Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1548: Treasure Hunting

The people around me looked at them with great emotion.

The snakeman was not feeling at this moment, but soon he turned away.

Anyway, he feels that Liu Fan still hasn't lived long enough to offend the Demon Blood Mountain Universe, and now he has killed the four emperors of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe.

"Let's go."

Liu Fan thought about it and looked away.

"Walk around!"

Bart laughed, somewhat proud.

The two soon disappeared. After Moxido came over, he poked: "It's fast to run, and I don't want to tell my old friend."

The woman was speechless when he heard Moses' words.

How long have you known that Liu Fancai, this has become an old friend.

At the same time, the news that Liu Fan had killed the four kingdom kings and monarchs in the Demon Blood Mountain Universe was spreading quickly.

Magic Blood Mountain Universe, virtual world.

"That Brahma can be considered as a half-step emperor and one enemy and six, which is incredible."

"I have to say, we have miscalculated."

"Yes, the strength of this Brahma is already comparable to the fourth-order emperor of the real kingdom."

"So genius, I didn't have any fame before. I don't believe it."

"Such people should kill them more quickly, otherwise it will be the disaster of our Blood Mountain Universe."

"Yes, that's the truth."

The magic Luo in the corner was also gloomy at this moment.

Even he did not expect that Liu Fan would have such strength, and he was already the pride of heaven, and now he was full of jealousy.

The dragon demon sitting in the high position, after a moment of contemplation, said loudly: "Although in the dimension world, the emperor of the realm of the kingdom will be suppressed and repaired, but this Brahma can be an enemy of six, which is enough to illustrate the strength of this Brahma "Now give my order to raise this Brahma's hunting order to the second level and kill him at all costs."

Hearing this, the crowd was completely dissent.

The level of hunting order for the Demon Blood Mountain Universe is the lowest and the most common.

But at the second level, it is only for those who are relatively threatened that such a hunting order is issued, and the reward of this hunting order is even higher.

As for the highest level, they are generally hunting down the strongest in the realm of the emperor, and the targets are also those who can threaten the security of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe.

Liu Fan's hunting order was definitely at the third level at the beginning. At this moment, he was promoted to the second level. It is conceivable how big a sensation is, because the monarch can be issued a second level hunting order by the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. No one in a million years.

Sure enough, after the news spread, it caused the shock of the entire Blood Mountain Universe.

"The Brahma's hunting order has become second-level. I remember that Brahma is not yet in the realm of emperors."

"Well, killing Brahma can get 10,000 immortal crystals of cultivation resources, and it is estimated that many people will be excited."

"Who is this Brahma is a moving treasure house."


Far away from where I do not know how far, Bart first received the message: "I'm going, Fan Brother, your hunting order has been promoted to the second level."

"Second level?"

Liu Fan put down the sword in his hand, and he was digging at a place now.

"Yes, a second-level hunting order. I checked the history of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe. In this era, you are the third one to obtain such a hunting order by practicing in an unreal world. Yes, "Bart said in shock.

"Third, what about the first two?" Liu Fan asked for a moment.

"That, it's all dead." Bart embarrassed.

"Oh." Liu Fan answered, but he didn't care.

Bart thought that Liu Fan was a little worried, and immediately said, "Don't be afraid. In history, someone has escaped the hunting order of the Demon Blood Mountain Space Country. There was a guy named Jiuyin who lived well now."

"Nine crocodile, is he now in Shenhe?"

"That's not true. I heard it was still locked in the prison of the Demon Blood Mountain Universe."

Liu Fan was silent. Are you sure this is comforting me?

"What are you digging?" Bart also noticed some of the problems he was talking about and hurriedly shifted the subject.

"There are treasures below, it should be a very good material for refining." Liu Fan said lightly, "You come here to dig for a while, I will not use this thing, but it is collected by hand, I will return to the college to change Click on the mission. Now you don't want to dig. You will dig it out and give it to you. "

"Is there a treasure underneath?" Bart was unbelieving, but dug up without hesitation.

After half an hour, a lot of energy was discarded, and Bart dug out a purple stone: "It's a god, and there are treasures. If I read correctly, this is a purple blood magic stone, a first-class refiner. Materials can be used to forge the original artifact and magic weapon. Hehe, you said it to me, don't regret it. "

Liu Fan glanced: "I'm not rare, I've dug hundreds of pieces of such stones all the way."

Hearing this, Bart was dumbfounded: "What, a few hundred dollars, how did you get it?"

This is really amazing. After all, this stone is not placed on the ground. Unless it is some people with abnormal sense or induction, it is basically impossible for ordinary people to find it.

Liu Fan said he had dug several hundred pieces, and Bart wasn't surprised that he wasn't shocked.

He held Liu Fan a little bit suspicious of Liu Fan's treasure hunt.

"It's very simple. I've studied the secret method of treasure hunting." Liu Fan said blandly. "Every student in our college, even the students in the elementary school will take one or two. This is a required course, every Everyone has to learn. "

"Jianbao's secret method?" Bart froze. He had heard of such a secret method, but it was not something he could obtain, and even if it could be obtained, it was relatively simple.

"Um." Liu Fan nodded.

"Excuse me, where is your academy ~ ~ I am not demanding. I will be assigned to that elementary school to be a transfer student." Bart almost blurted out. This treasure hunting secret method was very tempting to him.

"In order to learn this Jianbao Secret, you have to transfer to our academy. It's the first time I've met so badly."

"What is the martial arts and can you eat it?"

"Forget it, I'll teach you one." Liu Fan thought about it. The top treasure hunting secrets of the academy cannot be easily spread, but the general spread has little impact.


"It's truer than gold." Liu Fan said, using a sense of God to pass to Bart a treasure hunt secret method, "received no, this treasure hunt secret method was created by a student of our college called Su Yu, although I and this Su Yu is not right, but he has to say that his talent is very high. The secret treasure hunting method he created is called colorful jewellery. When activated, the treasures in the surrounding areas will be displayed in five different colors. Some common treasures There is nothing to hide. "

Bart listened, excited.

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