Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1547: Liu Mingfan

"I rely, what is the situation, the emperors of the six kingdoms besieged the two Creators." Mosido pulled some green grass on his head, just to escape the pursuit of the beast He reluctantly drilled into the poisonous river, but fortunately, although it is called poisonous river, the toxicity of the river water is not very strong, otherwise he would really die.

But as soon as he came out of the water, he saw the scene, and then he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"Brahma, that person is not Brahma." Mosido paused, and he didn't recognize Liu Fan. "I'm going, this guy was besieged by the people of the Blood Mountain Universe. This guy's strength is still It ’s not as good as me, and even if I am facing an emperor in such a realm of kings, he is not an opponent. He is dead. ”

"Huh, I said this Brahma will not live long." The woman's voice came, and she had actually arrived long ago, and a few people were waiting for Moxido here.

Hearing the woman's words, Moxido was agitated and could not help but rolled his eyes.

"go to hell!"

An emperor's attack finally fell on Liu Fan. He was well versed in the laws of the earth, and now seemed to be buried in the earth.

But at this time, Liu Fan, who seemed to be fate, suddenly moved.

The long sword in his hand reached out, and a sword penetrated the void, and a flash of Jianmang seemed to devour the space they saw, and then a sword passed through the man's chest. The sword continued to penetrate deep into the world of men's kingdom king, and cut his dimension world in half like a watermelon. At the same time, a force of horrible devour spread, and the man kept collapsing into it, leaving only a trace of its roots.

The man died, so he died.

After Liu Fan killed the man, he quickly got rid of the attack of five other emperors.

It seemed that no one had reacted at all to this instant, everyone seemed to just see Liu Fan move, and then an emperor in the realm of the kingdom disappeared.

But soon someone realized what was happening.

"He, he just killed an emperor in the third order of the kingdom."

"Brahma killed an emperor."

"What kind of power is this, how can this be possible."

Moshi was dumbfounded, and so was the snake in the distance.

"He has such a strength, this guy really isn't Moro who was badly injured because of luck." The snake murmured, his face slightly changed.

"Fuck, this guy seems better than me." Mosido couldn't help exclaiming.

Of course, the most surprising thing is Bart. He looked at Liu Fan as if he was a hell: "Brahma, did you just do it?"

Liu Fan was silent for a moment, then nodded.

After seeing this nod, Bart realized that it was all true: "I think I understand. You weren't frightened just now, and forgot to escape with me, but you never even thought about escape. You stay, in fact, I wanted to kill these six emperor monarchs. I am right. "

Liu Fan nodded again.

All of them took a breath of air, taking the creation of the realm as the emperor who wanted to kill six third-order kings of the realm of the realm. Where did you come from?

However, Liu Fan did just that.

"My brother, I don't talk much about people." Bart couldn't help but said again, "This is crazy, I am far from you."

"He is going to kill us?"

"The peak of creation is the third order of killing the king, or three?"

"It's not the summit of creation, he's already a half-step emperor."

The five looked at each other, but at the moment wanted to kill Liu Fan.


But this time without waiting for the five to take the first shot, Liu Fan killed them in the past.

When the sword is empty, the sword is strong, carrying the momentum of devouring the world.

Five people saw here, but Liu Fan's strength was not obvious. The half-step emperor boy really had no less strength than them.

"Impossible, are we not yet a half-step emperor's opponent."

"Damn, what kind of attack is this? I just contacted him, and half of my palms were gone."

"Hurry away, his sword seems to ignore space."

Although the five have the advantage in numbers, they are completely useless at this moment, and they have completely fallen into a disadvantage.

Because as Liu Fan continued to attack and kill them, they disintegrated their offensive and gradually transformed them from offense to defense, and this defense was also at stake.

Sure enough, after not knowing how many moves, Liu Fan found an opportunity to kill one person again with one sword.

The remaining four people couldn't help it.


"Information is wrong, this guy has at least the fourth-order combat power of King Realm."

"Well, what kind of law did he cultivate in attacking the evil gate? This law has not been condensed out. If it is condensed out, would it not be that the emperors of the fifth and sixth steps of the realm of the kingdom are not his opponents.


The remaining four wanted to escape, but Liu Fan did not intend to let them go.

One sword killed one again, and he chased towards one of the remaining three, and then killed the other.

But when he wanted to kill the other two, he could not find the trace of the other, and so far four of the six were dead with his hands.

"He's so strong." The snakeman looked at Liu Fan and immediately retracted his head, not even daring to look at Liu Fan.

"Haha, Brahma, you are awesome." Bart couldn't help but said, "I have been practicing for so many years, and no one will accept it, and I will accept you now."

"It seems like he's a little stronger than me." Mosido was a little embarrassed, and the people around him looked at him with a lot of scorn. Is this stronger? This is a lot stronger. In the realm of the Creator, there are not many people who can fight the third-order and first-order of the realm of the realm ~ ~, and like Liu Fan, who killed six with one enemy and six, even the whole universe cannot find How many.

Liu Fan's strength completely shocked everyone.

"Bart." After Liu Fan solved his troubles, he came to Bart and said his name very seriously.

"Oh, I know you're awesome, don't you take my escape, what else do you want me to say?" Bart was confused.

"Not this, I want to tell you something." Liu Fan said solemnly, "I, real name Liu Fan, surname Liu Mingfan, I'm glad to have a friend like you."

"Liu ... Liu Fan!" Bart froze, with some reactions, "is this a formal introduction?"

"That's right." Liu Fan smiled.

"Oh, my Bart, last name ... No, I'm Bart. I don't have any last name, and I'm glad to have a friend like you." Bart said, couldn't help laughing with Liu Fan, both of them Palms are tightly held together.

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