Transcending Immortal Academy

Transcending Immortal Academy Chapter 1550: What are you doing?

The second-order original defense magic weapon can be regarded as the top treasure outside the Shenhe River.

The green scale armor of Moluo can not be compared with it. After all, the blue scale armor is only armor, but this is a real magic weapon.

After getting this treasure, how can Liu Fan not be excited.

"Brahma, he is that Brahma, Brahma is here." The man was just a second-order cultivation of the realm of the kingdom, knowing that he could not be Liu Fan's opponent, shouted without hesitation at this moment, only in this way could he have Chance to recapture that defensive magic weapon.

When he heard the words of the man, many people saw it.

Brahma, which Brahma?

Unconsciously, everyone thought of the person who was issued a second hunting order by the Demon Blood Mountain Universe.

It was him, it really was him, and everyone looked at it with excitement.

Brahma, which started with 10,000 immortal crystals, is really attractive.

After all, an ordinary first-order original artifact is worth an immortal crystal, which is better than a dozen dollars.

"I'm going. This time, things have come to a head. Wherever Brother is at this station, everything in the hall is overshadowed. Whoever makes him is equivalent to a magic weapon worth 10,000 immortal crystals, everyone wants to bite. "Bart said, looking at the hot eyes of the people around him, I still don't know what these people think.

The man was very proud to see the reactions of the crowd: "Let's go together, kill Brahma, and receive the reward from the Blood Mountain Universe."

Others were eager to try.

"Fan, the wind is clamoring." Bart could still watch it at this time. If it was under siege, no one could stop it. Nothing else. Found no less than ten people.

When Liu Fan heard this, his eyes showed fierce eyes.

He grasped the magic weapon, and at the same time cut it out with a sword, which suddenly made many people step back.

"Xiao Chong, open up a space passage."

At this time, Bart summoned the Nether Worm Xiao Chong immediately. This God Worm was unwilling, but because of the owner's order, he still opened a passage.

Liu Fan had long expected Bart to do so and quickly rushed over.

"Stop them!"

"Damn, you can't let Brahma run away."

"Hurry up, you must stop Brahma, the black ball in his hand is a second-order source magic weapon."

The man didn't bother about this at the moment either, and immediately shouted, hoping that someone would stop Liu Fan.

The crowd was more excited when he heard what he said, but they wanted to intercept Liu Fan, but it was too late, Liu Fan had half-foot and Bart stepped into the space passage.

"Haha, you still want to catch Fan, and eat farts behind us." Bart laughed, and as his voice fell, the space channel gradually closed, and all the people in the palace were He slumped his hands.

The space channel didn't know where to go either, and they only felt the change of time and space and flew into a dense forest.

"Where is this?" Liu Fan looked around. "Can't you control the place where this bug is raised?"

"This ... Xiao Chong has never been here. Of course, the open space channels are random. But if you want to go back, Xiao Chong will definitely return to the palace we just left." Bart was a little hesitant. Said.

"Hehe." Liu Fan was completely speechless, and the fool wanted to go back, and at this moment he seemed to feel something, suddenly he shouted, "Fly to the sky, there is something underground."

"What?" Bart froze, and immediately flew up into the sky with Liu Fan. At this time, he only saw a 10,000-meter-long beast that emerged from the ground. The beast was covered with scale armor and had a sharp mouth. As soon as it came out, it locked the surrounding space, and at the same time formed a realm with it as the center. All the creatures in this realm were his prey.

"It's so powerful." Liu Fan muttered, his face was so dignified.

"Why are we so unlucky, what is this stuff?" Bart was a little dumbfounded. He could feel that the beast was not weaker than the emperor of the sixth tier of the kingdom. "Fan, what do you do, this beast seems to be very powerful. . "

"What else can you do, run!" Liu Fan made an immediate decision, he knew he was definitely not the opponent of this fierce beast.

After hearing this, Bart immediately fled in one direction with Liu Fan.

But the fierce beast had more than a hundred legs, fast speed and lightning speed, followed the two, just catching up with them with one breath.

"No, the speed of this beast is much faster than ours. We can't escape at all." Liu Fan immediately made a decision, and then a fierce look appeared on his face. "Bart, the Nether Worm can't get through. A space passage back to that hall, let it go to open a passage in front. "

"Fan, what? You're trying to do something." Bart was dumbfounded, and then very excited, "Haha, just now the two of us fled in a hurry and chased by theirs, and now give them a big gift."

"There is no revenge for a gentleman, this is the truth." Liu Fan sneered.

"So what are you waiting for, Xiao Chong, go ahead and open a passage back." Bart resolutely ordered, and the Nether Worm did very helplessly.

Liu Fan and Bart are still running, and the beasts are getting closer and closer to them.

Instantly, less than a kilometer.

But at this moment, a space channel appeared in front of him, Liu Fan and Bart got into it without hesitation.

The fierce beast growled when he saw it.

Seeing the prey coming soon, how could it just slip away, without hesitation, it followed into the space channel.

On the other side of the passage, Liu Fan and Bart appeared in the air.

"Brahma, it is Brahma, and he is back."

I don't know who shouted, and countless people saw the two who suddenly appeared.

Seeing this scene, Liu Fan and Bart were dumbfounded, and then they fled away without hesitation.

What a joke ~ ~ The powerful fierce beast in the back is coming. Whoever has time to rub with you guys, I hope you don't cry.

"Catch them, don't let them run away."

"Kill Brahma and reach the pinnacle of life."

"Haha, Brahma you can't run away."

A group of people were extremely excited, but suddenly the space around them suddenly condensed, and countless people trembled.

They felt a strong breath.

Looking back, they were dumbfounded, only to see the space passage from Liu Fan and Bart, and a huge gigantic giant beast had emerged.

The beast's sharp teeth were bitten, and a nearby Creator was directly divided into two sections.

Then, the giant beast squeezed out of the space channel a little bit, and everyone who was supposed to chase after Liu Fan really wanted to cry now.

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