finally, he escaped from the river with no serious injuries. , And a group of men fell here. "

"Two Realms turned out to be the place where the Lord of the True Dragon fell."

"No wonder you have to send people into the Cosmic Arena."

"Unfortunately, we can't get in."

The dragon demon pondered for a moment, and realized in his heart, "What's going on with that inheritance?"

"Before the Lord of the True Dragon fell, he condensed his life and transformed his kingdom of God. His legacy is left in it, which is also the last message he left during his lifetime." Heig said lightly.

"Thank you for your notification."

"It's no use telling you. It's not so easy to get the inheritance in it, especially the Lord of the True Dragon. Among them, when it comes to the realm of the king and emperor, unless there is a consistent rule, it is also a waste to enter. We This species has broken through to immortality, and even has no qualifications to enter it. The easiest to obtain is actually the chaos and creation. They do not have the law of cohesion and high plasticity. If there is a law of conformity, one step to the sky is not a problem. "

In the distance, several people from the Demon Blood Universe flew over.

"What's going on?" The dragon demon asked, strangely.

"Commander, we have just entered the dimensional world, and found that it is completely different from what we think. It is not like a dimensional world, but a trial place arranged by the strong. In it, the emperor above the realm of the kingdom Will be suppressed to repair, the stronger the repair, the more the suppression. "A man said helplessly.

"It's normal, because it is a place of inheritance. As for the practice of suppressing the realm of the king, it is only to ensure the fairness of the inheritance." The dragon and magic slowly said that he had learned the situation inside, right This is not surprising.


Several people were equally shocked.

"You don't need to worry about this. I have told the owner of the situation."



A day later, more people entered the inheritance.

However, because of their obstruction, many people were also stopped outside, and these people were naturally unwilling. Although the forces behind them could not stand up to any universe nation, the union of the seven universe nations was jealous.

The dragon demons also knew that they couldn't hold it long.

In the void.

A woman salutes to the dragon demon: "Commander, the guy who hurt the 19th prince, I have found his identity."

The dragon demon froze and squinted his eyes and said, "What kind of person is he from and which force? If he is just an ordinary person and dares to be so mad, then he is dead."

The woman did not dare to hesitate, and slowly said, "According to what I found, he registered an identity in our Magic Blood Mountain Universe, called Brahma. According to the information he filled in, he was not the Magic Blood Mountain Universe The people in this country come from a large galaxy called the Milky Way. As for this Milky Way, it seems to be from the relatively remote Wuxingshan star field, which is far away from us, and I only found the position of this star field from the star map. "

Talking, a person's information registration form of the Magic Blood Mountain Space State appeared in front of the woman.

Brahma is written in the name column, and the Milky Way is written in the place of birth.

"The Milky Way? I haven't heard it!" The dragon demon shook his head, Ling Ling's killing intention appeared in his eyes. "Out of Shenhe, the closer to the star area of ​​Shenhe, the stronger the strength will be, and our magic blood mountain Compared to the star field, this Wuxingshan star field is a place where birds don't shit. This Brahma comes from there, and it is certainly not a powerful genius. Then he is dead. "

"Are you going to kill him?" The woman asked.

"The prince who dared to hurt our demon blood universe country, naturally can't let it go. Now issue a hunting order against this Brahma, don't let him come out of the dimension world alive." The dragon demon nodded.

"Yes, Captain."

Seeing that the woman was about to leave, the dragon demon suddenly said, "Wait, this Brahma emperor can seriously damage the realm of the realm of the realm, and he has such precious weapons. How did he get them? I still think there are some No. Where is the Lord God Space, did you purchase detailed information on this Brahma from there? "

The woman stopped and replied: "I entered the Lord God Space as soon as possible, but the commander should know that there is no intelligence from everyone in the Lord God Space."

The dragon demon nodded: "It is true, and the Wuxing Mountain star domain is too far away from our Demon Blood Mountain universe. This information is not easy to summarize. But I remember that the Lord God Space has no such information. As long as customers want to know, as long as they pay a certain deposit, they can collect it on their behalf, which is much faster than ours. "

"I see, and immediately go to the main **** space to pay the deposit."

"Okay, go."


The dragon demon asked the woman to check Liu Fan's information, just in case, and didn't take it seriously.

Here's Liu Fan's hunting order ~ ~, which was also issued out the first time, and soon spread throughout the dimension world, causing a lot of sensation.

"Chasing Brahma?" Bart frowned.

"No one can escape the hunting order of the Demon Blood Universe." The snakeman groaned, knowing that Liu Fan was more ferocious this time.

On a star-sized black rock, Amelia and others are here.

Kakali's voice sounded: "Sister, look, the Demon Blood Universe has issued a hunting order to kill the daring guy."

Amelia nodded: "I saw that the rewards above are very generous, and it is estimated that many people are excited."

Wu Jin hummed: "This is death, it is entirely the fault of Brahma.

On a huge ancient tree, Liu Fan was collecting the fruit above, and he found it to be a valuable spiritual fruit.

Suddenly, he paused, with a startling killing on his face: "Run after me?"

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